The claims that "There is no difference between GMO corn and NON-Gmo corn" are false. Yesterday while on a playdate at the lake, Vince from De Dell Seed Company, Canada's only NON-GMO corn seed company called me to support the march and Americans finding out about GMOs. He emailed me this stunning report, clearly showing the nutritional value difference between GMO corn and NON-GMO corn. I was floored. And at the same time, not totally surprised because Glyphosate draws out the vital nutrients of living things, and GMO corn is covered with it.
The important thing to note in these deficiencies is that these are exactly the deficiencies in a human being that lead to susceptibility to sickness, disorders, and cancer. People who have osteoporosis are low in calcium and magnesium, people who have cancer are low in manganese. The list goes on and on.
GMO Corn has 14 ppm of Calcium and NON-GMO corn has 6130 ppm. 437 X more.
GMO corn has 2 ppm of Magnesium and NON-GMO corn has 113ppm. 56 X more.
GMO corn has 2 ppm of Manganese and NON-GMO corn has 14ppm. 7X more.
Look at the levels of Formaldehyde and Glyphosate IN the corn! The EPA standard for Glyphosate in water in America is .7ppm. European Tests showed organ damage to animals at .1ppb (.0001ppm) of Glyphosate in water. Our water levels allow glyphosate 7,000X higher than what has been shown to be toxic in animals. This corn has 13 ppm! 130,000 times higher than what is toxic in the water!*
In a study that Dr. Huber reported, on Elizabeth Dougherty's Talk Radio, .97 ppm of formaldehyde showed to be toxic in ingestion to animals. This corn has 200X that! That is why the animals, given a choice will not eat it at all, they can smell the formaldehyde!
Please share this report with your legislature, farmers, news editors, school district food services, and Moms.
We will no longer be feeding our children food with nutritional deficiencies, foreign proteins, toxins, sprayed with Glyphosate, or injected with pesticides. Nor will we be fed their lies of safety!
THANK YOU De Dell for sharing this report and supporting the Americas in GMO labeling and in going GMO-Free!
* This blog has been corrected from its original post to correct .1ppm to .1ppb, which actually reflects a much more alarming fact. We apologize for this important typo and promise more thorough editing in the future.
Zen Honeycutt
Showing 52 reactions
Please see today’s blog with a video interview of farmer Howard Vlieger discussing the 2012 Corn Comparison Report from Weekly Womens GMO FREE News show. Keep in mind this was a report done by farmers who paid for it out of their own pockets just to find corn without Glyphosate in it and look at the nutritional levels in corn. They had no idea what they would find.
I cannot offer more information on the source other than Profit Pro which is on the report. Feel free to call them.
Thank you for coming and visiting this site. If you have something to contribute, like a donation for educational materials or organic gardens, or the name of a health group that you can connect us with to raise awareness and partnership, please email me through the “contact” portion. All spam will be deleted. All support will be gratefully received and responded to . Thank you.
“Agritech companies have given themselves veto power over the work of independent researchers.” Scientists must literally ‘ASK’ these corporations for PERMISSION BEFORE publishing independent research on GMO crops.(Scientific Amerian, August 13, 2009.)
This article written by the Editors goes on to mention how Elson J. Shields an entomologist at Cornell University and spokesperson for a group of 24 CORN INSECT SCIENTISTS who protest against the ‘BLOCKING’ of ‘unfavourable’ GMO research (ie. research that may NOT PROMOTE GMOS), actually wrote to the EPA. These protests were about the “…selective denials and permissions based on industry perceptions of how ‘friendly’ or ‘hostile’ a particular scientist may be toward (seed enhancement) technology.”
THE ABOVE disturbs me. If TRULY INDEPENDENT Scientists are RESTRICTED in experimenting or even publishing their works on GMOs, how can we EVER be sure that THEY are SAFE??? WE just keep getting a ONE sided story, as in the BIASED META STUDY of GMO ANIMAL FEEDING studies I recently was DIRECTED TO…
Basically, this META STUDY or research was a SUMMARY of 12 individual studies conducted by several different scientists. The authors CHOSE these studies themselves from a MUCH larger list and attempted to analyse the data and to bring it all together to form some kind of conclusion. NATURALLY, their conclusion was that GMO feed WAS safe for animals. Yet, they also DID also ADMIT that there were STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES found in the animals fed GMO feed!!!
