To the EPA: Revoke the License of Glyphosate - Moms Across America

To the EPA: Revoke the License of Glyphosate

Right now, the EPA is accepting comments from the public on the issue of whether or not to re-register glyphosate for another 15 years. This is one of the most hotly contested issues of our generation, and we need EVERYONE to comment.

Screen_Shot_2018-02-27_at_7.07.21_PM.pngPlease click on this link, click Comment Now on the upper right, and write a short (or long) comment to the EPA.

Registration Review: Draft Human Health and/or Ecological Risk Assessments for Several Pesticides

We simply ask that you be professional, add links to studies to back up your assertions (see resources below), and share personal reasons why as well.

If you suspect harm to your family or loved ones from glyphosate herbicide Roundup, now is the time to tell them.


You may use parts of our comments below, but please do personalize your comment or else it will be deleted.

Feel free to comment more than once. The last time I checked the majority of the comments were in favor of glyphosate being doubt the chemical companies are paying people to leave comments. Regardless, we need to bring clear independent science and honest pleas.

Please know that there are some inside the EPA that want to do the right thing, and have asked us to communicate with them. They need our support to make changes. Please leave a comment today.

Thank you for your partnership in creating health and freedom!

Zen and MAA team

Comments to the EPA on the health impacts and safety of glyphosate

by Zen Honeycutt- Executive Director, Moms Across America with support from MAA Team

  1. Glyphosate is never used alone. Therefore to assess glyphosate alone, and approve it for use with that assessment, is in an inaccurate methodology to determine the safety of its use. The only assessment and approval of glyphosate herbicides should be based on the final formulations as used on crops and city or residential weed management.

  2. Glyphosate is always used with co-formulants which have been found to be 1000X more toxic than glyphosate alone.

  3. The final formulations of glyphosate herbicides have been found to cause liver disease at ultra low exposure levels, to be endocrine disrupting, tumorigenic and genotoxic, and to increase the risk of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma by 50%.

  4. FarmerSpraying.jpgMany farmers claim glyphosate herbicide is a useful tool. However, according to the Center for Food Safety, over 60 million acres of farm lands now have weeds which resist glyphosate herbicides. Glyphosate is being phased out already across the country.  Renewing the license of this harmful chemical herbicide only subjects our citizens, soil, marine life and wildlife to a harmful chemical. Reapproving glyphosate does not give the farmers a tool that will continue to be useful to them. Denying the license of glyphosate protects the American public, farmers and our eco-systems, and encourages farmers to operate in a manner which is safer for everyone. We have faith in our farmers, that they can farm, as has been done for thousands of years, without toxic chemicals.

  5. Glyphosate has been shown to destroy soil microbes, which decreases organic matter, water retention, carbon sequestration, and nutrient content. Decreasing the beneficial microbes in the soil can also lead to increased pathogens, increased fungus, and increased crop disease. In the German movie Glyphosate, Poisoned Fields? The director points out that the fields which had been sprayed with glyphosate for 12 years had significant soil quality depletion. Decreasing the quality of the soil also leads to soil erosion, loss of invaluable topsoil, and the destruction of the ability to farm.

  6. Glyphosate herbicide has been shown to decrease the beneficial gut microbes and increase pathogenic bacteria. According to Dr. Matt Buckley, this leads to signaling from the lipopolysaccharides on the outer walls of the pathogenic gut bacteria, to the Vagus nerve, which alerts the microglial cells in the brain to go on attack. The attack means the microglial cells produce excitotoxins, which stimulate the nerve endings of brain neurons and lead to their death. Damage to brain connections occur, leads to a reduced ability to make rational decisions. In the United States we currently have 1 out of 5 people with mental illness. Brain damage can also lead to dysfunction of the body, such as a sudden development of loss of eye contact, tics, stammers, and what is called “stimming” in the autism spectrum community. According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, if we continue at the current rate, in just 14 years 1 out of 2 of our children born will be diagnosed with autism.

