Groundbreaking News about Roundup (Glyphosate)
Glyphosate is the "active" chemical ingredient in Roundup. Roundup is sprayed on GMO foods, non organic foods as a drying agent, on the soil of non organic fields before planting and on back yard gardens, waterways, school, public roads, sidewalks and parks by the hundreds of millions of pounds per year. In 2013 alone, the use of Roundup increase 73%.
Mothers have been seeing skyrocketing health issues. Despite our testimonies that our children get better when they avoid GMOs and glyphosate (Roundup) sprayed foods, our officials will only consider scientific studies, if anything.
Although it is unacceptable and infuriating that our leaders no longer listen to their mothers, we are glad for the scientists who are asking the right questions.
The new studies that have come out this week are groundbreaking and will have everyone listening not only to mothers, but to their own conscience, heart and soul...and they will know what needs to be done.
Groundswell Of Organic Growth at Natural Product Expo West
Over 80,000 people packed the aisles of the Natural Products Expo West in Anheim CA, shoulder to shoulder we could just barely get glimpse at the booths and talk to the vendors for a moment. Usually I video tape and interview the vendors but this year it was too noisy. I took pictures and notes instead.
The theme of the largest health expo in the USA, NPEW. March 5-8th, 2015 literally jumped out at me over and over again for 4 days.
Our Health Matters and the gut has everything to do with it.
Signs of gut dysbiosis at the beginning stages of life showed up immediately. I was glad to see Natren address the need for a dairy free and vegan infant probiotic, but saddened by the thought of new mothers not only dealing with the loss of sleep, but with a child wracked with pain from allergies, leaky gut and gut dysbiosis.
It was almost like seeing an old friend when I stopped at the booth of MRM. This is the product my naturopath suggested to help seal my son's gut when he had gut dysbiosis, to take every morning, preceeding a raw organic green drink and a few vitamins he was lacking. While eating GMO free and mostly organic, he soon got better and experiences almost no allergic reactions today. His walnut allergy has dropped from a 19 to a 0.2.
I didn't know why then... why my children had multple food allergies when my husbad and I never did, or why they were vitamin deficient, or had perferations in their small inetstine, but I know now. I know that GMOs are either genetically engineered to BE a pesticide or to withstand herbicides which destroy the healthy gut bacteria and allow the proliferation of the pathogenic bacteria, leading to gut dysbiosis and numerous health issues. I know an entire generation of children are being compromised only to line the pockets of huge corporation CEOs with profit. I know it because I see it with my own eyes and have hundreds of testimonials from mothers.
The result of chemcial farming is a whole generation of children who need gluten free, nut free, dairy free, egg free,and soy free food in order to survive. We have suddenly found ourselves with a new "normal"...not being able to feed our neighbor's children during a play date and not being able to allow our children to eat any food when they go to a birthday party. Many of us know now however that in order to avoid toxic pesticides, it cannot be just gluten free or non GMO Project verified, it MUST be organic. We mother's struggle with being able to find allergen free, gluten free AND organic. I was grateful to find several brands making life easier for parents everywhere. This blog is not about marketing. I am not being paid to present these brands to you. I write, unpaid by any of these companies, to share SOLUTIONS.
I was happy to see Amazing Foods and The Sprouted Flour makes both organic and gluten free flours and mixes.
Several grain product companies offered organic ancient and sprouted grains, which mean less gluten, more vitamins and nutrients.
I was happy to see organic tamales! Yeay! GMO corn make sup 90% of our corn crops in America today. Non GMO and organic corn tamales are not easy to come by.
At many booths I was thrilled to be greeted by a Mom, the founder and driving force behind healthy organic foods.
"Mom Made" and Love & Hummus Co. spend the extra time and energy to make sure it is organic for you.
I was also glad to see the rise of organic stevia, organic being crucial to avoid Roundup (glyphosate). Consumers are learning that the most widely used herbicide in the world, Roundup (glyphosate) is sprayed on crops as a dessicant or drying agent, at harvest to speed up the process of harvest. We want to avoid glyphosate, which is a patented antibiotic ( destroys gut bacteria and weakens the immune system), chelator ( mineral deficiency) and endocrne disruptor ( birth defects, infertility and sterility). We want only organic and non GMO sweetners (aspartame is GMO) void of toxic pesticides. This is a stand for fair trade labor as well, as we know now that 20,000 young men who worked on sugar crops sprayed with Rpundup (glyphosate) in South America died from live and kidney disease...glyphosate is recognized on the EPA fact sheet to cause "liver and kidney damage". Correlation is not causation but as Robyn O'Brien says, it does deserve investigation. As a mother I add that it deserves speculation and precaution as well.