Interestingly, these differences were DISMISSED as apparently they were NOT ‘biologically relevant’. BIOLOGICALLY RELEVANT? What does this mean? (AGREED upon defintion someone) Isn’t ANY CHANGE to the body RELEVANT to one degree or another They ALSO dismissed research on the grounds that the research was poorly conducted, lacking isogenic feed etc etc (BIOTECH supplies this don’t they?) as a reason for the NEGATIVE RESULTS on animal health indicators.
ONE EG of ANIMAL CHANGES. In one of their ‘LONGTERM’ (25 months) studies of dairy cows fed GMOs, the original researchers (not the authors of the Meta Study) DID FIND changes to the cows fed GMOs. These were namely, small changes in their MILK COMPOSITION and BODY WEIGHT in the GM fed cows…And this was only covering a 2 YEAR period in a cows life, CONSIDERING that a cow’s natural lifespan is around 20 years!!! I would love to SEE how these cows’ milk and health were in an additional 2 years of being fed these GMOs!!! Would you like to risk drinking ANY GMOs in your milk? Does even this EXAMPLE convince you of GMO SAFETY??
And this IS just one eg. of animal CHANGES noted in this meta analysis! There are many other questionable EGs and even a questionable LACK of information IN the selected studies themselves… One ‘selected’ study only had 3 animals tested as far as I could see LOL!! That’s gona prove THEIR POINT!!!
Finally, as stated previously upon further inspection of the above study KINDLY donated to this post via the BIOTECH industry and its angry supporters (HOW dare WE simply NOT believe THEM???), I am left with the same opinion I started with…THERE is simply INADEQUATE research to PROVE the safety of GMOs fed to ANIMALS or US for that matter.
Their ‘META STUDY’ has only added to the further doubt that I already had…THANKS GMO INDUSTRY!!!
Irregardless of this report, I have scores of Moms who have answered our health survey who repeatedly share that going off GMOs reduced, improved or dissappeared their children’s and their own health issues. Not eating something that has this many toxins in it would for sure be a factor in an improvement in health.
I have also been told that this report looks like a soil report because, yes, this usually is the kind of test done on soil. The people who took it ran this panel of tests because they wanted to test for mineral and toxins usually on found in soil, NOT on food, so that was the closest test to run. Chris, just because it looks like a soil report, does not mean it is, if it says corn report, at some point, unless you have another agenda, the public needs to take things at face value…juts like I am sure your field would appreciate any study that you do and title it as you see fit, to read it and take it as you say.
I respectfully ask you Chris to use your intellect to create something useful and please stop posting on this website. We have heard your point, get your stand for honesty, and thank you for please moving on. Thank you.
Firstly, this was a REVIEW of 12 studies, it was not EVEN showing me extracts of the 12 individual studies. So I got NO details whatsoever. Who actually did these 12 studies? And were they EVEN performed by INDEPENDENT scientists? They claim to be from 30 days duration up to 2 years, yet HOW many of these studies EVEN went for 2 years? Feeding studies LESS than 2 years in RATS (their lifetime) will NOT even show up the FULL TOXIC health effects.
Furthermore, if I read this correctly, these researchers ACTUALLY based their generational studies on the SHORT 90 day feeding studies! How can that make those studies accurate?
Finally, at the end of this review summary, the researchers DID ADMIT that there were SMALL changes occurred in the animals but then dismissed ANY concerns about TOXICOLOGY as apparently these fell within a normal range. REALLY? The animals had changed but NOT enough to be seriously NOTED? And WHAT EXACTLY were these changes? I would love to assess myself, whether they warrant further investigation. As we all know, damage to the organs starts SMALL and progressively gets worse. Considering I don’t even know if most studies reviewed lasted only that 90 period, this admission by the researchers of CHANGES in the animals HAS got me really concerned.
I do thank you for trying to help me out Chris, but I certainly remain UNCONVINCED of GMO SAFETY at this stage.
And AS for Seralini being connected to Organic Food Company, I would rather read it DIRECTLY in a specific page of his book.
BTW Do you think that the Organic Food Industry would want to help sponsor a study that might prevent the cross contamination and TOTAL destruction of their ORGANIC crops??? I can clearly understand WHY they would considering ‘CO existence’ has been too successful lately!
Remember Chris, Organic farming was ‘here’ WAY BEFORE those AG chemicals and GMO seeds.
Firstly, this was a REVIEW of 12 studies, it was not EVEN showing me extracts of the 12 individual studies. So I got NO details whatsoever. Who actually did these 12 studies? And were they EVEN performed by INDEPENDENT scientists? They claim to be from 30 days duration up to 2 years, yet HOW many of these studies EVEN went for 2 years? Feeding studies LESS than 2 years in RATS (their lifetime) will NOT even show up the FULL TOXIC health effects.
