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Next Steps Conference: Building the Parallel Society Recap

Article from Financial Preparedness Substack

Last week I attended two days of the four-day Next Steps conference, which was also held last year. The theme was Building the Parallel Society, and it was great! It was organized by Tia Severino, whose son was injured by a vaccine. She's a passionate mama bear, a dynamo of an activist, and you can just feel the love pouring out of her.

The first session of Day 1 was “Become a Citizen Journalist.” All of the presenters were reporters with Children's Health Defense TV, and apparently, three of them have children who were injured by vaccines. I got the chance to talk with Polly Tommey, a funny Brit who had the heartbreaking task of listening to thousands of parents of vaccine-injured children tell their stories in the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.

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New Study Reveals Connection Between Glyphosate and Adolescent Health Issues

Article by Rivka Seeman

Chronic health conditions such as diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and metabolic syndrome are increasing dramatically. Children are getting sick more often and what we often think of as lifestyle diseases are showing up earlier and earlier. While the types and amounts of food eaten are important factors, chemicals sprayed onto their food can also play a significant role.

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Empower Parents with the Parental Rights Amendment

Article by Rivka Seeman

The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children is a fundamental right.

ParentalRights2.jpgThere is a long precedent of respect for parental rights in the United States but there is also a troubling history of challenges to those rights which do not always end in the parents’ favor. From before a baby is even born the battle for medical freedom begins. Does a pregnant Mom have the right to decline a flu shot if she has questions about whether it’s what’s best for her baby? Can parents decline the hep-B shot at birth? Can a mother choose to nurse even if the hospital is pushing formula?

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Mayan Beekeeper Helps Farmers Secure Historic Victory Against the Monsanto Corporation

We are so pleased to bring you this story of one woman’s big win against Monsanto in Mexico!

Originally published on
by Nick Meyer | February 15, 2023

“I Can’t Believe This Little Woman Beat Us:” Mayan Beekeeper Helps Farmers Secure Historic Victory Against the Monsanto Corporation

In the United States, chemical companies like Bayer, now the owner of Monsanto, have become ubiquitous across the farming landscape, as over 90% of soybeans are now genetically modified to take in enormous sprayings of toxic pesticides.

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Biotech Babies

By Michelle Perro, MD

Infertility, surrogacy, changing family structures, low milk production, inhospitable and toxic environments, stress, and a myriad of other factors are impacting breastfeeding babies. From the perspective of the baby biota, moms are the microbial stewardesses, passing on the collection of microorganisms that will direct much of the baby’s biology, and in particular, their immunological future. Vaginal births and breastfeeding ensure the inheritance of moms’ microbial wisdom to be passed onto the infant.

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Is Receiving Tainted Blood From COVID-19 Vaccination or Infection an Irrational Fear?

Article by Janey Bibolet Ward - A Voice for Choice Advocacy

Examining blood donation and recipient options for the unvaccinated medical freedom community is new territory; now highlighted post-COVID-19 pandemic mayhem. This concerned population also includes vaccinated folks who opted out of recent mRNA injections due to lack of proper testing, mistrust in the medical and/or political systems, medical reasons, and personal or religious beliefs. Investigating this issue is indeed a worthwhile endeavor.

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Sudden Collapses in National Sports Gain Awareness

Even if you are not a sports fan, you have probably heard about the sudden collapse of football player Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills Monday night. Millions were watching the game and were horrified to learn that he went into cardiac arrest after making a tackle and remains in critical condition. What they did not learn immediately was whether or not he got the COVID-19 vaccine and if his symptoms were related.

While we don’t know if Hamlin’s cardiac arrest was caused by the COVID vaccine, we believe there’s enough evidence to at least ask the question and that the public deserves to know the answer, especially since so many in the United States and around the world have been mandated to get multiple Covid vaccines in order to keep their jobs.

Apparently, a person’s vaccination status is a required disclosure for their occupation and, at times to get into a theater or school, but not to determine the cause of serious harm or death, despite the obvious alarming increase of athletes collapsing and/or dying on the field or shortly thereafter. We believe this is morally and ethically wrong.

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Impossible Burger: Got Glyphosate?

Article by Carol Grieve', Food Integrity Now

The company, Impossible Foods, is growing exponentially. Many are familiar with their Impossible Burger but they also make “fake” chicken, pork, sausage, and meatballs. You see these products in grocery stores, at Burger King, White Castle, Starbucks, and many restaurants. The company has an illustrious marketing campaign and lots of investors, including Bill Gates, who has invested over $75 Million in Impossible Foods. So what is the problem? There are several! For one, the protein in these products is made from genetically engineered soy which is Roundup-ready. This soy is engineered to withstand sprays of herbicide, especially Roundup. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup and has been shown to wreak havoc with human health and the environment. Another huge problem is their “heme” as it is called, or hemoglobin. This heme is what makes the impossible burger “bleed” and looks like blood that you would find in real meat. How did they do this? There is a small amount of hemoglobin at the roots of the soy plant and they take the genetics for that and put it in a yeast, that no human had ever consumed and then use synthetic biology to make the yeast to make the bleedy stuff!

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New Study: Mothers Transfer Genes via Gut Microbiome

A new study, by senior study author Ramnik Xavier of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard on the maternal human microbiome, provides support for what we have been saying for a decade; "Pregnant mothers need to eat organic food!"

Evidence of horizontal gene transfer between human maternal microbiome and infant gut microbiome

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

Researchers have discovered a new mode of vertical mother-to-infant microbiome transmission, where microbes in the maternal gut shared genes with microbes in the infant gut during the perinatal period starting immediately before birth and extending through the first few weeks after birth. This horizontal gene transfer allowed maternal microbial strains to influence the functional capacity of the infant microbiome, in the absence of persistent transmission of the microbial strains themselves.

Such a large-scale integrative analysis, presented December 22 in the journal Cell, provides a series of high-resolution snapshots of gut colonization dynamics that influence infant development both before and after birth.

"This is the first study to describe the transfer of mobile genetic elements between maternal and infant microbiomes," says senior study author Ramnik Xavier of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. "Our study also, for the first time, integrated  and metabolomic profiles from both mothers and infants and discovered links between gut metabolites, bacteria and breastmilk substrates. This investigation represents a  into the co-development of infant gut microbiomes and metabolomes under the influence of known maternal and dietary factors."

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Pilot Speaks Out About On-Flight Vaccine Injury

Moms Across America is committed to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. Every day our network is a part of educational outreach to millions across the nation and around the world to improve the health of our local and national communities. 

The pilot community is directly responsible for the safety of over three million passengers a day in the United States. Their health is particularly important. Our loved ones are coming home for the holidays this week and next week. We expect them to arrive safely.

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