2019 A Year of Boldly Stepping Forward and Speaking Up - Moms Across America

2019 A Year of Boldly Stepping Forward and Speaking Up

Today Moms Across America posted our 2019 Impact Report on our website. It is a document that was literally 12 months in the writing. This time last year, as we published our 2018 report, we made a promise to our supporters to step boldly into 2019. We didn’t know at the time what the future held, we just knew that there would continue to be challenges. We weren’t wrong. On behalf of mothers everywhere we vowed to continue to rise to those challenges.

As you read the Impact Report you will be reminded of those challenges, and the opportunities that they contained. You will be reminded of the emotional roller-coaster of events that were felt in every state across the country. And you will remember how each and every one of us rose to the occasion - doing whatever it took to keep our families and communities safe and thriving.

The one thing that can be said with complete certainty is that no mother is ever shy about doing the right thing for her loved ones. We are bold and become even more emboldened with every obstacle put before us, every challenge to our health and safety.

However, 2020 brings with it a different promise - a clarity of vision- one of the importance of focusing on solutions.

As Roland Shafer of Nebraska shard with us on on our Moms Connect Call, Monday night, December 19th...

"Intention awakens attention. Where attention goes, energy flows. Where energy flows, everything grows."

Therefore rather than focus our attention on Monsanto, and words like evil and destruction....which would only grow more of the same... let us focus on solutions. Courage, creativity, and action are what we need to grow right now, to create solutions for a healthy future. Solutions for health, farming, reducing climate change and rallying citizen participation. Focus with us...what actions do you see to take this year to create that future you want? What areas do you see you will need solutions? Are you willing t be courageous?

At Moms Across America we see 2020 as a time for courage. In this year we will call upon ourselves and you, our supporters, to examine every aspect of our lives and make the changes that are important to each of us. Have courage! What is happening in your home that doesn’t promote health for your family and the planet? What is happening in your school and community that isn’t contributing to the world you envision? What is happening in your local and national government that isn’t supporting your efforts? What are the food and clothing manufacturers doing to support you - and what are you doing to support the ones that do care about health? What are your priorities?

As you read the Impact Report, know that our everyday actions and end of the year recaps are about you, our supporters. At Moms Across America we move into 2020 with the intention of getting even more clear about our priorities - YOU-and taking courageous actions which will provide long lasting solutions.

Our moms, our families, our communities, and our planet are why we get up every day. We will continue to focus on our mission of educating and empowering mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. It is our hope that as you gain clarity and start to make the changes you desire - please think of us as your partner. TOGETHER, we can create the future all our children deserve.

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  • Dr Julie K Bjornson
    commented 2019-12-30 19:43:38 -0500
    Thank you for getting the DETOX MESSAGE out across our Nation and into global families.
    We need to give the next generations the future they deserve.
  • Tom Braun
    commented 2019-12-18 09:51:40 -0500
    Zen Honeycutt’s Moms Movement is More Important to this Nation than the Suffrage movement. Our food system needs to be cleansed of chemicals that are seriously impacting each generation of our children. Every newborn should be 100% whole and each “mother to be” should be nutritionally fit. NIH and the FDA doesn’t understand the impact of the “cumulative effect” of trace poisons on the human body.
  • Sandra Knauf
    commented 2019-12-18 09:47:59 -0500
    I have been thinking ALL of these thoughts every day for weeks. 2020 is going to be a game-changer on all levels. We must be positive. We must exude LOVE. We must think about what we want, not what we don’t want. That is the key to everything.

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