  7. When glyphosate destroys the beneficial gut bacteria it also destroys the primary location where Serotonin is stored and produced. Serotonin is what supports a human in feeling satiated or satisfied. Without proper serotonin levels a person can experience increased depression, which can lead to obsessive behavior, addictions, and suicide. According to Newsweek magazine, farmers suffer higher suicide rates than any other profession in our nation.

  8. Mental disorders and increased depression can lead to increased homicides and mass shootings. In the first 6 weeks of 2018 American students have suffered through a school shooting every 3 days. Since the increased use of glyphosate herbicides ten years ago and the tragic Sandy Hook shooting, over 1,600 additional shootings have occurred.

  9. Glyphosate is also a chelator, meaning it holds or makes unavailable the vital nutrients of any living thing it touches. This leads to vitamin and mineral deficiency. Without certain vitamins, the brain will not function properly and humans will not make rational decisions. In addition, vitamin and mineral deficiency has been shown to be connected to many illnesses and conditions. According to a recent Smithsonian magazine article, when hamsters in France were fed a high yield corn that was sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, (most likely glyphosate), they became deficient in Vitamin B3 and cannibalistic, eating their own young. When Vitamin B3 was introduced into their diet, the cannibalistic behavior stopped completely. What if glyphosate is making the majority of the America public vitamin deficient and that is contributing to violent behavior? The EPA simply cannot justify reapproving glyphosate in light of such questions and potential harm.

  10. Glyphosate herbicides have also been shown to destroy cell integrity, meaning they can break down the blood brain barrier and allow toxins in food, water, the environment and vaccines into the brain. This leads to increased brain damage, behavioral issues, learning disorders, and early onset dementia. Studies have shown that people with Alzheimer’s and autism have elevated levels of aluminum in certain areas of their brain. Aluminum and glyphosate herbicides have both been found in vaccines. Aluminum and glyphosate have shown to have a synergistic effect that is connected to gut dysbiosis and neurological disease that are characteristic of autism and Alzheimer’s disease.  The FDA and CDC have refused to require testing to confirm these results of glyphosate in vaccines, but it is surmised that glyphosate is breaking down the blood-brain barrier and allowing the aluminum ( 6,150 mcg of aluminum is in the vaccines recommended vaccine schedule) in vaccines into the brain.

  11. Glyphosate exposure to pregnant mothers has recently shown statistically significantly higher numbers of shorter gestations. Prematurely born babies increases the risk of costly developmental delays, special education, chronic health conditions, and infant deaths. In America, according to the Save the Children Report of 2015, we have 50% more babies that die on the first day of life than all of the other industrialized nations combined. The EPA cannot justify that any benefit to glyphosate outweighs the cost--the risk and harm that is befalling our citizens from glyphosate herbicides. The only rational, safe, and justified decision is to revoke the license of glyphosate.













  13. Aluminium in brain tissue in familial Alzheimer’s disease -

  14. Aluminum and Alzheimer's disease: after a century of controversy, is there a plausible link? The hypothesis that Al significantly contributes to AD is built upon very solid experimental evidence and should not be dismissed.

  15. Mold Matthew, Umar Dorcas, King Andrew, Exley Christopher. Aluminium in brain tissue in autism. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology

  16. Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff. Glyphosate pathways to modern diseases VI: Prions, amyloidoses and autoimmune neurological diseases. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry 2017;17:8-32.

  17. Seneff, N. Swanson, and C. Li, Aluminum and Glyphosate Can Synergistically Induce Pineal Gland Pathology: Connection to Gut Dysbiosis and Neurological Disease. Agricultural Sciences Jan. 12, 2015, 6, 42-70. DOI: 10.4236/as.2015.61005




Showing 14 reactions

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  • Laura Weber
    commented 2018-05-01 17:40:44 -0400
    It’s HIGHLY probable that banning glyphosate in America would make our BEE population RETURN.
  • Bob Saunders
    commented 2018-04-30 23:34:01 -0400
    When dealing with any pesticides or anything that children and people come in contact with, the Precautionary Principle should always be the over riding rule to follow. Prevention of harm is not only an ethical and moral code to adhere to, it is the only code to adhere to.

    The amount of water wasted on farm fields sprayed with Roundup, could be the nectar drank by many people in the USA and other countries. The contamination of our foods by Roundup, Glyphosate, etc., is obscene. Soon, there will be no organic farms to grow non GMO, non-Roundup sprayed fruits and vegetables, as a result of the contaminating pesticide drift.
  • Diana Ashurst
    commented 2018-04-30 23:17:26 -0400
    Monsanto was judged guilty of polluting the earth by the World Court. I wish some court would ban glyphosate and keep it banned. It is extremely toxic to this planet.
  • Tracey Ferguson
    commented 2018-04-30 22:33:16 -0400
    The Roundup herbicide containing glyphosate has been shown by a number of independent scientific studies to be very toxic to the ecosystem and to human health. It is linked to many diseases including cancer. It destroys the health of soil and it is harmful to beneficial insects like bees and butterflies. When ingested in our food, it destroys healthy gut flora leading to a chemical chain reaction in the body which causes other diseases and it can affect mental health too. This chemical should be banned.
  • Marilyn Bartlett
    commented 2018-04-30 22:07:45 -0400
    Glyphosate is a poison causing cancer! It must be banned!
  • Andrea Watts
    commented 2018-04-30 22:02:54 -0400
    This is poison and must not be allowed!!!
  • Jawara Pittman
    commented 2018-04-30 21:51:39 -0400
  • Karen Ahern
    commented 2018-04-30 17:41:23 -0400
    It is poison, it gave our dog cancer and how many humans have cancer from this? It is now in our food supply!!! BAN IT, PLEASE! It is criminal to keep it on the market. Other countries have banned it. It is the EPA’s job to protect human health and the environment!
  • Sadia Nakimera
    commented 2018-04-30 14:03:26 -0400
    We demand an immediate stop to gyphosate. This is a deadly poison. Stop it. Gyphosate is killing people.
  • Velda Milani
    commented 2018-04-28 10:04:17 -0400
    Glyphosate is a poison. It is killing the soil and kill people. Why would this even be a question as to whether or not it should be banned? Revoke their license. We as consumers should have a choice as to whether or not we want poison in our food and on our soil. We do not want it. It kills everything – that’s what it is designed to do. Revoke it.
  • Rhea Derk
  • Rhea Derk
    commented 2018-03-22 00:54:53 -0400
    They are murderers. They need to be imprisoned for life, not re-located to another business of terrorism. We (myself and uncountable other truthers I’ve met) know some Nazi’s went to work for Monsanto, and also that Monsanto taught the Nazi’s to put fluoride in the camps drinking water to make the slaves docile and subservient. We also know they are the makers of Agent Orange that destroyed the country of Vietnam where babies are still born with missing limbs and other such major birth defects because of this spray, which shares many of the same chemicals as Roundup (experts say).
  • Lejla Alihodzic
    commented 2018-03-20 16:27:22 -0400
    Stop the use of glyphosate, it’s poison,
  • Patricia O'Connell
    commented 2018-03-20 08:41:42 -0400
    First of all, I can’t believe that you even have to ask this question. The fact that glyphosate destroys gut bacteria alone should be enough to ban its use. Please protect us all from this scourge, especially our children. It’s past time for the EPA to stop working for the corporations, and start working for the people. If you continue to allow crimes against humanity, you are complicit and will be held accountable. Not only in the eyes of God, but your worldly assets may be seized and you could spend the rest of your lives in prison unless divine retribution has something else on the horizon. DO THE RIGHT THING! BAN GLYPHOSATE!

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