Better to be safe than sorry.
There is no need to feed our children GMO high fructose corn syrup or Roundup ( glyphosate) sprayed non organic sugar cane which is allowd to have 25 ppm of glyphosate. There is no need to expose them to toxins. It is unecessary and unjust if one cannot afford organic.
I was glad to see organic stevia and organic cane sugar ingredients in products such as Veri organic soda. I was dismayed recently to see Blue Sky organic soda dissapear fom the shelves. "Natural" sodas are not good enough. It must be organic.
Another rare sight to see was organic Beef Jerky, grass fed and on non GMO grains. Were this brand available across the nation, snacking would be safer and free of toxins. Belinski's sausage was delicious and contained only a handful of wholesome ingredients.
One of the products that made me the happiest to see was Cultured & Saucy probiotic condiments. Many American's are not used to the concept of feremented or cultured foods, and yet almost every other culture consumes these healthy, gut healing foods with nearly every meal. The Mediterraneans consume yogurt daily, the Japanese; Miso, the Koreans; pickled/fermented vegetables, and the Europeans eat saurkraut regularly. These foods restore the healthy bacteria in the gut, where 70% of our immune system lies. Eating these foods with our meals is as crucial as avoiding GMOs and Glyphosate and eating organic. It takes some getting used to to eat a tablespoon of raw organic saurkraut with every lunch and dinner, so some many want to flavor their salsa or munch on probiotic hors d'oeurves instead. However, you get fermented or cultured foods into your diet do it. Your stomach will sing, your moods will lift and your energy will return. Restore your gut bacteria, heal your gut, regain your immune system.
Organic MEANS Non GMO and no toxic pesticides. Eat organic and add cultured foods into your diet.
Thanks to all the dedicated people who take the extra effort to use organic ingredients, who buck the system and avoid GMO, chemically farmed foods. Thank you to all the food manufacturers who go the extra mile to feed America organic.
Zen Honeycutt
Solutions Amidst Sadness
The information below is not medical advice, it is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for your health care.
To all those who have loved ones who are ill.
Read more
Pesticide Free Zones
Claremont Courier, February 13, 2015. No More Pesticides in Claremont, CA?
Guest Blog By Evaggelos Vallianatos author of "Poison Spring" and EPA Whistle blower
Evangellos will also be on our International Cofnerence Call to Action on May 2, 2015 at Moms Meetups at over 100 locations around the country.
Read moreGMO Labeling vs. Banning
A Letter to the Activists Who Have Given Up on Labeling and/or Turned On Our Labeling Cause
Read moreIt's NOT Just Vaccines!
The views expressed below are the views of Zen Honeycutt, not the entirety of Moms Across America supporters. Please note our motto is "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids" and this encompasses all areas of knowledge and health. We wish for all moms and people the freedom to make choices to have their families be healthy.
Read moreFull Account of Monsanto Shareholder Meeting Jan 30, 2015
Excerpt from the book “Unstoppable Love” by Zen Honeycutt to be released in 2015
Note: The following account and conversations are conveyed to my best recollection without having listened to the recording. Those who have listened to it and read my blog say my account is "very accurate". Please feel free to listen for yourself and help transcribe it. Email me at [email protected]. I speak once at 27:00 minutes on the proxy and three other times for Q&A, at 52:00 minutes, 1:14, and 1:27. Here is the link for the recording.
Scientific studies can be found at
This is from the rally before speaking inside the shareholder meeting.
Read more
Glyphosate Harm through Gut-Brain Connection
One of the most important interviews I have ever conducted for understanding the root cause of the health crisis in America was with Dr.Matt Buckley on Jan 12, 2015.
GMOs, genetically modified organisms were put in our food, unlabeled in 1996 and are now in 85% of America's food through corn, soy, sugar, cotton seed oil, canola oil, some squash and Hawaiin Papaya. Genetically modified foods are either genetically engineered to BE a pesticide and when the bug eats the crop, it's stomach explodes. BT GMO corn is registered with the EPA as a pesticide. OR GMOs are genetically engineered to WITHSTAND herbicides, so that the crops can be sprayed and all the weeds will die but our food will not. The problem is that the chemicals do not dry off, wash off or cook off as was once believed. We eat them.
