Moms Across America blog


Letter to Oregon and Colorado Voters

Dear Oregon and Colorado Voters,

This letter comes to you from a volunteer mom, representing thousands of Moms knowingly, and millions of moms unknowingly, with children who are sick with autism, allergies, auto immune, asthma, obesity, diabetes, Crohn's, IBS and cancer. 1 out of 2 of our children, in fact have some form of chronic illness in America today. (1) You may think this is an alarmist statistic, and you may want to set it aside, but it is the reality of our country, it is the daily struggle of millions. It is what doctors are seeing in their practices and what teachers and school nurses are seeing at schools. We have received thousands of personal experiences of the growing epidemic of childhood illness in the United States from moms.


What does this have to do with you? Especially if your child or grand child or nephews or nieces are not sick? Why should you care? Well, your child's or grand child's or niece's or nephew's future spouses are out there, in our American population, mostly likely eating GMOs, which are unlabeled foreign proteins untested to be safe on humans. In fact, there are thousands of studies now showing harm from GMOs to animals.  Moms Across America has over a thousand responses to our survey, most of which share that the mother believe GMOs are causing harm to our children. (2) They see this through trial and error of elimination of GMOs through diet.

We see our children get better from removing GMOs from our children's diets by eating organic. We see allergies, autism, asthma and auto immune issues that represent as rashes, disappear. What we don't see is whether or not their reproductive organs have been harmed from the exposure to GMOs that they have already unknowingly endured. This is of concern to us parents because we know that rats in Russia fed GMOs were sterile by the third generation. (3) We know that pigs in Denmark had a 30% miscarriage, infertility, sterility and loss of young rate when fed grains sprayed with Glyphosate. (4) 80% of GMOs are engineered to withstand Roundup (contains Glyphosate) and are therefore doused with this chemical which does not wash off. We know that the USA also has a 30% failure to conceive rate, the highest in recorded history and 85% of our processed food is GMO.(5) We believe GMOs and related chemicals are drastically impacting the health and future of America.

We want our children to be able to experience the profound love that it is to be able to create their own child someday and have their own healthy family. If you vote no on November 4th to GMO labeling, you may be voting for the demise of the American people and a future we cannot afford. This is not fear mongering, this is the scary reality that we must have the courage to face in order to transform it.

That which we cannot be with, we cannot transform. Let's be with this for a moment.

20 Years from now, it is predicted we will have 1 out of 2 of our children with autism, (6) also  linked to Glyphosate, which was introduced into our food with GMOs at the same time that doctors "were flooded with children with autism." 13 years from now we will have no money left in the US health care budget for anything other than diabetes if we continue at the current rate. (7) Cancer is the number one killer of our children in America today. (8) More children die of cancer every year than people died in 9/11. Our miscarriage, stillborn and loss of young rates deducted from the US Census, mean that 2 million babies are lost each year, 379 a day, 3.8 babies a minute. One can only wonder what our miscarriage and birth defect rate will be 20 years from now... could we be with that rate doubling or quadrupling as our autism, diabetes, colitis and Crohn's disease diagnosis have? If things continue to go as they are we will continue to have more of the same.

What will our society be like if we allow this? How will our families, educational system, military and economy function with 50% of our children severely compromised and even more chronically ill or sterile? We do not have to be a scientist to know this is not in our best interest. We know this is not what mothers and father and concerned citizens want. We know that citizens of Oregon and Colorado want health, integrity in our food, labeling and freedom from being controlled by chemical companies just as much as citizens in other states do. We know you want the truth and you want to protect your loved ones.

What we don't know is which foods are GMO when we pick up the package.

What many people still don't know is what a GMO is or to avoid them and that it is in fact engineered to either BE a pesticide, with the toxin inserted into the DNA of the plant with a virus or bacteria, infecting every cell of the plant, or it is engineered to resist herbicides, therefore allowing it to be repeatedly sprayed with chemicals. One of these chemicals, Glyphosate is described by Dr. Don Huber as  essentially giving the weeds AIDS, destroying their immune system. This chemical does not wash or cook off. We eat it. Our children eat it and our babies drink it in breast milk. We found Glyphosate levels over 1600 x higher than is allowed in the drinking water in Europe. (9) These levels are far above what has been shown to cause liver, kidney and sex hormone changes in rats and to destroy gut bacteria in chickens. Our gut bacteria is where 70% of our immune system lies. It is no wonder our children are getting sick!

One does not have to wait to "know" through years of scientific testing, which the GMO proponents have refused to do, that GMOs and related pesticides/herbicides are causing serious harm to our children's health. One only has to look at what they are and how these relatively "new" inventions (compared to thousands of successful years of farming without them) work and what is happening to our health in America. We must acknowledge that this science is based on twenty year old assumptions that are now out dated. We must acknowledge that there is a health crisis in America related to our food and a lack of knowledge in the consumers to prevent it. We must take precautionary action and be "Better safe than sorry."

We do not have to wait for more testing. We do not have to wait for a "better" labeling law. We do not have to fear higher costs of groceries (the reality is a penny per day) and we do not have to be confused by the LIES that out of state chemical companies are feeding you from the fruit of their greed...tens of millions of dollars made by selling Americans cheap, toxic food and by selling farmers toxic chemicals to spray on the food crops. They are protecting their profits.

We are asking you to protect your kids, our kids, and America's future by voting YES to label on November 4th.

With labels comes accountability. Why should billions pay the price of their health for the benefit of a few chemical company's profits?

We can do something NOW. You can vote YES on 105 and 92. We can cause truth in labeling and integrity in our food. We can empower parents and people who feed people to have the freedom to choose to buy food labeled with or without GMOs regardless if they can afford organic or not.

We are asking you to have faith in our farmers that they can and will farm as has been done for thousands of years, without toxic chemicals, by caring for the land and freely owning and planting their own seeds.(10)

We ask you to trust the mothers of our community and to vote YES. Have faith in our strength as Americans to turn the tide from greed and profit to the health of the people and prosperous future of America.

Thank you.

Mom of 3 boys who have gotten better from allergies and autism symptoms by removing GMOs and eating organic.

