Moms Across America blog


Exposé on Telecom Cover Up Released

"Wireless Hazards" -- An extensive exposé published by The Washington Spectator 

Today The Washington Spectator published an extensive exposé about the Telecom industry's decades-long campaign to dismiss the research about the health risks of radiofrequency radiation and fool the public into believing that cell phones are safe by co-opting government agencies and the mainstream news media.

This in-depth study was conducted by Barbara Koeppel, an investigative reporter who covers social, economic, political, and foreign policy issues. Her 7,000-word article posed two questions: 

"If you think your cellphone is safe, have you considered why you believe that? Is it a fact, or is it based on carefully crafted messages that you’ve read or heard?"

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Happy New Year!

Every year on New Year's Day, my family sits at the dinner table with a round white pot that my husband bought on one of his work travels, that contains a tiny pot and scroll of paper inside it. We call it the Wishing Pot.

We take a moment to reflect upon all the things we did that year, places we went, adversities we overcame, deaths, sickness, and celebrations. Then we open up the scroll and look to see what we wrote last year...what did we wish for? What were our goals, and who did we say we were going to be about them?

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2021 is Almost Here!

Many of us are ready to breathe a huge sigh of relief that 2020 is nearly over...with hopes that 2021 will bring more stability in our economy, health to our nation and unity around the world. Many abhorred 2020 and can’t wait to move on.

When I look back on 2020, I am deeply saddened by some of the things that happened, but I am also deeply moved by many. My family has a commitment to create the life of our dreams no matter what, however, and although 2020 was tumultuous, we took on the most amazing adventure ever this year. We moved across the country from California to North Carolina where we were able to get a small farm, our own clean well water (that we can drink from the tap!), barns and pastures near the artsy and exciting city of Asheville. We did this not just to move away from the draconian vaccine laws and politics of California, but also to move to a much more affordable place where we can fulfill our dream of being able to grow food and live in nature that our children can interact forts, rope swings, run around with animals, and plant fruit trees. We are having the time of our lives!

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What Moms Across America Means to Our Supporters

These are challenging times. Moms Across America is constantly looking at if what we are doing is working and how we can improve our effectiveness. There has also been a looming threat of censorship and potential lack of resources to continue to do what we are doing.

One day this fall, one of our team members, who was taking a course to improve communication with our network, asked a question of our supporters to find out what they would miss if we were to go away on Facebook. This question provided the answers to how much we are valued and in what ways our work is important. Men and women from all across the country and around the world responded. Below are just a sampling of their responses.

Question: If Moms Across America went away, what would you miss?

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How to Have a Happy Holiday!

The Holidays are expected to be a festive and fabulous time. However, many people dread holiday family gatherings, maybe even more so on Zoom during this COVID-challenged season… people talk over each other and don’t hear what the other is saying. Perhaps Aunts and Uncles drink too much, and parents have judgments about what their grown children and grandchildren are doing. We may have ideas about our parents who eat junk food, and sisters who chose to take toxic medications and vaccines that are causing side effects that they are ignoring. Our teenage nephews and nieces may be watching media that is brainwashing them to believe something that makes our blood boil...there might be times when we cannot understand how these people are related to us!

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Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

We know these are busy times, and with Amazon’s 1-2-day shipping, endless hours of online entertainment at our fingertips, and addictive social media, we are all getting very used to expecting immediate gratification. Today I write to ask you to consider what taking a moment to pause can do...

Every Christmas as a child my older brother Tao, younger sister Chi, mother, and father would gather around our Christmas tree, (usually chopped from our Connecticut land and rather Charlie Brownish looking), and sit in awe, looking at the piles of presents. My parents didn’t use fancy bows or even boxes sometimes, and we could often figure out the gift just by looking at the shape of it. But father would pick up a gift, read the “To” and “From” out loud and the little clue that we became accustomed to hearing; “Something cozy for you,“ (perhaps wool socks?) or “Bee-Happy and Relaxed” (a honey wax candle?), and hand it to the giver. The giver would then hand the gift to the receiver personally.

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Glyphosate, Vitamin D Deficiency and COVID Severity. It's REAL.

