At Moms Across America we often get questions like " What can I eat?" or "Everything is contaminated, what do I do?"
Here is a recent question that we think everyone could benefit from considering and our answer.
“Hi, I'm a new mom who has eaten Quaker Oats throughout my pregnancy. After learning about arsenic levels in the oats I made the switch to Bob's Red Mill organic steel-cut oats. Now I discover that I have been unknowingly eating small doses of glyphosate every morning for breakfast, as well as feeding it to my daughter through breast milk. I'm infuriated and wondering what actions I'm able to take? ”- Michelle V.
Our Answer:
Dear Michelle,
We totally understand your frustration. We are angry too that so much of our food is contaminated.
There are a few things you can do.
1. Stop eating oats*. Eat other organic breakfast foods instead.
2. Switch brands and test the other brand with a home test kit. Test kits are available here.
3. Switch brands and don't test - just hope that it doesn't have glyphosate - and have raw organic sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, and/or kombucha every day.
Sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, and/or kombucha have been found to have a beneficial bacteria called acetobacter which degrades glyphosate in soil. Meaning that theoretically (more studies need to be done in humans) acetobacter would break down the molecule into non-toxic components that are absorbed as nutrients in the body and the glyphosate would be gone. We do not know the quantity of acetobacter in these foods/liquids that you need to consume to degrade the particular amount of glyphosate in your body - there simply has not been enough testing conducted. We simply suggest that people consume one or more of these foods every day, especially when you eat a meal or snack.
We know that we will all be exposed to glyphosate daily, no matter how hard we try, unfortunately, (as long as it is allowed by the EPA) because it drifts and has been found in the soil, air, tap water, and rain. So we do the best we can.
There is a product called Restore that helps to support gut health - glyphosate can cause gut damage - and we highly suggest trying it. You can find it on our website - your purchase also supports our programs to fulfill our mission of creating healthy communities. Check out our Health Solutions here.
We appreciate you contacting us.
Please let us know if you have health improvements! And please sign up for our action alerts and get involved so others in your community can be healthy too!
We invite you to sign out the petition to get Roundup and glyphosate products REMOVED from the shelves in big retailers and to call the EPA at 703-308-8187 and ask Neil and the Pesticide Review Board to revoke the license of glyphosate. This is the only way that our food will stop being contaminated. Thank you!
With Gratitude,
Zen and MAA Team
*Conventional oats are commonly sprayed with glyphosate herbicides as a drying agent before harvest. Organic oats are not allowed to be sprayed with glyphosate but could be contaminated by drift, mislabeling, or even a very small amount through rain or irrigation water. We are working hard to ban glyphosate completely and hope you will join us.
** Updated Oct 24, 2018 Thanks to an email from a supporter. Your feedback matters!
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