Mandatory GMO Labeling

Mandatory GMO Labeling

We have the right to know what is in our food! Please take action with us! Your voice makes a difference.


Senator Roberts has just brought back a bill to stop GMO labeling before the Vermont bill goes into affect in July.

Food manufacturers must begin printing labels soon to comply and they are fighting hard to stop you from knowing what is in your food!

Contact them now and urge them to vote NO for the DARK Act - Denying American's their Right to Know

and require Mandatory GMO Labeling on the package in writing! NO elitist QR codes!

Call your Senators today (you do not have to know their names) at 202-224-3121.

You will only need to say your state and zip code to be connected to your Senator.

Please let them know why you want GMO labeling and how important states rights are to the United States of America!

Thank you!


Moms Across America


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