Thanks to Moms Across America supporters; our sponsors and private citizens donating thousands of dollars in three days to pay for testing, glyphosate has been found in feeding tube liquid which is given to babies and children with cancer in hospitals.

Microbe Inotech lab detected 6 out of 20 (30%) of Pediasure samples from the same batch tested postive at levels above 75ppb at 800-1110 X higher than has been shown to destroy gut bacteria in chickens (.1ppb). Only 50ppT ( trillion) was shown to cause liver, kidney and sex hormone changes in rats. These samples were sent by a Moms Across America supporter.This is the exact brand used in the pediatric rehabilitation hospital where she worked and was fed patients needing tube feeding in critical care.
Moms Across America finds it appalling that our health care providers have been led to believe this feeding tube liquid is safe. Our children and loved ones who are depending on our health institutions to support their immune system and recovery. Instead they are being fed a liquid which scientists and knowledgeable care givers now believe is doing the exact opposite.
The Pediasure Enteral Nutritional Drink tested is loaded with GM corn syrup, soy, and sugar, which have been shown to cause inflammation, and are sprayed with gyphosate during the growing season and at harvest as a drying agent. See EPA allowable levels glyphosate on 160 of our food crops here.

Glyphosate is scientifically accepted to function as a chelator; which draws out the vital nutrients of any living thing it touches.
It is a patented antibiotic; destroying gut bacteria, where 70% of the immune system lies, and the body's ability to create Tryptophan/Serotonin, and Melatonin, which regulate insulin/diabetes and protect from sleeplessness, depression, bipolar and violent behavior.
It is a proven endocrine disruptor; which impacts, deforms or halts the development of a fetus, leading to miscarriage, birth defects, infertilityand sterility.
It is also a cell disintegrator; breaking down the blood brain barrier and allowing toxins into the brain, (correlating the rise of autism with the increased use of gyphosate as close as 99%.)
The rise of autism is 99% correlated with the increased use of glyphosate. New studies find glyphosate also feeds antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Pediasure Enteral Nutritional Drink samples for Glyphosate detection by ELISA assay. Detectable level 75 ppb. Lab report here.

A description of how glyphosate impacts the body from MIT PhD. scientist Stephanie Seneff:
1) Glyphosate is an antimicrobial agent (antibiotic) and it perferentially kills the good bacteria, which causes an overgrowth of pathogens in the gut. This leads to leaky gut syndrome and inflammatory issues.
2) Glyphosate chelates rare minerals like manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, iron, sulfur, selenium, etc., and this disrupts the management of these very important nutrients throughout the body. The minerals end up piling up in the wrong places, causing both toxicity and deficiency at the same time.
3) Glyphosate disrupts cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver, which are important for many things, two of which are activating vitamin D and detoxifying multiple toxic chemicals and drugs. Acetaminophen (tylenol), for example, becomes toxic when these enzymes aren't working.
4) Glyphosate works synergistically with the aluminum, mercury, and glutamate in vaccines to cause much greater harm than would be the case if there were no glyphosate present in the blood when the vaccine was administered.
5) Glyphosate interferes with the shikimate pathway, which is used by both microbes and plants to produce the essential aromatic amino acids. Our own cells don't have this pathway, and they depend upon food sources and synthesis by gut microbes to supply these nutrients. They are precursors to many biologically important molecules such as the neurotransmitters serotonin, melatonin, and norepinephrine as well asmelanin, vitamin E, vitamin K, etc.
In my view, the core pathology in autism is insufficient sulfate in the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. This causes severe impairment in neurogenesis and an inability to "clear the trash." It's indirectly caused by sulfur deficiency, melatonin deficiency, impaired sulfate synthesis, impaired sulfate transport, and excess flushing of sulfate through the kidneys - all induced by glyphosate. There's also neuroexcitotoxicity from glutamate and glyphosate and aluminum working synergistically.
Stephanie Seneff, Co-Author Glyphosate papers
Senior Research Scientist
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Further comments on the findings:
This report is absolutely ground breaking for parents everywhere. We need to keep our children safe from these toxic chemicals. Our regulatory agencies have failed us and have let Roundup be carelessly used for too long. The worse part? The American public doesn't have the right to know which food doesn't have it. This must stop and is reason enough to avoid the use of any GMO technology that is tied to this chemical.- Vani Hari, Food Babe
"As a mother I am very disturbed by these results. Working as a pediatric Physical Therapist I met children with feeding issues who depend on tube feedings for their entire lives. Children who experience trauma and are recovering from car accidents, shootings, cancers, surgeries and other illnesses may require these tube feedings for days, weeks, or years. I have long questioned the nutritionally poor and inflammatory ingredients in these feedings but am devastated to find out that they are contaminated with poison. Our most vulnerable children, and our children healing from overwhelming trauma, deserve better." Sarah Cusack, MPT, CHHC
"Eeh gads, glyphosate in Pedisure is frightening. As a cardiologist concerned about herbicides, we now know that RoundUp effects heart tissue and facilitates serious heart rhythm problems ( To think we are exposing infants to this same toxin cannot be tolerated". -
Joel Kahn MD
"The high levels found of course, don't address the issue of bioaccumulation in children. If Pediasure is given to sick children, we have no idea of their rates of clearance, liver function, etc. Tests done on children prior to the administration of these compounds. In addition, the issue of bioaccumulation in children has not been addressed. Their ability to clear these toxins has not been evaluated, particularly when they are ill and may have altered renal function." - Michelle Perro, Pediatrician MD
The question of bioaccumulation has been addressed and written about by Michael Antoniou:
Antoniou M, Habib MEM, Howard CV, et al. Teratogenic effects of glyphosate-based herbicides: Divergence of regulatory decisions from scientific evidence. J Env Anal Toxicol. 2012;S4:006. doi:10.4172/2161-0525.S4-006.
"I find it astonishing that babies and children with cancer are being provided with nutrients through a feeding tube that are contaminated with glyphosate. It ought to be obvious to medical professionals that it is essential to assure that as few toxic chemicals as possible are present in enteral nutrition provided to seriously ill children. This is a direct delivery system for glyphosate to the blood and to the tissues. It should be undeniable that certified organic sources are the only viable option in such a situation."- Stephanie Seneff MIT scientist and co author of the Glyphosate Papers
"The more data produced regarding the levels of glyphosate in our food, water and medicines the better. Even though this testing is not validated it does give a strong clue as to how ubiquitous glyphosate is in the U.S. food supply system. The question the EPA and USDA should be asking themselves is are they willing to risk public health by relying on short-term industry sponsored safety studies on glyphosate and all other pesticides. It is time for the regulators to support long-term independent science to deterime just how damaging glyphosate pesticides are for this and future generations. While these studies are being completed all glyphosate-based herbicides should be removed from the shelves." - Henry Rowlands, Sustainable Pulse
"I have reviewed the lab report dated January 2, 2015 from Microbe Inotech Lab for Moms Across America and can tell you that your results for Pediasure Enteral Nutritional drink are consistent with our lab results of April 18, 2004 for soy based Enfamil ProSobee liquid infant baby formulas.
The Moms Infotech Lab report for ELISA glyphosate analysis showed 6 out of 20 positive IDs for Glyphosate residue in the product. This represents 30% of the samples which tested positive. The highest concentration found was in sample #5 which contained 111 ppb (parts per billion). The lowest detectable reading for milk-like products with this method of analysis is 76 ppb and the lowest amount positively detected in the Mom's lab report was found in sample #7 and contained 80 ppb.
These results, DO NOT necessarily mean that the other 14 samples were free of glyphosate, they may also have glyphosate, only at undetectable levels. These results only show those samples, that could be positively identified by the ELISA method of analysis. Had another method been chosen, such as HPLC-MS with a lower detection limit, possibly more samples would have shown glyphosate residue contamination. We know HPLC-MS testing is 3 times more expensive, but the ELISA results are quick and now show follow up testing is necessary, especially by government agencies who are supposed to protect public health and interests.
Your results and our results, both show measurable amounts of Glyphosate contained in infant formula products and this is most concerning. We found 170 ppb of glyphosate in Enfamil ProSobee liquid infant baby formula, so it will be interesting to compare this result when you receive the report for your infant formula samples.
Make no mistake about it, the levels of glyphosate found in these tests, are levels that do cause harm and damage to the microbiome which comprises 70% of the immune system. This will affect both present and future health. Glyphosate is an insidious, hazardous chemical which should have never been brought to market nor allowed to contaminate the food supply of the USA and that of the developing world.
The levels found in these lab tests, can cause irreparable damage to a developing child, as well as harm to an adult. After all, it is the bacteria of our microbiome and even greater, that of the biosphere which controls the destiny of all living organisms, from birth to the grave." -Anthony Samsel Independant scientist and co author of the Glyphosate Papers
What to do?
Studies show gut bacteria improvements and symptoms of
autism are reduced with probiotics. The best form of probiotics are whole food such as raw organic saurkraut, vegetables, organic yogurt, organic miso, and organic keifer. The reason for this is that the probiotics ( good bacteria) have been shown to restore the gut flora and therefore rebuild the gut brain connection and the immune system.
Unlike any other time in history, American moms, caregivers and all citizens around the world must be concerned with their gut flora, which harbors 70% of the immune system. We moms have seen that when we take preventative measures to avoid GMOs and related pesticides, and ad fermented vegetables and/or probiotics, our children's and our own health improves.
We hope this information is brought to the attention of hospital directors and that they switch to organic feeding tube liquid options (see solutions page for possible option) as soon as possible. Also parents with children on feeding tubes, please look into alternatives such as bone broth, organic smoothies, probiotic and fermeted vegetables and saurkraut juice. Although we are not doctors, and we recommend you seek appropriate care, our mothers have seen improvements with the foods and diets mentioned on our "Solutions" page.
Thank you to all our dedicated supporters and sponsors who donated to get these tests done.
Zen Honeycutt
Moms Across America
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PediaSure® does not contain glyphosate. Moms can be confident in feeding PediaSure to their children.