Join me in Investing in Moms Across America - Zen Honeycutt - Moms Across America

Join me in Investing in Moms Across America - Zen Honeycutt


Zen Honeycutt  - Mother, Founding Executive Director, international speaker, and author of UNSTOPPABLE.


I support Moms Across America because I am crystal clear that if we amplify the voice of the moms and empower everyone to take action to create healthy communities, we can transform the world. We can create that future of health and freedom to be alive and real for our children. I am taking a stand for health and safety for all. In addition to all of the campaigns mentioned by our fabulous Board, the campaign I am championing is the “Safe Tech Schools and Cities Campaign.” Our children and families are being inundated with a new phenomenon - close proximity (5-30 feet) cell towers with levels 5 billion times higher than needed for 5 bars on a cell phone and routers in schools that expose our children to harmful levels of radiation unlike ever before. All done in the name of easy, faster downloading, while Telecom hides the fact that they really want to upload our data for marketing and surveillance purposes. The exposure to the radio frequency radiation at close proximity is setting our children and families up for learning and behavioral issues, fertility impairment, and cancer.

The fact is that we can raise awareness across the country about fiber optics, and ethernet cables, to make sure we have a safe, inexpensive, more secure solution that brings more reliable internet access to all. We need a larger and stronger team to reach all the communities that need support. Will you donate today to support having safe tech school and city environments?

Goal: $10,000

Who's donating

Noelle Hagen
Leo Younger
Illana Stern
Contributions are tax deductible.

Showing 4 reactions

  • Noelle Hagen
    donated 2021-04-20 15:51:17 -0400
  • Leo Younger
    donated 2021-01-01 03:33:08 -0500
  • Illana Stern
    donated 2020-12-01 13:05:41 -0500
  • Zen Honeycutt
    published this page 2020-11-12 15:17:06 -0500

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