Contact Organics - Moms Across America

Finally, a Safe Weed Killer

Is your Homeowner's Association, neighbor, city, school landscaper, or Parks and Recreation spraying toxic herbicides like Glyphosate (Roundup), Dicamba (Spectricide), or 2,4-D  in your community? Do you want them to stop spraying poisons and use nontoxic methods?

The number one argument that we hear when we suggest permaculture and organic landscaping methods is that hand-pulling labor is too expensive. Others say that they could not pry a weedkiller spray bottle from their Uncle's hand if their lives depended on it. So we at Moms Across America understand we must offer the solution of a non-toxic weedkiller spray in order to make progress with many decision-makers.

Buy Now.

Watch this recorded Facebook Live video where Zen discusses a new solution, Contact Organic Weed Terminator, with one of our favorite farmer educators, and Student of the Soil, Howard Vlieger.

Learn about the surprising benefits of this weedkiller. When you do you will see that having your community members switch to nontoxic methods impacts not just you but people and life all across the country and around the world.

Join us to empower yourself about how to communicate to your loved ones and landscapers in your life so we can all create healthy communities together.

Here is a video about "Contact Organics Weed Terminators." 

Here is a video about the "Herbicide Application Process."

We have created a page where we are collecting all of the FAQs that come up about this product. 

Please let us know if you have any further questions!

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  • Todd Honeycutt
    published this page in Blog 2021-08-23 13:11:22 -0400
  • Todd Honeycutt
    published this page in Blog 2021-08-20 21:00:26 -0400

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