Zen Honeycutt

And MAAM Team


(1)54% of American kids have chronic health issues.
(2) see and click on survey
(3) See Irina Ermakova's Rat Study from Russia 2007*
(4) See Ib Pederson's and Monika Kruger's Paper 2014 or video on blog from Beijing, China GMO conference.*
(5) Sierra Club magazine issue July 2013 and US Health Report Steven Wolff 2013.
(6) Samsel and Seneff Glyphosate Paper I 2013 *
(8) The President's Council of Cancer 2013 and Robyn O'Brien
(9) Glyphosate in American Mother's Breast Milk Report by Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse. 2014*
(10) See as an example of farming free of pests and weeds through nutrition.

*Please see page for scientific studies, papers and reports behind this letter.

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Moms Call EPA to Protect Kids

Six Months Ago we released the information to the EPA that Glyphosate has been found in our breast milk at shockingly high levels.

What have they done about this? What will they do?

This chemcal is a chelator (vitamin and mineral deficiency), an antibiotic (destroys gut bacteria and can weaken immune system) and is an endocrine disruptor (birth defects and miscarriage). It is also recorded by the EPA to cause liver and kidney damage. It has been link to non Hodgkins Lymphoma and to an increase of cancer by reputable doctors and scientists.

See article that describes higher levels of cancer, birth defects and miscarriage around fields sprayed with glyphosate in Cordoba, Argentina.

And the EPA has still not acted to protect our children and citizens.

When I met with the EPA on May 27th, Rachel Carson's birthday (author of historic boook "Silent Spring"),

Neil Andersen shared, "My job is to approve chemicals and to asses the potential risk to human and environmental harm."

No Neil, your job is not first to approve chemicals. It is to PROTECT the environment and the people FIRST. Not provide a service to the chemical companies so that they can make a profit. You work for US. 

The problem is, the EPA only hears from chemical companies all day, influencing the EPA to work for them. We need you to take two actions today.

1. Call them today and say,

"It has been SIX MONTHS since you found out there is glyphosate in breast milk,WHAT are YOU doing about this? How are you protecting us?"

We want them to make statement that pregnant or breast feeding mothers should avoid glyphosate and eat organic. AND we want them to revoke the liscense of glyphosate and Recall Roundup Immediately.

Neil Anderson
Phone: 703-308-8187
[email protected]
Chief, Risk Management and Implementation Branch I
Pesticide Re-evaluation Division
US EPA (Mail Code 7508P)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460

 We have an URGENT need to take action and stop this chemical. The EPA is on the verge of approving glyphosate for another 15 years and a toxic combination of glyphosate and 2,4-D (Half of Agent Orange) as the "next wave" of stronger chemicals.

For the first time ever, Dr.OZ created a Petition to the President to do exactly what we want, STOP THE TOXINS! STOP Enlist Duo from being approved! With 100K signatures by Oct 22 the rule is that the President has to respond.

Please see the first three minutes here with Moms Across America Mom, Zen Honeycutt sharing how her kids get better when they eat organic:
and watch further past the commercial  for the petition to the President clip.
Please  promote this petition along with the clip to the Dr.OZ show, it is very compelling that Moms and Doctors and MAINSTREAM AMERICA are standing for the health of our kids, to stop the next wave of toxic chemicals on our food and the spraying of fields near schools.
2. SIGN and share!!!


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Dr.Oz Petitions the President to Stop Toxic Pesticide

For the first time ever, on Monday Sept 22, Dr.OZ took a stand and started a petition for America to stand up against toxic chemicals.


40,000 people signed the Dr.OZ Petition to the President in ONE day! 
What if we could make it 100K in a week???!!!
We are SERIOUS about stopping this toxic product Enlist Duo from being sprayed on our food crops and near schools!


Enlist Duo contains Glyphosate (an antibiotic, chelator and endocrine weakened immune system, vitamin and mineral deficiency and birth defects and infertility...yes, really) AND 2,4-D ( half of Agent Orange, you know, the chemical that killed 400K in Vietnam and gave birth defects to 500K more) and they want to SPRAY THIS ON OUR FOOD...and on fields just feet away from our schools!

Dr.Oz said "I am very concerned we are at the beginning of a catastrophe."
WE could avert it.
We could share, text, call and ask every friend we know to SIGN this petition.


I was invited to be on the  show and share our message on the stage with Dr. Oz.

It was an eye opening experience. Dr.Oz's courage and committment is in disputable. The Dr.OZ staff are brilliant, committed and impeccable in their attention to detail. I was deeply honored to be a part of the show and be a voice for Moms. It is a groundbreaking episode and moment for America...this is what Dr.OZ did represents for our cause:

A major day time TV figure explains how GMOs=more pesticides.

A prominent doctor  takes a stand against toxic chemicals! 

A mainstream talk show host inspires mainstream America to GET INVOLVED and sign a petition!!!

What a joy to be a part of this.

My story about my children, whose health issues;allergies and autism symptoms, all improved greatly by going GMO free and organic, is OUR story, the story of Moms all across America who are realizing what has happened to their kids. Although criticized for being anecdotal, I ask the reader...who do you trust more? A mom who's only special interest is the well being of her family? Our a corporate chemical giant or GMO scientist who stands to lose their bonus for their beach home?

What I say, what hundreds, if not thousands of our moms say now, about their children's symptoms of allergies, autism, asthma, auto immune disorders and more, all getting better by going GMO free and organic is REAL. No GMO scientist, skeptical reporter or paid blogger is going to convince any of us that what we see before our very eyes is not real. Isn't that what science is about? Observing the reality? 

Why do we share this? We share because Moms care. It is not enough for my children to eat organic. My son's future spouses are out there somewhere, eating the 85% of processed foods which are GMO and sprayed with Glyphosate. We know the third generation of rats that ate GMOs were sterile and that pigs who consumed glyphosate on grains miscarried 30% more and had higher birth defects and smaller litters.

I want my son's future spouses to be able to procreate if they wish someday, and to experience the profound love that it is to have their own child. That love is is what life is all about. It is why Moms do what we do. And we will not stop, we will not give up. The love for our children will never end!

Watch the first three minutes here:

Keep watching after the commercials for the clip where he calls for us to sign the petition.

The petition link:

You can also ask your friends to go to Moms Across America and click on ACTION to find out more!

All together we can make a difference. Please sign and share!


Zen and the MAAM Team

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Moms Heard at International GMO Conference in China

A Report on the Food Safety and Sustainable Agriculture Forum 2014

Beijing, China.


Nirvana Resort, Beijing,China


Food Safety and Sustainable Agriculture Forum Speakers and Organizers

China buys 50% of the GMOs in the world. They are also the world’s largest producers of glyphosate, which GMOs are engineered to withstand. 

China has been told by chemical companies that “American mothers have been feeding their children GMO food for nearly 20 years with no ill health effects.”

However, both GMOs and glyphosate have recently been linked to numerous, horrendous birth defects and skyrocketing illness.

July 25-26th 30 international experts gathered in Beijing, China, to an audience of 400 Chinese people interested in the future of China’s food safety and sustainable agriculture. I was deeply honored to attend and speak for many reasons. 

1. I am not a farmer or scientist. To be included to speak before such an influential country with such esteemed scientists and farmers too numerous to list in one sentence, was incredible.  This was made possible not only by the sponsor of the event, but by the supporters of MAA, you Moms and leaders who hosted events, posted, emailed and called on support of our cause, making Moms Across America a coalition that the world has quickly recognized as Unstoppable! THANK YOU!

2. As a half Chinese and half French American mother, I am very proud to be a part of an event coordinate by the country of my mother’s culture and grandfather’s homeland. China's influence in this cause is tremendous.

3. Being able to express the testimonials of the mothers I represent brings me to tears if I think about it.

Moms, as I spoke and shared your testimonials, I assure you, your struggles and triumphs were heard. What you are doing makes a difference not only for your child and family, but for the world. 

Our stories need to be heard for the health and survival of the human race. Being able to share them to a captive audience with the power to do something about it, restores my faith in humanity. Thank you for making this possible.

Bob Streit said at the conference in China "There are two groups the chemical companies and Monsanto do not want to wake up, Mothers, and China. And here we are."

We can do this. We must do this, but most importantly the fact that we choose to do this, means that we are a species deserving of this precious earth. The fact that hundreds of courageous humans gathered to share, learn, plan actions and make a difference together, and that thousands, maybe millions more are working together, makes me proud to raise my sons on this planet.

Many times I am not proud. The information I learned and shared had me confused and ashamed of the actions of human beings. It is baffling that:

Chemical companies that make the poison pesticides which are sprayed on GMO food and as a drying agent on non GMO foods (except organic) are claiming that we must have GMOs to “feed the hungry” yet they completely ignore that we make more food than we need and waste 40% of the food we do eat.  Summarized from  Hans Herren, Switzerland

Nicholas DeFarge of France, Seralini’s Team reported that the only study on Roundup (not just glyphosate)  in the world showed that the adjuvents ( other chemicals) in Roundup make glyphosate 1000 x MORE toxic, resulting in 0.1ppb of glyphosate in the water fed to rats causing sex hormone changes and liver damage in rats.

0.1ppb is half of what is allowed in drinking water in EU and 7 thousand times lower than what is allowed in the USA. The frightening thing is we currently cannot detect lower than 0.5ppb in our drinking water.

Dr. Medardo Avila- Vazquez from Argentina shared that birth defects have tripled in just 9 years, from 1997-2008 in GMO/Glyphosate farming communities.  Currently 21-23% of women have miscarriages, whereas in non farming areas, such as cities, only 3% have miscarriages. Of the women who have miscarriages 9 out of 11 show a positive link to pesticides.  33% of deaths are due to cancer with increased rates in mothers and children by fields. There has been a 258% increase of stomach and pancreatic cancer since GMOs/Glyphosate has been sprayed on their local farms.

Although there has been a 858% increase of toxic agro chemicals, there has been only a 36% increase in yield. This increase in yield does not include the loss of jobs and sustainability however, from chemical companies buying land from under small family farmers and forcibly evicting them off the land.

And yet it is inspiring that:

Elena Sharoykina, Russia shared that Russia has BANNED GMOs. It is unlawful to even print propaganda about GMOS. Putin has made it clear that Russia “will protect it’s citizens from GMOs.”

Elena on the right and Nadja ( translator) on left from Russia

Henry Rowlands UK, shared the expansive plans the Global GMO Free Coalition has to connect and support organizations around the world. We ARE all working together and we ARE unstoppable!

Gottfried Glockner, from Germany, a cow farmer stood his ground against Syngenta lawyers and maintained his integrity by not selling out to their bribes. He remained imprisoned for 18 months after he reported that his cows were harmed and died from BT Toxin GMO corn. He has since won his freedom and his farm back.


Gottfried was imprisoned for 18 months and continues to fight.

Monika Kruger from Germany  shared that charcoal, humeric acid and SUARKRAUT JUICE are being used to heal damaged stomachs of cows who ate glyphosate sprayed GMOs. So treat yourself to raw organic saurkraut with every lunch and dinner! see my favorite website for learning about the importance of cultured foods.

Maewan Ho from the UK explained that  the old science assumed that one could alter DNA  (like a replacing Lego) and have only linear changes, but  now we know that DNA and RNA communicates with cells, protein and genes in the body in a circular, holistic manner. Like living things on the earth, what is happening in our body affects everything around it.  This new perspective gives us new understanding of why GMOs and glyphosate have such an impact on various functions of the body and restores our faith in scientists who are working for the best of life on earth.

While we were at the conference, Ib Pedersen's and Monika Kruger's paper on the deformities of piglets whose mother's were fed GMO soy sprayed with Glyphosate, was released.

See the study information here;

Here are two important links of Ib Pedersen discussing his work and his government's reaction.
For anyone ever interested in becoming pregnant, or your children being able to reproduce, this information is essential.

Pedersen on Pig Study: Part 1 of 2

Pedersen on Pig Study- Government reacton: Part 2 of 2

Below are links to video interviews of just some of the extraordinary experts who spoke at the historic event:

Nicholas DeFarge, Seralini’s Team on Roundup/Glyphosate’s Harm 

Vandana Shiva on GMOs and Glyphosate and her call to action

Women from around the World!: not shown Stephanie Seneff and Monika Krueger

Bob Streit, Farmer and Crop Specialist on the Impact of Glyphosate on Food Crops 

Howard Vlieger, Farmer and Biological Crop Nutrition Advisor  on the Motivation Behind GMOs                   

Art Dunham, Veteranarian on Glyphosate Harm to Animals 

MaeWen Ho, PhD. Scientist, UK on the Old Science of GMOs 

Peter Saunders, UK on Access to GMO  Information   

Here is the amazing video from Vandana Shiva from the farmers in India made specifically for this conference:

The other attendees, which also shared astounding information, I just did not get the time to interview between our talks and events, were:

Dr. Don Huber USA, Judy Carman Aistralia, Monika Kruger Germany,  Dr. Stephanie Seneff USA,  Dr Irna Ermakova Russia, Dr. Michael Antoniou UK,  Lomas de Zomara Argentina,  Claire Bleakley New Zealand, Brenden Hoare New Zealand,  TungjYemr Wu Taiwan, Ana Brocolli Argentina, Roberto Ungas Argentina, Fan Xiaohong China, Jin Wei China, Na Zhongyuan China, Jeffrey Smith USA, Eva Sirinathsigh UK, Zhou Zewei China, all organized by Dr. Gu and Cheni Wan and their amazing team.

See the summary from the conference organizers here: and news on the conference here:

For our Spanish speaking friends, from Argentina:‍

From the Seattle Community Media- includes the links to videos:

From New Zealand:

From Sustainable Pulse and Global GMO Free Coalition:

As I left the conference, I felt a deep sadness to part from what I could only describe as an immediate sense of family. Yet I was filled with inspiration, joy and confidence for the future we are all creating.

I am completely confident that our efforts for health and freedom will prevail, that your efforts to share with your community about GMOs and Glyphosate (and all toxins) is exactly what we need to be doing and is exactly what will have us be successful. Moms are the voice of our communities because a mom’s motivation comes only for what is best for her family. 
I ask you not only to continue, but to step it up.
Ask yourself, what else could I do? 
What is something NEW that I can do to share about GMOs/Gyphosate and Organic food today? 
Join us and host an event on! 

Your support supports a world of health and freedom.
Thank you!
With Love and Gratitude,

Zen Honeycutt and the MAAM Team

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4th of July MAAM 2014

Wow!!! What incredible creativity this year!!

Not only did you make floats and rent cars or tractors, but those who didn't have parades found ways to get the flyers out anyway! Passing our flyers at campgrounds, 4th of July fairs, and preschools are just some of the ways you all got out there and made an amazing contribution to your communities!!! AWESOME!

You reached millions of people together and passed out hundreds of thousands of flyers that will make a huge difference!

Plus you connected with your community and had an unforgettable time.
Check out just some of the fun and festivities you created all across America!

Arlington Heights, Illinois

Arlington, Texas- Gorgeous Float!!!

Nevada County, CA - Won 3rd place for Parade Group!

Check out their website!

Cleveland, OH

Denver, CO

Annapolis, MD- Their Banner didn't make it in time, but they marched ANYWAY!

Alameda, CA

Longview, WA

Huntington Beach, CA- Got on ABC TV!

Michigan set up a booth!

Prescott, AZ 

Sacramento, CA

Please post your picture to the MAA main FB page or MAAM Leader page!

We appreciate the support of our sponsors SO Much! THANK YOU!!!

If you didn't march this year, you can still spread the word!
Go to and get your GMO/Glyphosate
flyers to pass out at summer festivals, fairs, and even campgrounds on vacation!
Who knows what a tremendous difference you will make in people's lives?

Here is a list of all the parades who had RSVPs this year!
Thank you for creating a healthier America together!

 #  Name of Event  State
1 Douglas & Juneau, Alaska 4th of July Parade AK
2 Say No to GMOs AL
3 Save the Bee's - Lake Valencia Event AR
4 Clarkdale, Arizona 4th of July Parade AZ
5 Moms Across America March in Prescott AZ, The Dark Side of GMOs Symposium, Not a Marching Event AZ
6 Tempe, AZ March Against Monsanto AZ
7 Benson 4th of July Parade AZ
8 Nevada County LabelGMOs and March Against Monsanto! CA
9 Seaside Moms Across America March CA
10 Mendo 4th of July Parade CA
11 Redlands Parade & City of Corona Fourth of July Parade CA
12 Mt. Shasta Moms Across America March to Label GMOs! CA
13 Moms Across America/Label GMOs Earth Day Tabling CA
14 Santa Cruz, Ca Moms Across America March for Label GMO Awareness CA
15 Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade CA
16 Carmichael Moms Across America March CA
18 Truckee CA 4TH OF JULY Parade Donner Pass Road CA
19 Irvine (WOODBRIDGE) Ca 4th of July Parade -Moms Across America CA
20 Mendocino 4th of July Parade - Mothers Across America March CA
21 Sierra Madre 4th of July Parade and Celebration CA
22 Santa Barbara 4th of July Parade CA
23 our children deserve to KNOW!! NO to GMO'S.GMO? we're not buying it! ca
24 Rancho Cordova 4th of July Parade CA
25 San Diego EarthFair Balboa Park CA
26 Ventura CA July 4th Pushem Pullem Parade, Santa Paula Labor Day Parade CA
27 Alameda 4th of July Parade CA
28 Citrus Heights Red, White & Blue Parade CA
30 Marshall Grange Moms March July 4th Parade CA
31 The Bethany Beach 4th of July Parade DE
32 Monument Colorado Right to Know whats In our Food CO
33 Park Hill 4th of July Parade 2014 - Denver,GMO OMG movie showing and kids craft and sign creation CO
34 GMO Education Event CO
35 Come march with us at the Highlands Ranch July 4th Parade in Town Center CO
36 Washington DC Palisades Neighborhood Fourth of July - Moms Across America DC
37 Temple Terrace FL, Moms Across American March to Label GMO's FL
38 Melbourne Honor America Independence Day Parade FL
39 Fort Lauderdale Beach at A1A and Las Olas Boulevard FL
40 Melbourne Honor America Independence Day Parade FL
41 Jonesboro Masonic Fourth of July Parade GA
42 Georgia Decatur July 4th Pied Piper Parade GA
43 Kailua 4th of July Parade HI
44 West Des Moines Independence Day Parade IA
45 Coeur d'Alene 4th of July Parade ID
46 Boise 4th of July Liberty Day Parade ID
47 Hoffman Estates Independence Day Parade IL
48 Deerfield, IL, Moms Across America March to Raise Awareness of GMOs! IL
49 Champaign County Freedom Celebration Parade IL
50 Arlington Heights 4th of July Parade IL
51 Aurora 4th of July Parade IL
52 Bloomington 4th of July Parade IN
53 July 4th parade KY
54 March against monsanto louisville KY
55 4th of July Parade Hyannis MA Cape Cod Organic Moms club,Braintreeâ MA
56 Sturbridge, MA Families Freedom to Know GMO's MA
57 Duxbury 4th of July Celebration MA
58 Support the labeling of GMO's MD
59 Bath Heritage Parade Moms Across America Exposing GMO. ME
60 MOMS ACROSS AMERICA will l March in Fenton MI educating the community about GMOs. MI
61 moms across america wyandotte mi fourth of july parade mi
62 March in Parade MI
63 Oscoda Michigan- 4th of July Parade MI
64 Moms Across America March July 4th to Label GMO's,Royal Oak Farmers Market MI
65 NoGMO4Michigan & Moms Across America March to Label GMOs! East Grand Rapids, MI 4th of July Parade MI
66 Ofallon, MO-Independence Day Parade SAY NO TO GMO MO
67 Moms (Dads, friends & family) Going GMO FREE in Flathead Montana MT
68 Harrisburg 4th of July Parade NC
69 North Carolina Asheville 1 North Pack Square, Asheville, NC 28801 NC
70 Food Revolution Wilmington with Moms Against Monsanto March NC
71 March Against Monsanto Asheville NC
72 Ashland 4th of July Parade NH
73 Paramus 4th of July Celebration Annual Parade NJ
74 116th Riverton 4th of July Children's Parade NJ
75 Save Long Island - An Evening to learn about Healthy Food and Living, Be GMO Free Education Outreach in Huntington Village NY
76 Join us for an Educational Presentation about Your Food Supply and GMOs in NY!! NY
77 Hyde Park Independence Day Parade NY
78 The 56th Stow Fourth of July Parade OH
79 Cincinnati,OH Moms Across America / March Against Monsanto OH
80 Anderson Township Independence Day Parade OH
81 Edmond Liberty Fest July 4th Parade OK
82 Corvallis 4th of July Parade OR
83 Brookings, Oregon Moms Across America Parade Group OR
84 GMO OMG MOVIE,Our Families in the Pear Blossom Parade!, Of the People, By the People! OR
85 Lafayette Hill, PA 10444 PA
86 GMO Free Lancaster County with Moms Across America July 3rd Parade, Lititz, PA PA
87 GMO Free PA Schuylkill County with Moms Across America July 4th Parade PA
88 Ancients & Horribles Parade, Chepachet, RI RI
89 Tega Cay July 4th land parade SC
90 page_name st
91 Save the Bee's,Moms Across America TN
92 Downtown Round Rock 4th of July Parade TX
93 4th of July MOMS ACROSS AMERICA Parade in Plano, Texas TX
94 Houston Area 4th of July Parades TX
95 McAllen, TX 86th Annual Independance Day Parade, Moms Across America March TX
96 Mom's Against Monsanto TX
97 March Against Monsanto Austin TX
98 Red, White and Blue Children's Parade in San Antonio TX
99 Arlington 4th of July Parade - Moms Across America March TX
100 Amarillo Texas Independance Day Parade TX
101 St. George, Utah 4th of July Parade UT
102 UT South Salt Lake Parade UT
103 Southern Utah Families Want to Raise Awareness and Pride in our Food UT
104 South Norfolk Parade & Picnic in the Park VA
105 Tumwater, WA Independence Parade (Olympia/Lacey/Tumwater) WA
106 Longview, WA MAAM/GMO Free Cowlitz County Go 4th Festival Parade! WA
107 WA MAAM in the Burien Independence Day Parade WA
108 WA MAAM in the Friday Harbor 4th of July Parade WA
109 WA MAAM in the La Conner 4th of July Parade WA
110 WA Blaine Old Fashioned 4th of July Parade WA
111 WA MAAM in Steilacoom's Grand Old 4th of July Parade WA
112 Port Angeles 4th of July Celebration and Parade WA
113 Bainbridge Island 2014 Grand Old Fourth of July Parade, WA WA
114 MAAM in Ocean Park, WA "Funtastic" Family Style 4th of July Parade WA
115 Port Orchard, WA Fathoms O' Fun 46th Annual Grand Parade WA
116 4th of July Parade, Enumclaw, Washington WA
117 GMOs scarier than fiction table space at Crypticon Seattle WA
118 WA MAAM in the "Freedom to Keep Lopez Weird" Parade WA
119 Moms across Wisconsin come join me to promote health and well being WI
120 Port Washington Parade 2014 Wi
121 Stevens Point, WI Moms Across America/March Against GMOs and Monsanto WI
122 Summerville South Carolina  

More special THANK YOU's for all you have done to support Moms Across America!
In addition to all the marchers, leaders, and supporters, there were a lot of people
behind the scenes making it all happen! Please join me in thanking them!

1. My Husband!!! Todd you are incredibly patient and generous! I love you!
None of this would have happened without you!

2. My kids! Boys you inspire me every day! Thank you!

3. The CA State Grange, Bob McFarland and staff THANK YOU!

4. Pamm Larry, the orginator of our movement! Thank YOU!

5. Natalie Paffrath, who has been communicating with everyone on the back end of the website. Karla Axeton and Sherry Aldinger for makes tons of phone calls! Thank you so much!!!

6. Laurie Olson, leader of leaders, coordinating everyone! Thank you! ( And Thank your family too!)

7. Zoe Swartz, East Coast Leader for rallying big time! Jessica Denning, CA Leader who tripled her area parades!Thank you!

8. The OCA for your support in spreading the word! We Love you!

9.Anne Temple for Graphics and Lilia Renteria for Website! Thank you!

10. My coach Susan and for being THE source of unstoppable-ness!

11. All our fabulous sponsors, radio shows, and media who spread the word! Especially NYR Organic, UNFI, Baker Creek, Alexia, Applegate, Dr. Bronner,Sustainable Pulse, Food Integrity Now!, and Smart Health Talk!

12.And Finally TEAMWORKX, Eric Fraser and Joe Grape at Color Vision for printing, handling and shipping everything to the leaders! Thank YOU!!!!!

We love you all and are so proud of what Americans and the world can do when we come together! 
Let's keep going! Hugs-Zen

Thank you again for all you do!!
Make it a wonderful summer! 
Be the weird one who brings organic to the picnic, 
bring integrity to the table, 
truth to the conversation, 
be the LIGHT in this food fight!

P.S. If I missed anyone THANK YOU!!! Please forgive me!

Zen Honeycutt
Moms Across America.

P.S.  Stayed tuned to our Facebook page for what's next with the EPA and glyphosate!

