Dear Supporters! One week from now we will be marching in over 156 parades in our hometowns across America! Wow! Imagine how many hundreds of thousands of people we are going to reach directly and millions of family members!!! This is so exciting! Your generosity, commitment and courage to care about other people really is what makes America Great! It's not to late to join in! Order your GMO info materials, buttons, flyers, stickers, decals and banners individually or in parade packs, which are 50% prepaid, thanks to our sponsors and your donations!
Click here to go to our website and then click on the link on that page to go to webstore. You will need to log into the webstore and pay for expedited shipping to the east coast. Ground shipping to the west coast today only will be fine. Remember that the banners, and flyers are useful throughout the whole summer and can be used at summer festivals at free community booths, and the car decals, buttons and stickers are conversation starters that will change people's entire families lives by sparking a few moments of connection and curiosity. UPDATE on our Moms Across America Tour!
The Honeycutts are driving cross country to promote the Moms Across America March to Label GMOs! So far - CA, NV,UT,NM,AZ,CO, and KS next! Thousands are seeing the "Label GMOs" car decals ( Thanks for donating them!!) and thousands more are getting our flyers, movies, books, organic body care, and solutions to shop online GMO free thanks to our sponsors, NYR Organic, Dr. Bronners, Nature's Path, Nutivia, Organic Valley and Robyn O'Brien, Jeffrey M. Smith and IRT, Howard Vlieger and OMG! online NON GMO and organic grocery store.
Even though about 50% of the people we talk to at pit stops don't know about GMOs, the ones that do really care about everyone finding out about GMOs! I have interviewed people in grocery stores, organic farms, a full moon party, pit stop parking lots, campgrounds, restaurants and Moms' homes. They were thrilled to receive the bag of GMO info and I was moved by the stories of struggle they have faced with health issues and inspired by the triumphs they are experiencing by going GMO Free as much as possible.
We are also facing struggles going GMO Free on this trip. We brought lots of GMO free food and have stopped at Whole Foods and natural food stores along the way but after 12 meals out of a cooler, we confess we ate at 2 places, a BBQ and Pancake house ( with gluten free pancakes) in the past 5 days, and although we asked about whether or not they had corn oil, and they said no, one son got sick and the other got a rash. We now suspect cottonseed oil. We know that the answer is to only eat what we bring and we are sad to not be able to enjoy the American experience of good food throughout the USA. It only inspires us to tell more people about GMOs so that restaurants and food trucks will go GMO free.
Our family feel blessed and grateful each day that we are on this journey , creating awareness and connecting with truly wonderful, caring people all over America. Things may not be as we would like, but the people in our country are all love. Please know that when you reach out and share with another person the reward comes back 100 fold and we will prevail. Love always does.
Find out more on our Facebook page <> and on my blog as soon as I have good internet service to upload all the videos. And thank you for your support and partnership in a health and freedom for all Americans! With Love and Joy, Zen and the Honeycutt Family P.S. Please order your GMO Info supplies TODAY!
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