Furthermore, if I read this correctly, these researchers ACTUALLY based their generational studies on the SHORT 90 day feeding studies! How can that make those studies accurate?
Finally, at the end of this review summary, the researchers DID ADMIT that there were SMALL changes occurred in the animals but then dismissed ANY concerns about TOXICOLOGY as apparently these fell within a normal range. REALLY? The animals had changed but NOT enough to be seriously NOTED? And WHAT EXACTLY were these changes? I would love to assess myself, whether they warrant further investigation. As we all know, damage to the organs starts SMALL and progressively gets worse. Considering I don’t even know if most studies reviewed lasted only that 90 period, this admission by the researchers of CHANGES in the animals HAS got me really concerned.
I do thank you for trying to help me out Chris, but I certainly remain UNCONVINCED of GMO SAFETY at this stage.
And AS for Seralini being connected to Organic Food Company, I would rather read it DIRECTLY in a specific page of his book.
BTW Do you think that the Organic Food Industry would want to help sponsor a study that might prevent the cross contamination and TOTAL destruction of their ORGANIC crops??? I can clearly understand WHY they would considering ‘CO existence’ has been too successful lately!
Remember Chris, Organic farming was ‘here’ WAY BEFORE those AG chemicals and GMO seeds.
I now have several question I would like you to answer…
If you had NO BIAS and apparently NO INTEREST in PROMOTING GMOs on your BIOFORTIFIED website, why then, did you leave the somewhat snide PRO GMO remarks of Aussie GM man himself ‘DAVID TRIBE’ up on your apparently NEUTRAL research listing? Don’t you think that THOSE comments would be slightly MISLEADING to the general public reading them
Secondly, the LONG TERM GMO animal feeding studies??? Please give me the link to ONE animal LIFETIME, TOTALLY INDEPENDENT STUDY that PROVES that even 1 particular strain of GMO cropfeed DOES NOT pose ANY HEALTH RISKS to animals, let alone US humans. WE sure haven’t SEEN one so far and I would personally like to take a really CLOSE look!!
Thirdly, it is NOT surprising to me that you were FORCED to include the dreaded SERALINI STUDY in your list. IT MADE MAJOR NEWS and sparked even MORE ANTI GMO movement! It would have made the entire BIOFORTIFIED’s website look like a TOTAL SCAM and merely the FRONTLINE for GMO promotion, if you HAD refused to inclue THIS ONE.
PLEASE also give me direct evidence of Seralini’s apparent LINK to INDUSTRY.( THE REAL FOOD INDUSTRY ???) Include a clear reference ie. book title and page number.
And as for GMO’s SAFETY or even NUTRITION being SO WELL studied, I would think that you would be EASILY able to FIND me DATA on the original topic of THIS POST ie. The NUTRITIONAL DIFFERENCES/SIMILIARITIES between GMO and NON GMO CORN. With this information however, I do also require information on herbicibe/ pesticide content AS WELL. Cos nobody wants to eat a potentially nutritionally similiar food that just happens to be LOADED up with CHEMICALS, DO they???
Please share THE ABOVE information and DO NOT forget to include a clear reference, so that we can verify it.
So FAR, NOT ONE CRITIC of this post, has actually managed to give us a second source of DATA on this EXACT topic…And WHY NOT???
For everybody’s information, I would like to mention that the 600 studies that Ken mentioned on the PRO GM Biofortified website were definitely NOT ALL about SAFETY of GMOs, nor were they MOSTLY INDEPENDENT.. They were in fact a compilation of ALL of the current research relating to GMOs. In fact, the ‘Seralini’ study was even included, although I must add it wasn’t listed under the INDEPENDENT LISTING as far as I could see! Furthermore, I think we can all agree, THIS study hardly shows the SAFETY of GMOs!
In looking at the list and MOSTLY at the much smaller SO CALLED ‘INDEPENDENTLY FUNDED LIST’, I noticed there were some additional comments added beside selected studies THAT ALL POINT TO BIOFORTIFIED’S PRO GMO STANCE!!
For eg. "WE thank Monsanto for donating the soybean varieties.’’
There were also comments about another study mentioning Jeffrey Smith’s (Genetic Roulette) concern about the HAZARDS of novel DNA and they stated that it was one of the “…most OVERHYPED safety issues…”
I also noticed this comment, “..More on the fate of DNA from transgenic food. It seems the studies must be in response to community concerns rather than scientific reality..”!!!