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EPA Responds to Moms






Moms Across America reads this and is outraged by the lack of precaution the EPA chooses to exercise.

They are NOT protecting our children, but instead choosing to give more importance to the "studies" that show that glyphosate is "safe" by the chemical companies than on independent, world renowned, ( including MIT)  scientists, doctors and moms. This is erring on the side of corruption, not protection.

We gave them studies CLEARLY showing the destruction of the gut bacteria of chickens at .10 ppm by glyphosate, endocrine disruption and testimonials from moms that warrant immediate investigation into glyphosate. 

We will continue to do whatever it takes to protect our children.

Today we go to the EPA, we will stand out side with our message "Recall Roundup!"  and we will offer the EPA and Washington DC Senate staffers an opportunity to find out for free, how much glyphosate is in their body.

If it's so safe, what's the harm in being informed? 

We ask for your continued support of our campaigns. Please chip in and donate to cover transportation and materials.

We are a national coalition of Unstoppable Moms! 

Thank you to ALL Of our supporters!

Zen Honeycutt

Moms Across America Team


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NEW FREE Materials for your 4th of July 2014 Parade

Our Moms Across America March to Label GMOs Parades are only 2 weeks away!
Good NEWS!
THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS!!!! NYR Organic, Dr, Bronner's, UNFI, Baker Creek, Applegate, Alexia, Mercola and more!
You can also now get our pre printed "March to Label GMOs" banner for FREE. (limited supply)
Shipping for just the banner is a most $17.27! So you can be in a parade for less than 20 bucks!
We hope you will add 1-2000 flyers however, and educate your town!
To order now, this weekend, put in note section at check out the words "FREE banner". The 35.00 will show up in checkout but credit cards will not be charged that amount. By Monday we will have a code available for you. This is the banner that all leaders will get that ordered the free banner, the other version on website (with minor changes) will not be printed unless specifically requested and paid for. (The above banner will have new Grange logo, different from pictured)
Want to do something "new" this year? March to SAVE THE BEES as well!!!
A lovely gesture from our friends,
"Bee Against Monsanto (BAM) would like to offer the organizers behind Moms Across America the opportunity to request a Free "Save the Bees" Package for MAA Organizers to display and distribute at the many 4th of July Parades you all are participating in.  Packages will include stickers, patches, buttons, flags and flyers.  (BAM will cover shipping, but if you would like to donate to help offset costs you can do so here: )  

Please email [email protected] with "MAA Organizer" in the subject line and bee sure to include your name and address.  
We will begin shipping no later than June 25th, so please email your requests as soon as possible.  (You can find pictures of the materials we are offering on our fundraiser-store site here: )

Thank you for all that you all do!"

Kriz Partridge
THANK YOU for all you do and for being involved in this very important cause for our kids future!
Watch our video from last year's parades and let's get ready for FUN!
With Much Gratitude
Zen and MAAM Team
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Moms to EPA: RECALL ROUNDUP ( Glyphosate)

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine sitting down with the EPA in Washington DC with a team of esteemed PH.D scientists, lawyers and moms just as passionate as I am, about a chemical called glyphosate, which is sprayed on GMOs and our food crops.


Dr.Michael Hansen, scientist Consumers Union and Aimee Simpson lawyer Beyond Pesticides (not photographed) joined us at the EPA. Also with Anne Dietrich: President Truth in Labeling Coalition,  Sarach Cusack, DC MAA, Alexis Baden-Mayor Lawyer, Organic Consumers Asssoiciation, Zoe Swartz; PA and East Coast Leader MAA, Zen Honeycutt, Founder MAA, Dr. Kristen Pullen scientist Natural Resources Defense Council.

But there we were. Because of your support, your generous donations, your 10,000 + phone calls in 3 days, your posts about and emails to the EPA to recall Roundup, they took us seriously. 9 members of the pesticide Re-Review board listened to 11 of us for 2 hours instead of 1. They listened to your testimonials and the statistics of our health crisis in America. It was intense.

Because I was well prepared with a binder full of studies Nanette put together, and we had gone over every point witth a lawyer and scientist for three hours before the meeting, I was firm, resolved and clear about our demands. I spoke with all the love in my heart for my children and with all the conviction mother's have everywhere as I told them of the 10 reasons why they should Recall Roundup and the 12 points of Proposed Collateral Damage of Glyphosate.

Just to name a few:

Glyphosate is a patented ANTIBIOTIC. It destroys gut bacteria, where 70% of our immune system lies.

We submit that this directly correlates with Crohn's disease (damaged gut)which has increased 79% in the past ten years alone in children admitted to hospitals. Colitis (stomach ulcers) has tripled during this time as well. Allergies, autism, auto immune and asthma now impacts 1 out of 3 of our children.

It is an acknowledged endocrine disruptor, causing birth defects, infertility and sterility. 

The USA is currently #1 in the industrialzed world for infant death on day one. We have 50% more infants die on their first day of life than all of the industrialzed world combined. 

This directly correlates with pigs who ate GMO/Glyphosate sprayed feed and lost 30% of their young. Those sows with levels of glyphosate 3 X LOWER than our mom's levels in their breast milk, had 5 X HIGHER birth defects, miscarriages and loss of young.

Glyphosate BREAKS DOWN THE BLOOD BRAN BARRIER: allowing toxins into the brain.

Someone dies of Alzheimer's every 67 seconds in America today.

In 20 years from now, 1 out of 2 of our children will have autism if we continue at this rate.

Glyphosate is a CHELATOR: It holds or "makes unavailable" the vital nutrients of any living thing.

Vitamin deficiency is consistent in cancer patients. Cancer is now the number on killer of American children today.

More children die every year of cancer than all the casualties of 9/11.

1 out of 2 males and 1 out of 3 females are expected to get cancer in America. Over 117 million Americans have cancer.

See full Proposed Collateral Damage stats presented to the EPA here.

As I shared these statistics, everyone got present to the huge cost to the health of America and how the benefit of the chemical glyphosate was obliterated.

