Good News for Us, Bad News for Bayer and Glyphosate - Moms Across America

Good News for Us, Bad News for Bayer and Glyphosate

Standing up for FamiliesWhen people told us we didn’t have a chance against Monsanto and the agriculture industry, we didn’t listen. We mothers knew that protecting our children and families surpassed any fear, desire for comfort, or success. We had to try. We had to make an effort. Not standing up for our families meant foregoing our integrity. That was not an option.

We were not the only ones that persisted. Organizations like the Center for Food Safety, Beyond Pesticides, Organic Consumers Association, and many others have been rallying, suing, and petitioning to protect the food supply for far longer. So today, we celebrate and acknowledge all of the advocates, lawyers, nonprofit staff, groups, and citizens who are creating a future where Monsanto et al. are obsolete, where healthy, non-toxic, whole foods are plentiful and affordable for all. We still have a long way to go, but today, we celebrate three big wins over the past three weeks.

On May 30, it bears repeating that the USDA finally took action after years of pressure from organic consumer groups and food security advocates and allocated over 3 billion dollars to shore up the food supply, increase access to organic food, produce and even support a health care provider’s ability to prescribe produce by prescription. This means our government recognizes the need for FOOD as medicine. And by food, we do not mean processed packages of food-like products fortified with vitamins, but whole organic produce, vegetables, and fruit.

This surprising turn of events is something that many have been working for, but most did not expect would come to fruition. While we remain skeptical that the funding will be dispersed fairly and create tangible results, we intend to keep an eye on the situation, report on the outcomes, and continue to educate our policymakers on the urgency of access to healthy, non-toxic food.

On June 17, 2022, the District 9 of the Supreme Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the Center for Food Safety and allies, finding that the EPA had “shirked its duty” in giving glyphosate interim approval after deeming glyphosate NOT a carcinogen and ignoring the impact of glyphosate on endangered species. This ruling means that the EPA must go back and review those studies, and they must decide by Oct 1, 2022. The EPA’s policy clearly states The EPA may not issue a registration for a pesticide that causes “unreasonable adverse effects on the environment.” Therefore, according to their policies and previous findings that glyphosate harms 93% of endangered species and 97% of their habitats, they cannot reapprove glyphosate. And if this comes to pass, millions around the world will be celebrating. We ask you to envision that outcome, pray for it, meditate on it and tell your Representatives, the EPA, and US Fish and Wildlife Services that that is what MUST happen.

On June 21, 2022, the Supreme Court rejected Bayer/Monsanto’s appeal to Hardeman’s 25 million dollar award (reduced from 80 millionbecause glyphosate did not have to be labeled as carcinogenic and for the right to continue to sell Roundup without a cancer warning because the EPA previously approved the label without a cancer warning. In other words, Bayer’s lawyer argued that they should not have to take responsibility for telling the truth on their labels because the EPA said their label was okay the way it was. It’s like a six-year-old pointing to his eight-year-old brother (with a permanent marker in his hand and his baby brother with scribblings on his face)  and saying, “But he said it was okay!” Seriously. Grow up.

On June 27, 2022 the courts also rejected Bayer's appeal and upheld an $87 million verdict for the Pilliod v Monsanto trial, for a California couple who used Roundup and both contracted cancer. 

The courts have slammed the hammer on the table to hold this behemoth of a poison chemical company accountable. We applaud the courage of the courts to acknowledge the science. It’s time for the license of glyphosate to be denied. It’s time for it to be removed from the shelves. It’s time for our government to invest in the health of the American people instead of the profits of the poison makers.

Take action now, insist that our policymakers protect life in America and on the planet. Be the one to speak up for everyone.

Click here to sign a letter that will go directly to our officials. You can add your own comment as well.

We thank our supporters who continue to invest in a future where our families and children are healthy, happy, and free.

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  • karen thomas
    commented 2022-07-07 12:21:47 -0400
    Great job! Keep up the good work. Education is the key!
  • David Mrdutt
    commented 2022-07-05 20:41:45 -0400
    It goes to show that the power of prayer assists all righteous desires. I am a survivor of chemical toxicity and I am pleased to see the Big Pharma is being shown that all of their lies are being exposed. And the research by Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT is pushing the dangers of glysophate into the courts. Thank you to all who have lobbied for these changes. Thanks again and may Heavenly Father continue his blessings on all of you.
  • Tom Braun
    commented 2022-07-02 13:52:00 -0400
    I have added manure to my garden and am disapointed in the plant growth.
    Last year, I tried a ground cloth to reduce weeds and put mulch on top. Was that contaminated? How do we stop this stupidity!
  • Tom Braun
    commented 2022-07-02 11:34:01 -0400
    Terrific progress due to the dedication of Moms and their supporters! Unfortunately, there is a push by WHO/Codex Alimentarius (German Big Pharma) and US Big Pharma to limit the access to nutrient supplements. Senator Durbin is their champion pusher. They started a push to deny NAC to those who acquired Covid. FDA is a rubber stamp operation of Big Pharma.
    Durbin has introduced a bill to further control nutrient supplements.
  • Todd Honeycutt
    published this page in Blog 2022-06-28 17:31:03 -0400

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