And similiar such commentary went on throughout the entire list of BIOFORTIFIED’s ‘independent’ studies…
What MORE can I say about BIOFORTIFIED’s neutral stand on GMOs??? And their science ‘truth seeking’ stand? And with the DENIAL that Kevin et al. have NO LINKS to BIG BIOTECH!!! At least you and your buddy Karl could have been honest about your blatant PRO GMO stance and admit to your ATTEMPTS at PROMOTING the industry!. We have given you plenty of opportunity to do so HERE.
BTW I still didn’t find a LONG TERM study over 90 DAYS convincing me of GMO foods SAFETY. Sorry, yet once again, I just DON’T buy it!!!
Here is what’s so. I am not taking it down and I am not going to stop sharing it. The fact is that we don’t believe that you have “safety reports”, and frankly we don’t care, because the source is coming from a company that killed 400K people in Vietnam and deformed 500K children from their Agent Orange, of which some chemicals are now being sprayed on our fields of food. WE DON’T Believe Your Claims of Safety. What we see are reports on Mercola site of miscarriages in Argentina in villages around GMO field sprayed with glyphosate climbing to 100X more than the national average. What we see in Sierra Club Magazine, is our national birth rate is the lowest it has been in recorded history, biggest decline in immigrants, who happen to eat the most GMO cheap foods….What we see are OUR children whose health issues have SKYROCKETED since GMOs have been put into our food without our consent, and we see them get BETTER when we take them off GMOs. This corn report, even if it is exaggerated or even if it were soil…who wants their food growing in soil with 200X the level of formeldehyde in it that is proven to be toxic??? Even if this report is only a little bit true, WE MOMS HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW. We have the right to protect our kids. So nothing you can say about “no reports of harm” or “safety studies” matters to us, because we choose to be “Better safe than sorry”. Just like putting the seat belt on our kids every time we get in the car even though we know that it’s not “for sure” that we are going to get into an accident, we choose to take action to be safe. Your mother’s did and would still want you to do the same thing. Err on the side of safety, take care of yourselves, be cautious with what you eat because you are important. Moms love their kids. Nothing you can say will stop us from protecting our children.
Even posted on the Monsanto web site it states: “Further, it is impossible to design a long-term safety test in humans, which would require, for example, intake of large amounts of a particular GM product over a very large portion of the human life span. There is simply no practical way to learn anything via human studies of whole foods. This is why no existing food—conventional or GM—or food ingredient/additive has been subjected to this type of testing.” source:
Now, with countries all over the world banning the use of GMOs – many saying UNTIL proper testing can be done, why would anyone want to eat something that could be harmful? Some countries banned certain types of GMOs because they did find them harmful to humans and not fit for consumption.
Here’s a list of world scientists, over 820:
They signed the page: Open Letter from World Scientists to All Governments Concerning Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
and stated that:
“The scientists are extremely concerned about the hazards of GMOs to biodiversity, food safety, human and animal health, and demand a moratorium on environmental releases in accordance with the precautionary principle.
They are opposed to GM crops that will intensify corporate monopoly, exacerbate inequality and prevent the essential shift to sustainable agriculture that can provide food security and health around the world.
They call for a ban on patents of life-forms and living processes which threaten food security, sanction biopiracy of indigenous knowledge and genetic resources and violate basic human rights and dignity.
They want more support on research and development of non-corporate, sustainable agriculture that can benefit family farmers all over the world.”
All these brilliant minds, these scientists from all over the world think GMOs should be banned… do you know better than they, Kevin Folta? If so, please share what you know. Please share YOUR SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE testing results, and all that – that shows the results of GMOs being tested and proven to NOT be harmful to humans and animals.
Thank you for the discussion. In the end I think we all want what is best for our children and our futures, and our own bodies. To be healthy and have a choice of what we consume, in knowing what is and isn’t healthy for us. To make educated and informed decisions. And to KNOW that food is or isn’t good for us. Can you prove that GMO food isn’t causing all the damage that so many millions of people believe it is?
Humans, however, are not given a choice because it is slipped into processed foods that are heavily laced with artificial flavors, salts, fats and sugars to trick the human palate.
It is a fundamental human right to choose what we eat.
Being a biodynamic gardener, I know with every delicious bite that heirloom organic food is delightfully delicious without being doctored up by unlabeled chemicals. It was only in the 1950s that food was labeled. It was a tough fight then to get labels and the price of fat, air and water in mutant commodity crops, has never been higher.
Day by day, our children eat this food that we never asked for, and never wanted.
I do not know the source of this report. I do know that 37 people died and thousands were crippled by genetically engineered L Tryptophane.
Previously they lied that GMOs only kill pests and are harmless to animals and humans. Now facts worldwide show GMOs either harm or kill animals, and even humans. So what will the GMO scientists say? Easy: these are rumors. People should not be misled. The anti-GMO folks are hating scientists ……….
There are people that may say GMOs are not yet proven to be completely linked to health issues, but that does not mean they are totally safe. Think about how many years “scientists and studies” swore that smoking cigarettes was completely safe and not linked to cancer! Question who does the studies and what they have to gain from it.
Countries all over the world have banned the use of GMOs due to either known health risks, or to the fact that GMOs are so unknown that they should first be tested before being randomly fed to millions of people and unleashing potential health issues. I ask you, and everyone else reading this blog…. why would so many countries be against GMOs? Why would fields and fields of GMO crops be burned by people that oppose it? Because they believe in Big Foot? I think not. They are people concerned with the health for all of us. Taking a risk on consuming crops that may or may not be harmful isn’t good enough for the majority of Americans that want GMOs labeled. It is out basic human right to KNOW what is in our food and we can make the choice to consume GMOs or not.
I think GMOs should be banned completely in the USA, and all over. Foods should not be released consumption where there is ANY question of its healthfulness or danger to our health, without completely informing the public that it is even in our foods. People can choose to drink alcohol, eat sugar, smoke, whatever- but right now about 80% of processed foods in the USA has GMOs in it, and it isn’t even labeled. Kevin, and everyone else- don’t yu feel you have the right to know what is in your food? What is in your children and loved one’s food. Food that you prepare and serve them? Don’t you want the choice to NOT serve your family food that could harm them?
And really… when you think GMOs are safe – google counties that have banned GMOs and look at the lists. Look up the NY Times and search for GMOs and read those articles, and check out the last month’s Discover Magazine. We are all in this together, Kevin. NO ONE is trying to fear monger here. We all just want to be healthy and what is best for our families. I’m sure your mother would have done the same for you. And making fun of people because they believe something different from you is your choice, Kevin. However, I am sorry no matter what fun you poke at this – it will not change what is happening to our food supply or how dangerous or unhealthy GMOs could be.
Check out this list: (And please ask yourself why would all these intelligent people, these strong and intelligent government ban GMOs? WHY?… Thank you for reading this.) “The following countries have banned or restricted the import, distribution, sale, utilization, field trials and commercial planting of GMO’s: Africa: Algeria, Egypt Asia: Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Japan, Phillipines Europe: The European Union, Norway, Austria, Germany United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Greece, France, Luxembourg, Portugal Latin America: Brazil, Paraguay Middle East: Saudi Arabia North America: Maryland has banned GE (genetically engineered) fish and North Dakota and Montana have filed bans on GE wheat. The Municipalities of Burlington, Vermont (declared a moratorium on GE food), Boulder, Colorado (bans on GE crops) and the City and County of San Francisco (urged the federal government to ban GE food) are the only towns or states to take some sort of stand against plants, animals, foods, crops and body products that are, or contain Genetically Modified Organisms. NOTE: The U.S. government, and the FDA do not require anything Genetically Modified to be identified on ingredient lists. Genetically Modified foods and products are in widespread use and distribution throughout the U.S. Pacific: American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Australia, New Zealand
Percentage of crops that are Genetically Modified in the U.S.: Soy (85%) Cotton (Cottonseed) (76%) Canola (75%) Corn (40%) Hawaiian papaya (more than 50%) Zucchini and Yellow Squash (small amount) Quest brand tobacco (100%)"
Below is the link and part of the article:
Deputy Director at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Accepted Offer – Interviewed in Seattle, WA Apr 2011 – Reviewed Feb 22, 2012
Interview Details – * Contacted by a recruiter.
*1:1 interview with Gates HR recruiter.
*1:1 phone interview with Director.
The campus is absolutely awesome. It is LEED certified gold. The work space is open and only the higher levels have closed office space. However, there are a lot of Focus Rooms where you can go to work. They have a great cafe in a beautiful atrium. There is a coffee bar and a great selection of food. All food is organic. However it’s not particularly cheap.
The people, hit or miss. Seems like the average age is 28-38. There are a ton of folks who were at Starbucks or Microsoft.
Kevin the only answer I am requesting for you is why wouldn’t you want mothers to “err on the side of safety” and have the right to avoid GMOs if they want to?