Screen_Shot_2020-12-16_at_11.05.47_AM.pngHave you seen the increased number of reports about the important role of Vitamin D in avoiding severe COVID symptoms?

Do you wonder why some people die from COVID and others have almost no symptoms or very mild symptoms?

We wanted to know too...

We already know that glyphosate, one of our major focuses for the past 8 years, is a chelator and can grab onto and make unavailable the vital nutrients of any living thing it touches. We suspected glyphosate, made by Bayer, is a major factor in why we humans are widely Vitamin D deficient in the first place. So we asked a glyphosate expert about the role of this most widely used herbicide in the world. Glyphosate has been found on thousands of food samples, breast milk, urine, rain, and drinking water. Could glyphosate be playing a role in the deficiency of Vitamin D and therefore contributing to death around the world from COVID?

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GMO Pigs Approved for Food Without Safety Testing

The FDA has done it again. They have approved another genetically engineered animal without the proper safety precautions!

As reported on Food Dive by author Megan Pionski

  • The Food and Drug Administration approved genetically modified pigs for use in food and medicine. GalSafe pigs, made by regenerative medicine company Revivicor, have been modified to remove alpha-gal sugar from the surface of the animals' cells.

  • Some people are allergic to alpha-gal sugars, which naturally occur in the cells of most mammals. The cause of this allergy, known as alpha-gal syndrome, is believed to be lone star tick bites. However, GalSafe pigs were only reviewed for allergen safety in pharmaceutical uses. They were not reviewed for safety when consumed by someone with an alpha-gal allergy, though the department affirms the meat is safe to consume in general.

  • Genetically modified — or bioengineered — food products are controversial among some consumers. Per a 2016 law, all food products that contain detectable bioengineered DNA will be required to have a label denoting that. While some food companies have started disclosing bioengineered ingredients, all products must be labeled as such by 2022. There is currently one other GMO animal protein product approved for human consumption: AquAdvantage salmon.

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Win! Glyphosate One Step Closer to Being Listed on CA EPA Prop 65 List as an Endocrine Disruptor

gly.jpgDecember 10, 2020, the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee (DARTIC) had a meeting to determine which of the 22 chemicals they would advise the CA EPA's Office of Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) to be considered, at a level of high, medium or low, to be placed on the Prop 65 list as an endocrine disruptor. As we requested two years ago, Glyphosate and salts were finally up for consideration, so of course, we needed to present.

Glyphosate has already been listed on the Prop 65 list as a carcinogen, however, Monsanto sued the CA EPA and prevented the products containing glyphosate from having a warning labeling, such as Roundup and contaminated foods. They continue to sue to have glyphosate removed from the Prop 65 list, claiming that because the federal EPA did not find it carcinogenic (they only reviewed industry funded studies) that it was wrongly listed. Therefore, having glyphosate placed on the Prop 65 list as an endocrine disruptor would keep it in the forefront of the public's attention, require it to have a warning label, and possibly lead to a declined use or banned in countries around the world.

With the support of scientists and experts and their amazing work, we assembled a presentation. You may use the following presentation for your city staff, school principal or acquaintances that may be using glyphosate herbicides like Roundup or Ranger Pro. Natural Resources Defense Council commented in favor of listing glyphosate as an endocrine disruptor on the Prop 65 list. Mom Across America was the only representative on the consumers side who made a presentation in favor of glyphosate being given a HIGH priority for consideration to be placed on the Prop 65 list as an endocrine disruptor.

PDF presentation here.

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Brandy Vaughn of 'Learn The Risk' Found Dead

Yesterday it was reported on social media that Brandy Vaughn, founder of Learn The Risk, a vaccine awareness non-profit organization, was found unresponsive by her 9-year-old son. Her community was shocked. She was a 47-year-old single mom, apparently healthy, and had been very clear that she no reason to commit suicide.

As a former executive of Merck who spoke out against vaccines, she was harassed and threatened. She knew she was at risk. A year ago, she made a video recording of how her home had been repeatedly broken into, items moved, and she suspected that her home had been bugged. Incidents occurred to demonstrate that someone had been listening to her conversations or watching her by camera. 

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