Cancer Victims vs. Monsanto Court Hearing Begins

Judge Says Public Doesn’t Need Cancer Warning Label
CA Judge OKs Glyphosate Prop 65 Listing But Decides Public Doesn’t Need Cancer Warning Label on our Food and Products
February 27, 2018-- Today a CA Federal Judge ruled that the public does not need a warning label to inform us that cancer-causing and harmful chemicals in glyphosate herbicides are in our food or products, temporarily relieving manufacturers from the responsibility of being honest with their customers. At a time when more and more American families are struggling with diseases and their high cost, one man decided that it was an injustice to the chemical companies to have to tell us about the presence of their chemicals.
Senior United States District Judge William B. Shubb released his ruling regarding the case of Wheat Growers and Monsanto against the California Environmental Protection Agency (CA EPA), Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and the CA Attorney General to remove glyphosate, the declared active chemical ingredient in Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the world, from the CA Prop 65 carcinogen list, a law approved by California voters by ballot initiative in 1986.
The Judge ruled that OEHHA can keep glyphosate on the Prop 65 carcinogen list but the manufacturers such as Monsanto and food producers will not have to label their products with a warning label. Normally, the law states that products containing chemicals on the list, above a certain level, must label their products within a year from the listing. The label would state, “WARNING this product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm.” The temporary preliminary injunction granted by the judge halts the impending labeling by manufacturers of products and foods containing glyphosate and allows them to not inform their customers of this fact... that glyphosate has been found to cause cancer in animals and to be a probable human carcinogen.
Got Monsanto's Glyphosate in Your Lunch?
New test results show the presence of Glyphosate, a proven neurotoxin and the declared active chemical in Monsanto’s Roundup, to be contaminating more and more American foods, many considered fit for a “healthy” lunch. Instead, we are finding that these foods are likely contributing to poor mental and physical health.
Batch testing of popular almond milk (1), vegetarian burgers (2), and various breads (3), including organic, gluten free and whole wheat breads, revealed up to 140.98 ppb. Individual brand testing of Skippy’s “100% Natural” peanut butter and Lipton’s “100% Natural” Mint and Green tea up to 208.29 ppb of glyphosate herbicides.
Read morePesticides Proven to Change the Taste of Wines
New Discoveries
Press Release
The discoveries by J Douzelet & GE Séralini:
A very first description of the tastes of 11 pesticides is proposed. They are detected first in water, diluted freshly at the levels found in wines, by 36 professionals from wine or cooking in 195 blind tests at different periods.
They are the most frequently found pesticides in wines in our experiment. Some animals can detect pesticides and change their behavior in response. In order to find out if humans can also detect pesticides by their taste in wines, a three-step experiment was conducted.
Read moreMoms Take on Monsanto
January 31, 2018 Zen Honeycutt and Anne Temple of Moms Across America attended the Monsanto Shareholder meeting held at their corporate headquarters in St. Louis.
Zen represented John Harrington of Harrington Investments and presented a three minute presentation for the forming of a Human Rights Committee. Unfortunately the vote was taken before Zen spoke on behalf of the proxy. A document was presented to the board and Executive Team listing just some of the examples of 11 categories of crimes against humanity attributed to Monsanto's products. You can read that document here.
Below is Zen's presentation for the forming of a Human Rights Committee.
Read moreHuman Rights Violations Document Submitted to Monsanto
Data compiled by members of The Monsanto Tribunal Team, Navdanya, Moms Across America and concerned citizens of the USA.
We submit that Monsanto, first and foremost a chemical company, is mistaken in thinking it is its job to “Feed the World”. Monsanto’s job is to make sure the chemicals they sell are safe and effective. Or, to redirect it’s resources to business which does not include using toxic chemicals which can harm humans, wildlife, livestock, soil and the water supply. Monsanto has a responsibility to maintain its commitment to product safety and integrity by forming a committee to investigate if human rights violations have occurred due to their products and business practices.
Millions of people worldwide are working to reclaim their basic right of seed freedom, to protect human health and rights, and to promote poison-free organic farming and agroecology. We call upon Monsanto Company to ensure that their globally acknowledged human rights violations cease and desist.
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Amicus Brief Filed in Support of OEHHA and Prop 65 listing of Glyphosate
Jan 26, 2018- Moms Across America and National Health Federation, with Tips & Associates, filed an Amicus Brief, which is a friendly filing in support for California State Office of Environmental Health Hazards Assessment agency (OEHHA) & their Prop 65 State Toxics List AND the addition of glyphosate to the List, after Monsanto and 11 State Attorneys General moved to get rid of Prop 65 and the Listing ENTIRELY.
What is an amicus brief?
Amicus briefs are legal documents filed in appellate court cases by non-litigants with a strong interest in the subject matter. The briefs advise the court of relevant, additional information or arguments that the court might wish to consider.
Why would an amicus brief be filed?
Monsanto has repeatedly sued the CA EPA's OEHHA, to remove glyphosate from the Prop 65 carcinogen list. This time they "won the support of 11 states to sue OEHHA." This was coincidentally after Moms Across America initiated a "50 States Ask Governors to Ban Glyphosate" campaign.
The 11 states who join Monsanto in this audacious lawsuit against OEHHA, our state's health hazard assessment agency, are supporting the federal lawsuit, Monsanto, the National Association of Wheat Growers and other agricultural groups which was filed in November 2017, to stop California from becoming the first US State to require product containing glyphosate carry warning labels.
OEHHA legally and rightfully placed glyphosate on the list after the International Agency Research for Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate a probable carcinogen in May of 2015. Glyphosate is the declared active chemical ingredient in Roundup and over 700 other glyphosate-based herbicides, the most widely used type of herbicide in the world.
Why would Monsanto want glyphosate off the Prop 65 list?
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The Plot to Take Down IARC and Continue Poisoning Us Must Be Stopped
Did you know that ... despite the fact that 1 out of 2 males and 1 out of 3 females in America are expected to get cancer, a group of U.S. Congressmembers serving on the House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, have threatened to defund and dismantle the World Health Organization's Independent Science Body, the International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC)?
U.S. defunding might have the impact of dismantling this entire body which serves the whole world on cancer issues, as part of the World Health Organization.
Read moreArsenic and Heavy Metals Found in Herbicide Sprayed on Food Crops
Shocking news.
Seralini and Team,, have just published a new paper revealing the discovery of the known lethal poison arsenic and heavy metals in Roundup and most of the glyphosate-based herbicides tested.
As a mother who has unknowingly fed my children Roundup sprayed food for most of their lifetimes, I am outraged. Are these poisons the reason for my children numerous and life-threatening health issues? How could the chemical companies NOT know that there is arsenic in their products? What about the EPA? How could they possibly say they are protecting us when they allow these poisons to be sprayed on our food crops?
2017 Year in Review
What a year! We wish to thank you for your support, and hope you had a very Happy Holiday and have Fantastic New Year!!!
We truly believe, because of people like you, the best is yet to come!
2017 was filled with successes and setbacks...nothing that will deter us...but many things that show us we are on the right path and are making a difference!
Here are some our accomplishments in 2017, thanks to people like you!
Expansive Educational Outreach: