NO Safe Level of Glyphosate Exposure to Humans or Animals - Moms Across America

NO Safe Level of Glyphosate Exposure to Humans or Animals



The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has proposed a No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) of 1100mg per day for the chemical glyphosate to be adopted into regulation in Title 27, California Code of Regulations, section 25705. 

Please comment on the Cal EPA- OEHHA page about the "safe level" of glyphosate that you want to be exposed to every day!
(Hint hint: ZERO)

Glyphosate herbicide has been found in tap water, our children's urine, mother's breastmilk, and childhood vaccines.

Glyphosate has been shown by Monika Kruger of Germany to bioaccumulate in bone marrow, muscle tissues etc.

Glyphosate has been shown to be a neurotoxin, chelator, antibiotic, and carcinogen which also causes liver disease.

One way glyphosate functions is by breaking down the blood-brain barrier and allowing other toxins ( such as those found in vaccines and herbicides) into the brain.

We MUST demand a ZERO safe level of glyphosate.


Watch and Listen today Zen Honeycutt with Del BigTree today in Hollywood.






Thank you for watching, listening, and sharing!

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  • Rhonda Byrne
    commented 2017-05-26 09:02:42 -0400
    OMG NO safe level of Glyphosate Exposure to Humans or Animals exist!!!! This is a stick up without a gun!! STOP THIS KILLER NOW!!!
  • Lee Stevenson
    commented 2017-05-25 16:49:26 -0400
    Wow, the more harmfull that it proves to be the more the government permits in our food. This is beyond ridiculous. Someone needs to go to jail.

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