Their eyes displayed dismay, understanding and even searched for more. I saw that we have EPA members on our side. They may not be able to act now, but they want to. They want us to push on and give them the reason to make a bold change. They want their children to be safe as much as you and I.
In other eyes, I saw denial, refusal and resistance. Their resignation weighed heavily in the air. I heard reasons, explanations and infuriating avoidance. I saw fear of change.
Some of the board members refused to see just how urgent this is. They refused to see that we are breastfeeding our babies RIGHT NOW, today and we need for them to be safe. NOW.
Despite our compelling binder of studies  and undeniable evidence through testimonials of mothers of risk of harm, they did not agree to our request to recall Roundup, or revoke the license of glyphosate. They did not agree to issue a simple statement advising mothers to eat organic. 
They did agree however, to continue working with us, to give us the protocol  for the upcoming scientific study of glyphosate in breast milk which was funded as a result of our preliminary testing, supported by Sustainable Pulse. They did agree to ask Monsanto for their breast milk testing that we have word they are conducting. They did agree to include include that study in their review of glyphosate, which happens only once every 15 years.

I hope you understand how profound your support is in turning their decision from one that supports the profits of corporations to one that protects the health of our children. We can make history together.

Please continue to send the EPA your demands to recall roundup at [email protected], we will save and collect your experiences and forward them.

Please donate at to support further travel to Washington DC.

We can do this. Our next steps are to go to higher ups, to the Senate and to take local actions to get Roundup banned by county and state. And to keep the pressure on the EPA.

Each voice, each call, each purchase of organic food, is a step in the direction of health and freedom for generations.
We thank you, wholeheartedly, for your support.

Breakfast before the meeting with, clockwise starting front left, Anne Dietrich: President Truth in Labeling Coalition, Meghan Davenhall; President Thinking Moms Revolution, Sarach Cusack, DC MAA, Alexis Baden-Mayor Lawyer, Organic Consumers Asssoiciation, Zoe Swartz; P and East Coast Leader MAA, Zen Honeycutt, Founder MAA, Dr. Kristen Pullen scientist Natural Resources Defense Council,Nanette Elaine Reetz, MAA WA Leader and Nancy Louise Visser, US Marine, MAA DC.

Here is media coverage on our story.
We are grateful to Reuter's Carey Gillam, who covered the meeting that very day.

The Organic Consumer Association's support has been wonderful:

Many other media outlets see the importance of the mother's role in our cause as well:

We wish to thank Sustainable Pulse, NYR Organic, and Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, and our other sponsors who donate to support the sharing of GMO info materials. Please allow their generous contribution to make a difference in your town.  
Join a 4th of July parade near you as a Moms Across America supporter and let your whole town know about GMOs and pesticides in just a few hours, in a fun and family friendly way.
As a leader, you will get free materials with paid shipping. Sign up as a parade host at Next week we will send out the link to the new web store where you can order your supplies.
When we don't buy it, they can't sell it. When we buy organic we invest in our families and alter the future of America.

Zen Honeycutt and Moms Across America

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Glyphosate Test Results In and Why Everyone Should Care


The Glyphosate Test Results are in and the results, considering that most of the moms and supporters tested are well aware of GMOs and glyphosate and have been avoiding them for several months or years, are alarming.

THANK YOU to all the moms and supporters who generously spent the time and money to send your urine and water samples in. Thank you to Sustainable Pulse for funding the tests for the breast milk samples and to the moms who paid to ship their samples over night.

Full report:
Please share these online and with your local media.
Parents need to know if their children are being poisoned with glyphosate: which is an antibiotic: antibiotics kill gut bacteria which is 70% of immune system and a chelator: strips the body of the vital nutrients needed to fight cancer, illness and grow.
It is also an endocrine disrupotor: affecting hormones and birth defects.
Glyphosate is sprayed on GMOs during growing, on many staple food crops (wheat, sugar, rice, soy, corn etc) as a drying agent at harvest and on the soil of 160 of our non organic food crops.See our "Samsel" blogs for the EPA list
Parents, our children are being assaulted by daily ingestion of toxic chemicals that have been linked to mental illness, diabetes, obesity, asthma, allergies, autism, auto immune diseases and more!
It may seem improbable that one chemical could be the source of so much harm, but when you learn about how glyphosate works (basically giving a weed AIDS by destroying it's immune system) it all makes sense.
When you learn that glyphosate destroys gut bacteria and the gut bacteria is the  where Tryptophan, Seratonin ( which regulates insulin) and Melatonin are created, it all makes sense.
When you learn that glyphosate breaks down the blood brain barrier and let's toxins into the brain, from vaccines and the environment, it all makes sense.
When you learn that glyphosate impairs the liver's ability to detox, allowing heavy metals to build up in the body, it all makes sense.
What doesn't make sense is that the EPA and FDA allow this.
Comments from Dr. Stephanie Seneff, co author with Samsel of two glyphosate papers, both found under "data".

Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist, MIT

"It is certainly disheartening to know that glyphosate is present in breast milk, but lest you think this means you should not nurse your baby, please be aware that soy-based formula probably also contains glyphosate, possibly in even higher concentrations. The US government has conducted very few studies measuring the amount of glyphosate residue in food, but a report issued by the Department of Agriculture in 2011 showed that over 90% of 300 samples of soy contained glyphosate, and nearly 96% contained AMPA, a derivative of glyphosate. Today, 90% of the soy crop in the US is "Roundup Ready," which means you can spray Roundup on it and it won't die. Contrary to what was claimed, this growth in Roundup Ready crops has led to a tremendous increase in the amount of Roundup applied to our core crops over the past decade.

I had been intensely researching possible connections between autism and a variety of different toxic chemicals in the environment for many years before I thought to take a look at glyphosate as a possible contributor to autism.  This delay was of course a consequence of the widely disseminated message that glyphosate is nearly nontoxic to humans. However, once I started looking, I was astonished to find that all of the many comorbidities associated with autism could be explained by glyphosate's known mode of action on biological systems.  Anthony Samsel and I have teamed up to write two papers detailing our findings on the diverse ways in which glyphosate disrupts human physiology, and linking glyphosate to a number of diseases and conditions that are currently on the rise in the US - a partial list includes autism, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and various gut disorders like Celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease.  We are still researching this topic, and nearly every day we are discovering new ways in which glyphosate can negatively impact health.  The problem is that the effects are insidious -- glyphosate erodes your health slowly over time, so that it's hard for people to realize what's happening to them until it's too late."
We must speak up. We must stop buying GMO food and food that is sprayed with pesticides!
Please join us in 4th of July parades to let everyone know about GMOs and pesticides in your town in a single day! If not you who? If not now, when?
Plus it's FUN and so easy to join into a parade. Sign up at
Write to the EPA Roundup Review manager: [email protected]
We need the world to know about GMOs and glyphosate.
All proceeds go towards empowering people in health and freedom!
We must protect our children NOW.
Zen Honeycutt
Moms Across America
P.S. The Good News is that you can eliminate detectable levels of glyphosate from your body! Buy only organic! or Non GMO AND Organic. Thank you!
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The Food Trifecta at Natural Products Expo West

Once a year in Southern California, the masses of people, 70,000 approximately, converge upon the Anaheim Convention Center to buy and sell natural foods at the NPEW or Natural Products Expo West. I had the opportunity to report on the show as a host of the Weekly Women GMO Free News Show.

