Ancient Grains IMPROVE Health and Gut Microbiome? - Moms Across America

Ancient Grains IMPROVE Health and Gut Microbiome?

UPDATED article Oct 27, 2021

Over the past ten years, the food industry in American has been turned topsy turvy. All of a sudden millions of people can't or don't want to eat wheat....after thousands of years of major civilizations eating wheat with every meal. Suddenly, people feel rashy, irritable, fatigued, and even sick after eating a simple piece of bread. What happened? Bob Quinn, PhD. 30 year regenerative organic farmer, and author explains how upside down the food system has become- growing cheap processed food rather than healthy nutritious food in his new book Grain by Grain.

A major part of that cheap, processed food is wheat. Modern wheat (with a modern hybrid protein called gliadin which can cause allergenic intolerances), white, processed grain products, or whole grains that have high levels of glyphosate residue...have been destroying our gut microbiomes and increasing the skyrocketing autoimmune diseases for the past decade or more.

In his interview with Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America Bob also explains the health benefits of ancient grain Khorasan, trademarked as Kamut when grown organically, as trained by Bob Quinn and his team. The health benefits are astounding.

In a double-blind study, the participants who ate a diet with organic ancient grains versus organic modern wheat fared far better:

  • Pro-inflammatory cytokines were reduced by 20-30%
  • Bad cholesterol or LDL went down by 8.1%
  • Within 6 weeks IBS participants experienced a significant decrease in bloating, fatigue, diarrhea and stomach pain.
  • Macrophage inflammatory proteins decreased 38.9%
  • Insulin levels went down by 24%
  • Increased levels of health-promoting mutalists of the gut microbioata.

In other words, many people on the ancient grain diet experienced an IMPROVEMENT their gut microbiome and overall health!

Article from Whole Grains Council. 

These results are the exact opposite of what some doctors are claiming today- that no one should be eating any wheat. We believe what is really happening is that the food supply is being so corrupted by agrochemicals and hybridization, that our guts are opposing the changes to the food like wheat, not the wheat itself.

Especially during times of GMO wheat trials in the UK, it is especially important to know and have other options.

We suggest as a local resource.

Ancient grains, grown organically, are showing to be healthier than organic modern wheat, and we feel like going back-to-the basics is the best way to go. Clearly people with Celiacs should not eat wheat, however people with mild intolerances might try eating organic ANCIENT Grains like Kamut and Einkorn, Millet, Sorghum, Teff and others before switching to gluten free, which can be highly processed and glyphosate if it is not organic.

So the next time you are at the grocery store, look for ancient grain pasta, bread, and crackers. 

We understand that some may be skeptical because Kamut International funded the study. Do keep in mind the studies were double blind. The participants did not know what they were eating and the scientist observing did not know until the end of the study and findings were revealed. 

To find out more read Bob's book,

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  • yoshiaki fukukawa
    commented 2019-10-21 20:59:21 -0400
    Good and important.
  • Zen Honeycutt
    published this page in Blog 2019-10-17 18:55:53 -0400

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