New Media for Health and Freedom - Moms Across America

New Media for Health and Freedom

wave.jpgNow is the time! Do you feel the wave? People all across the country are showing up at Senate hearings. SHOUT OUT TO CT, NY, NJ, OR, WA, CA, TX and AZ especially right now! People are sharing, speaking up, and shifting the thinking around vaccines, toxins, and medical freedom. This is important to us. So important that we will risk the trolls and negative press. So what. Being silent simply is not a consideration when it comes to the health and well being of our families!

Today I am thrilled to share several ways you can show light on the truth- please share these wonderful videos, movies and even a Deck of Cards to raise awareness about health, our food supply, and the impact of the current vaccine schedule and ingredients in vaccines.

1. Please check out and share this edited version of the Truth About Vaccines- made for easy sharing! Once your family or friends watch this they completely understand why you are so passionate about this issue! Just ask nicely!

Those who want even more information can click to be taken to the Truth About Vaccines website for the entire series.


2. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's POWERFUL video presentation from Children's Heath Defense is super important to understand for explaining the HPV Gardasil issue to policy makers! It is truly stunning! Please take the time to watch this video and share!

3. This is a short cartoon video made by our friends at Alliance for Natural Health called "A Trip to the Doctor" you can share on Facebook that explains the adjuvants or ingredients in vaccines. Very easy to understand!

Click here for the link on Facebook.

4. Get your Deck of Vaccine Facts cards! Give doctors, policy makers, Senators, Governors and more the TRUTH - photos of children before and after vaccines and sourced vaccine facts!

Order now for your order to be included in the re-order today! Delivery expected within 2 weeks.


Will I see you at Autism One? I will be at the Autism One News Desk Live Streaming Thursday - Saturday. Come say hi and share your story!

If you are in-area please join us!

Want to eat healthy food in Chicago? We do! Don't forget to order your organic vegan meals from Purple Sprout Cafe and Juice Bar for the conference!

6. TODAY May 22 is the LAST DAY to view the film Secret Ingredients for free! Check out this inspiring and wonderful movie!

Finally, Whoo hooo!

Check out this great news coverage about our collective win at Costco!





Thank you for your partnership in creating health and freedom!

With Joy,

Zen and MAA Team

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