Whether you are a Mom or not, if you care about safe food for your family and friends, you are welcome to join us (male, female, kids, everyone is welcome). Label GMOs IE will have a Moms Across America unit in the Redlands (CA) Fourth of July We have our Moms Across America banners, info flyers to hand out, and our mobile gardens to show people how to grow their own, eat local, help the bees, and avoid GMOs. We will also have a panel truck festooned with banners, and some people can ride in the back of it. Uncle Sam will joining us this year.
The annual 4th of July Parade will begin from Franklin School at 850 E. Colton Avenue, Redlands, CA. Please report to the assembly area at Franklin School by 9:30 am. Look for our Mom's Across America Banner and garden cart. The parade starts promptly at 10:30 a.m. and works its way around Sylvan Park, then north on University and back to Colton Ave. The end will not be far from the beginning point. The full route distance from the school and back will be less than 1.5 miles.
You are welcome to bring signs and banners, but we encourage you to keep your message positive, about healthy and organic food, grown without pesticides, while helping the bees, butterflies, and environment. This is not the time to rail against Monsanto and other bio-tech companies. Costumes are encouraged, of veggies, fruit, healthy food, bees, and butterflies - we have some loaners.
Food fed to our military personnel is full of GMOs, and we want to promote giving them healthier options. We especially invite military personnel and vets, especially those who are moms, to join us.
If you would like to volunteer for any special jobs during/before/after the parade (like carrying a banner, passing out flyers, bringing healthy snacks, etc.) please sign up here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4fa4ad28a5fa7-corona
If you have any questions, can't find us on the day of the parade, have any problems, here is Christine's cell phone: 714-308-6406.
850 E Colton Ave
Redlands, CA 92374
United States
Google map and directions

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