You have never seen so many Non GMO Project Verified and USDA Organic  seals in one place. You have never seen so many delightful, happy people talking about how their products are GMO free, organic and Gluten free! As a mother of children with multiple allergies, this is a thrilling development. Trying to find all three, GMO free, organic and Gluten free is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack even in a health food store even in one of the most affluent areas of America. Most products are either gluten free or organic, not both. Or they are Non GMO Project verified but not gluten free or organic.

Why is it so hard to find these foods?

Or more importantly why do we even need gluten free, non GMO and organic?

Is it just a trend or marketing ploy?

When I asked the food manufacturers, many of them said “Organic is the future.” I was surprised that they did not elaborate, talk about pesticides, glyphosate or GMOs. Some like “Good Boy Organics” are fully aware and are actively supporting the grassroots movements. They even go a step further and have BioDynamic pasta sauce! Check it out!

But many others, I suspect, do not know why the trifecta: non GMO,organic and gluten free is so crucial to moms.

1 out of 2 American children now has some form of chronic illness such as asthma, allergies, auto immune disorders, autism, diabetes or obesity. If you do the math, based on past diagnosis, 1 out if 2 children will have autism in the next 20 years. This is a crisis. This is urgent. Moms across America are struggling daily with health and behavioral issues and we want solutions.

Many of us now believe we know those solutions, and the winning food trifecta is a key role.


In addition to the over 1300 studies showing GMO harm, found on, the recent evidence from the *Samsel and Seneff paper shows a very strong correlation between glyphosate, the active chemical ingredient in RoundUp and these skyrocketing children’s health issues, (the most widely used pesticide/herbicide in the world) especially autism. Most GMOs are genetically engineered to withstand Roundup, are sprayed repeatedly during growing and these chemical does not wash off. A new Soybean paper showed GMO soy with drastically higher levels of glyphosate, proving it does not evaporate in the sun either. Soil testing has shown glyphosate to still be active a year after use.

Glyphosate has been show to destroy gut bacteria at .10 (one tenth) of a part per million in chickens.

The gut bacteria are the stronghold of 70% of our immune system. If you destroy the gut bacteria, which is likely what is happening when you eat the America diet which is 85% GMO and contaminated with glyphosate, your body’s gut bacteria can no longer produce Tryptophan*.

Without Tryptophan your body cannot produce Seratonin or Melatonin*. Seratonin makes it possible for the body to regulate insulin, so without healthy gut bacteria we are more likely to develop diabetes.  We know that diabetes has increased so much in America that in 13 years we will have no money left in the federal budget for anything except diabetes.

 Melatonin influences sleep, happiness, satiation when eating, impulse control, bi-polar behavior and even acts of violence. Obesity now impacts 40% of Americans, our kids are three times more likely to be drugged for mental illness than kids in other countries, and on average, there has been a school shooting in America every other day this year.  Violence and mental illness is beyond control. Something is impacting the health of America. The USA is the  #1 country in the world in expenditures for health and last on the list  of the top 17 most developed country in actual health results.


Organic means Non GMO seeds. It also means toxic pesticide free and glyphosate free.

Non organic is not just a more affordable chice, there is a cost: glyphosate is allowed to be sprayed on the soil before planting non organic crops and directly on many staple crops at harvest as a drying agent. They spray it directly on the non organic food crops we eat! We have recetly learned that the EPA has allowable levels of glyphosate on over 160 foods at hundreds of times higher than has been destroy gut bacteria. See the full list here.Sweet potatoes glyphosatelevels are 3ppm, Potatoes, 5ppm, tea 7ppm, corn 13ppm, and our live stock eats grains at 400 ppm. Glyphosate collects in the tissue of meat, making organic meat a very important choice.

Gluten Free

People with gluten sensitivity report irritability when they consume gluten/wheat. Huge numbers of children with autism have shown dramatically better behavior when gluten is removed from their diets. Many are also reporting autism symptoms dissapear when they eat completely organic. Moms Across America has over a hundred testimonials, many of them about autism.

Glyphosate is sprayed on wheat as a drying agent. Wheat is one of the number one foods of the American diet, in cereals, sandwich breads, pasta, commonly eaten at every meal. Gluten intolerance and Celiac’s disease now affects 18 million Americans. Reports by Samsel and Seneffs show that is most likely not just the highly refined processing of wheat/gluten, that is impacting health, but the glyphosate. This is why the trifecta of Non GMO,organic and gluten free is so important, and why the companies who choose to make these foods, that are ALL THREE, despite the difficulties, are not a trend or duping me with a marketing ploy. They are the winners.

Here is a big winner in our house: Mary's Gone Cracker's GF, organic and Non GMO Project Verified Double Chocolate Cookies

The additional good news, is that in the process, you avoid other toxic chemicals of which we still do not know the effects. Non organic apples are sprayed with 21 different pesticides, strawberries 184, and coffee has tested positive for hundreds of toxic chemicals, more thanany other crop.

So when I find a food company that is Non GMO, organic gluten free and excuse me if I am chirpy, super excited and highlighting them like they are heros of the universe. Because considering that my children are my universe, they are.

Here is OH Yes! Pizza that is Gluten Free and Organic (and therefore GMO Free).

Here are some great finds at the NPEW:

late_july_chips.jpg        organic_beef_jerky.jpg       organic_juice.jpg     

 oatmeal.jpg     Boulder_Organic_icecream.jpg


 Next blog will be about the other heros of food, the makers of probiotics, raw organic fermented veges, kombucha and keifer.  We CAN heal our guts and heal from multiple allergies.  Find our more about cultured foods in our next blog.

Here's too good healthy eating!

Zen Honeycutt

Moms Across America

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