The most widely used herbicide in the word is Roundup which contains glyphosate. Glyphosate is now considered a generic chemical and is used in over 1600 products world wide and hundreds of million of pounds are used in the USA. There was a 73% increase of the use of Roundup in 2013 alone. This is attributed to two things, 1) the crops have developed resistance and farmers are sparaying more chemicals earlier and more often to reduce the weeds. 2) Agriculture journals are recommending farmers spray Roundup ( glyphosate) as a drying agent at harvest, to speed up the harvesting process. They spray non GMO, non organic crops such as wheat, legumes, peas, beans, tea, sugar and more. Glyphosate is also sprayed pre harvest and many crops such as beries and potatoes absorb glyphosate. You can see the complete list of allowable levels of glyphosate on our food and feed crops at EPA List of Allowed Levels of Glyphosate on 160 Food Crops
For more information on glyphosate, which a a patented antibiotic (weakens immune system), chelator (vitamin and mineral deficiency) and endocrine disruptor (infertility, sterility, micarriages and birth defects), go to our Data page.
Watch the interview here:
A written synopisis is below.
Around 19:00 Dr. Buckley explains:
Recent studies showed that glyphosate destroys the beneficial gut bacteria and allows the pathogenic bacteria to thrive. Glyphosate in our food and gut equals and increase of bad bacteria, especially clostridium botulinum infections.
The pathogenic bacteria overgrowth...and die off..releases waste products (what makes you feel sick) and the lipopolysaccarides released by pathogenic bacteria is a known agent to break down intestines. When the lining of intestine is broken down this allows the lippopolysaccarides to enter the blood stream which alarms the immune system. The immune system then releases interlucken 1B a Cytocon. When this occurs on periperphary of body, that signal is transmitted through the vegus nerve from the gut to the brain.
This signals the immune cells of the brain, the microglia, to also secrete their own interleukin 1 B and glutamate in the brain and spinal cord. Glutamate is an excitotoxin and destroys neurons. This type of damage in the brain and immune system is being shown to be a major factor in all neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer's, Autism, anxiety, depression, Parkison's, MS; and if it happens in the spinal cord this appears to be a major factor in ALS. Read more in his blog here.
Dr. Buckely recommends an organic Paleolithic diet,which is primarily vegetables,seeds, meat, fish, and small amounts of fruit, while excluding grains, dairy, starchy carbs or sugar, which feed the pathogenic bacteria. He agrees that adding raw organic sauerkraut (good bacteria) will offset the bad bacteria and help heal the gut, provided fungal overgrowth isn't excessive. My family eats 1-2 tablespoons of raw organic sauerkraut every day. Probiotic supplements also restore gut health but I reminded the audience in the video that many probiotic companies buy their probiotics from Dianesco which was bought out by Dupont (Dupont also makes the pesticides/herbicides sprayed on our crops, so they have a perfect profit circle). So make sure to ask before you buy.
By eliminating the toxin/antibiotic glyphosate from the food that goes into the gut (by eating organic) which destroys the good bacteria, adding in fermented vegetables and probiotics (good bacteria) and by starving the bad bacteria of sugar, we can restore our gut bacteria and therefore regain our health.
Doctors and health experts agree that the key to the health and survival of the human race is our gut flora. Without healthy gut flora we are all sure to get sick and likely die much sooner than is necessary. It is also key to our mental wellness...healthy decisions, relationships, and fulfilling on our potential in life and as a country. Moms Across America requests that everyone LOOK TO YOUR FOOD.
Are you eating as organic as possible? Good budgeting can result less expensive, more healthy meals by eating organic at home! (One source of support is a book called " 15 minute Healthy, Organic Meals for Less than $10 a Day")
Are you adding in good bacteria via feremented (cultured) foods with every meal? Raw organic saurkraut, organic yogurt or keifer, organic miso, organic kimchi or keifer water soda are the best sources of probiotics.
Are you diminishing the overgrowth of bad bacteria? Eliminating sugar and carbs upon which bad bacteria thrive restores your gut flora and improves your health.
If everyone takes responsibiliy for their own health and their children's in these ways, we can collectively reduce the impact on our families, communities and nation. We can turn this health crisis around and restore the future of America.
To be a leader for the health of YOUR community host an event with Moms Across America. Share this information and make a difference for generations to come! Some event ideas are:
1) Host a GMO Movie night or Cultured Food Party and empower your friends and neighbors.
2) Have a table/booth at your local Earth Day Festival in April and reach thousand.
3) Host a Moms Meetup May 2, 2015 and help cause a billion dollar shift to organic.
4) Be a leader for a group to join in 4th of July parades and reach tens of thousands in your town.
See our Events page for more info on all these events.
Make sure to POST your event on MAA with your address as the host so we can send you free materials if/when we get enough sponsorship support!
Thank you for spreading the word!
Zen Honeycutt
Moms Across America
Creating GMO Free Zones
Moms Across America asked the committed activists who passed GMO FREE Humbolt County CA to please give us their perspective on what makes a successful campaign. When you are wondering "What's Next? with our cause consider working on having a GMO free zone in your county. We are inspired by your commitment and tenacity! Thank you supporters of Measure P!
Read moreGlyphosate Found in Feeding Tube Liquid
Thanks to Moms Across America supporters; our sponsors and private citizens donating thousands of dollars in three days to pay for testing, glyphosate has been found in feeding tube liquid which is given to babies and children with cancer in hospitals.
Microbe Inotech lab detected 6 out of 20 (30%) of Pediasure samples from the same batch tested postive at levels above 75ppb at 800-1110 X higher than has been shown to destroy gut bacteria in chickens (.1ppb). Only 50ppT ( trillion) was shown to cause liver, kidney and sex hormone changes in rats. These samples were sent by a Moms Across America supporter.This is the exact brand used in the pediatric rehabilitation hospital where she worked and was fed patients needing tube feeding in critical care.
Moms Across America finds it appalling that our health care providers have been led to believe this feeding tube liquid is safe. Our children and loved ones who are depending on our health institutions to support their immune system and recovery. Instead they are being fed a liquid which scientists and knowledgeable care givers now believe is doing the exact opposite.
The Pediasure Enteral Nutritional Drink tested is loaded with GM corn syrup, soy, and sugar, which have been shown to cause inflammation, and are sprayed with gyphosate during the growing season and at harvest as a drying agent. See EPA allowable levels glyphosate on 160 of our food crops here.
Glyphosate is scientifically accepted to function as a chelator; which draws out the vital nutrients of any living thing it touches.
It is a patented antibiotic; destroying gut bacteria, where 70% of the immune system lies, and the body's ability to create Tryptophan/Serotonin, and Melatonin, which regulate insulin/diabetes and protect from sleeplessness, depression, bipolar and violent behavior.
It is a proven endocrine disruptor; which impacts, deforms or halts the development of a fetus, leading to miscarriage, birth defects, infertilityand sterility.
It is also a cell disintegrator; breaking down the blood brain barrier and allowing toxins into the brain, (correlating the rise of autism with the increased use of gyphosate as close as 99%.)
The rise of autism is 99% correlated with the increased use of glyphosate. New studies find glyphosate also feeds antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Pediasure Enteral Nutritional Drink samples for Glyphosate detection by ELISA assay. Detectable level 75 ppb. Lab report here.
A description of how glyphosate impacts the body from MIT PhD. scientist Stephanie Seneff:
1) Glyphosate is an antimicrobial agent (antibiotic) and it perferentially kills the good bacteria, which causes an overgrowth of pathogens in the gut. This leads to leaky gut syndrome and inflammatory issues.
2) Glyphosate chelates rare minerals like manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, iron, sulfur, selenium, etc., and this disrupts the management of these very important nutrients throughout the body. The minerals end up piling up in the wrong places, causing both toxicity and deficiency at the same time.
3) Glyphosate disrupts cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver, which are important for many things, two of which are activating vitamin D and detoxifying multiple toxic chemicals and drugs. Acetaminophen (tylenol), for example, becomes toxic when these enzymes aren't working.
4) Glyphosate works synergistically with the aluminum, mercury, and glutamate in vaccines to cause much greater harm than would be the case if there were no glyphosate present in the blood when the vaccine was administered.
5) Glyphosate interferes with the shikimate pathway, which is used by both microbes and plants to produce the essential aromatic amino acids. Our own cells don't have this pathway, and they depend upon food sources and synthesis by gut microbes to supply these nutrients. They are precursors to many biologically important molecules such as the neurotransmitters serotonin, melatonin, and norepinephrine as well asmelanin, vitamin E, vitamin K, etc.
In my view, the core pathology in autism is insufficient sulfate in the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. This causes severe impairment in neurogenesis and an inability to "clear the trash." It's indirectly caused by sulfur deficiency, melatonin deficiency, impaired sulfate synthesis, impaired sulfate transport, and excess flushing of sulfate through the kidneys - all induced by glyphosate. There's also neuroexcitotoxicity from glutamate and glyphosate and aluminum working synergistically.
Stephanie Seneff, Co-Author Glyphosate papers
Senior Research Scientist
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Further comments on the findings:
This report is absolutely ground breaking for parents everywhere. We need to keep our children safe from these toxic chemicals. Our regulatory agencies have failed us and have let Roundup be carelessly used for too long. The worse part? The American public doesn't have the right to know which food doesn't have it. This must stop and is reason enough to avoid the use of any GMO technology that is tied to this chemical.- Vani Hari, Food Babe