“For the past 30 years, everything we thought we knew about food and exercise is dead wrong. FED UP is the film the food industry doesn't want you to see. From Katie Couric, Laurie David, and director Stephanie Soechtig, FED UP will change the way you eat forever.”
Dr Jason Pape and LI Moms Across America Leader, Madeline Blom, invite you to The Vitality Center’s First Healthy Happy Hour and movie night! Join us as we introduce the non-GMO Purium Health Products and Nature’s Fuel Bars, feature speakers such as Strictly Gluten Free’s Steve DiStefano, and premiere the documentary “FED UP”!
Madeline will be there the entire evening handing out information on GMOs and she and Dr. Pape will be available for any questions you may have. And be sure to stay around for our keynote speaker after the film! See you all there!
5: 00 pm: We will host a Purium presentation on non-GMO whole food nutrition and cleanses
5:40 pm: Purium& Non-GMO Nature's Fuel Health Bar tasting
6:00 pm: Strictly Gluten Free presentation
6:25 pm: Come meet our nutritionist and learn how you can be GMO-Free
6:50 pm: Fed Up movie intro
7:00 pm: “FED UP”
8:35 pm: Keynote Speaker
9:00 pm: Q & A
To stay in touch with all of the Vitality Center’s events, like our facebook page!
Do you want more information on how you can join Madeline’s national coalition of unstoppable moms? Email her at mommasorganics@gmailcom or join her Mommas Organics FB page!

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