What does Bayer Have to Do With Toxic Chicken, Urinary Tract Infections, and Torn Tendons?
I travel a lot to tell the world about the harm from Monsanto/Bayer products such as GMOs and Roundup, a glyphosate-based herbicide. Sometimes, it seems like the healthiest option at an airport, for instance, is a Chicken Caesar salad. Low and behold... chicken (fed grain genetically engineered and sprayed with toxins Bayer/Monsanto makes) is apparently a major reason for UTIs.
FDA Admits to No List of Gene-Edited GMOs in the US Market
On Oct 23, 2019, Moms Across America requested a list of the gene-edited GMOs currently in the marketplace from the FDA. Gene-edited foods include the use of biotechnological techniques to make changes to specific DNA sequences in the genome of a living organism. They are the “new” GMOs that manufacturers claim are “more precise” and edit a food for a desired trait (like masking the browning of a vegetable) instead of genetically engineering the plant to contain toxic pesticides or resist herbicides (like 80% of the GMOs currently in the market). These new gene-edited GMOs are being created quickly and it is unclear how many are in the marketplace. Environmental groups like Friends of the Earth warn that “In July 2018, scientists from the Wellcome Sanger Institute in the U.K. found that new genetic engineering techniques like CRISPR may cause “genetic havoc”.
New Study On Synergistic Effects of Common Food Contaminants
At Moms Across America we have been talking about the health problems posed by glyphosate for over 6 years now. In January of 2018, MAA reported on the findings of Seralini and Team in the article Arsenic and Heavy Metals found in Herbicide Sprayed on Food Crops. Their findings disproved the pesticide industry claim that “inert” ingredients found in glyphosate-based herbicides do not need regulating, meaning arsenic did not need to be a declared ingredient, despite the fact that it is highly toxic and proven to bioaccumulate. Ongoing exposure over time can lead to lung, kidney, skin, and bladder cancers, and can interfere with hormones that regulate the metabolism and immune system.
We Need You
Food. It is a necessity and usually a joyful part of life. We create entire communities and cultures around the stuff. Food is there for every major event in our lives whether joyous or sorrowful. Food can heal. But food can also be the pink elephant in the room. The thing we don’t talk about when we eat differently than others. The thing that excludes us and our kids from their tribe. The thing we are uncomfortable talking about when our kids have a food allergy and their exposure could put them in the hospital or worse. Then, food can be isolating and separating and scary.
Children’s Health Champion: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Moms Across America has many advisors who support our educational outreach to mainstream American families. One of them is the esteemed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder of nonprofit WaterKeepers, an environmental lawyer who is on the legal team suing Monsanto, Chairman of the Board and Chief legal counsel of Children’s Health Defense, and father of seven. He is also the author of eight books, his most recent being American Values, Lessons I Learned from My Family. It is this book and his current work at Children’s Health Defense that Moms Across America most wants the public to know about. We are at a turning point in history... and without the values, as so lovingly shared in his recent book, and the truth, as it is exposed through the work of Children’s Health Defense, our future looks unimaginably bleak.
Take action to prevent increased pollution level allowances by our EPA!
From our friend at Beyond Pesticides:
Congress Should Demand an Investigation into EPA’s Dismissal of Science continuing its marathon of deregulation to benefit the chemical industry, the Trump administration's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its proposal to increase the amount of the weed killer atrazine allowed in U.S. waterways by 50% during the chemical's registration review—a stark reversal of previous proposals to significantly reduce atrazine levels in the environment.
Read moreThe Impact of Glyphosate on Waterways, Marine Life, and Agriculture
Introduction by Moms Across America
Moms Across America received funding to test water samples in Florida and make an educational video with Frank Dean and Dr. Don Huber about the impact of glyphosate, specifically in Florida, on waterways crops, and health. Citrus farming use is the major focus, but glyphosate herbicides are also used directly in the water, on streets, sidewalks, gardens, parks, and on food crops such as sugar in Florida. Frank generously offered to also write this report on glyphosate and the impact on waterways and agriculture and we hope you will share it with your local farmers, city managers, Parks & Rec Departments, and landscapers.
As we enter into the holiday season, all of us at Moms Across America would like to express our gratitude for you, our community, and all you do to make this world a better place. Thank you!
Zen and the MAA Team
“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”
― John F. Kennedy
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Dark Waters Shines a Light on Chemical Warfare
Nov 26, 2019 - I attended the opening night of Dark Waters in Irvine, CA. with much anticipation.
It is a movie based on a true story about a corporate lawyer, played by Mark Ruffalo, who turns on DuPont and exposes their years of corruption. In my work with Moms Across America I have had direct personal experience with this corruption.
Read moreHow Organic Food Prevented a School Shooting
One day, not long after yet another school shooting, a supporter called me and told me she needed to tell me a story. One of her best friends wanted me to know what she was about to tell me but she wanted to remain anonymous. She said, “You will understand why.” I listened.
She said that her friend was a single mom with four kids, living in a low-income Hispanic community in Santa Ana, CA. When her son was about nine years old, she he knew he had mental health issues and asked his school’s teachers to help her but they did not do anything about it. One day, the school Principal called her and said, “You need to come pick up your son from school. He just threatened to blow up the school with a bomb and kill everyone in it.” She responded that she knew he had mental health issues, and she had been asking them for help...would they help her now? The Principal finally agreed and they arranged a meeting with a psychiatrist.
The psychiatrist spoke with her son at length and at the end of the session he said, “Here you go, here is a prescription for a medication for your son.”
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