Moms Across America blog


Why It’s Time to Toss Your Tylenol

A common over-the-counter pain medication is being connected to rising learning disorders. New findings from the Boston Birth Cohort study of 996 mother-infant dyads, as reported in JAMA Psychiatry, show cord plasma biomarkers of fetal exposure to acetaminophen were associated with significantly increased risk of childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is one of the very few painkillers that has been considered safe to use during pregnancy. However, after identifying a link between prenatal exposure to the drug and symptoms of autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, studies suggest acetaminophen may not be so safe after all.

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Best for the World

iroquoisvalley-logo-500-6cd8df0a.pngYes, you read that title correctly. It’s not best in the world - it’s best for the world. There is a big difference.

At Moms Across America we are constantly looking forward... like the Native American tradition of making decisions based on what is best for the next seven when we learned about what Iroquois Valley Farmland Trust was doing, we got excited. If you are looking to invest your well deserved earnings in a way that will make a difference for the next several generations, we invite you to consider this trust. Rather than stocks or mutual funds investing in Big Pharma, Big Ag or Big Oil….we understand that you want better options.

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How and why I became an activist

Ask anyone who has proudly worn the label of activist why they became one, and just like fingerprints, you will get a different answer.

This is my story, and how I came to work with Moms Across America.

Think back to a “simpler” time. For me it was about 10 years ago. I was living a pretty good life, married in the suburbs, not having to work as my husband had a good job. I thought I was well educated on living healthy and would try to buy organic produce when I could and looked for environmentally friendly household products when it suited me. I thought I was doing pretty good.

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Every Day is Child Health Day

Child Health Day was Monday, October 7. It was not featured in mainstream media...instead we heard more news about corruption in politics. Our media missed a huge opportunity to raise awareness about the health crisis our children are facing and the future of our country. This is why our work, with your support, is so important... every day.

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Tell the EPA to Require Full Formulation Testing for Pesticides!

Did you hear that the EU now requires the final formulation testing for toxicity and carcinogenicity of pesticides? This is a HUGE win!

What about the USA?

Well... here the EPA allows only 1, yes ONE, UNO, only one of the ingredients in a pesticide (not all) to be "safety" tested. They do not require synergistic testing of the mixture of ingredients with each other or with other chemicals that are used on the same crop or area. Short term tests for toxicity are also the industries favorites on one chemical, not independent long-term safety testing for harm.

The pesticide manufacturers can pick the LEAST toxic chemical and declare that the "active chemical ingredient" even if that is complete hogwash! For instance, in Roundup Monsanto picked glyphosate, which is harmful over time, meaning with chronic exposure, but the other chemical ingredients in Roundup are 1000X MORE toxic! The other ingredients include arsenic and heavy metals. Don't you think they should be considered as well? Especially since it has been illegal to use arsenic on our food crops for years? And heavy metals are also known to be toxic? And now they are showing up in 95% of the baby food tested?? ARRGHHH! UNACCEPTABLE!

Toxic means the chemical kills over 50% of the animal or fish test subjects in less than 96 hours. It does not mean over 5, 10, or 20 years of low does exposure...which is what is happening to US when we consume food with residues of glyphosate herbicides and other toxins like 2,4-D, Atrazine and Dicamba! To put it simply, WE, the human race, are one big science experiment for the chemical companies and the EPA is doing NOTHING about it!

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Glyphosate Makes Cells More Susceptible to Breast Cancer

A new study, first posted on GMWatch, reveals disturbing information.

Glyphosate, found in Monsanto's/Bayer's Roundup and 700+ other glyphosate based herbicides, primed human breast cells to be more susceptible to cancer. GMWatch reports,"The glyphosate induced a several-fold increase in a protein called TET3, which is known to remove methylation tags from DNA.Normally when the DNA of a gene is tagged by methylation, it is not expressed. When the methylation tags are removed, the gene can be reactivated. Such changes in gene function caused by alterations in the profile of DNA methylation tags are known to be a contributing factor to cancer formation (carcinogenesis)."

When the alterations in the gene function as described above were combined with microRNA, which are commonly found in our bodies, they grew into an aggressive form of breast cancer called luminal B cancer. This cancer is becoming increasingly common in young women, and has been devastatingly fatal.

This news should have every breast cancer research center shouting from the rooftops to eat organic and avoid exposure to glyphosate herbicides in our community parks and sidewalks!

Watch our interview with UK scientist Dr. Michael Antoniou, on this new study and its amazing discoveries.


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Preventing Breast Cancer in an Estrogenic World

Have you heard about the newest study on glyphosate? It's just in time for Breast Cancer Awareness month. The study shows that glyphosate can trigger aggressive breast cancer growth when combined with micro RNA, which is commonly found in the human body. This is extremely concerning.

We have arranged for a Facebook LIVE interview with scientist Dr. Michael Antoniou on Thursday Oct 10 an 9 am PT to discuss this new study. Join us!

If you are or know someone who want to avoid breast cancer or are in the unfortunate situation of having breast cancer, we hope this article will be useful.

The following article and information are provided by a respected professional in her field, Ingrid Edstrom. While MAA supports the science surrounding the link between toxins and cancers of all kinds, we are not medical experts and suggest that you always consult with your healthcare providers before initiating any treatments or protocols of any kind.

Today we live in a toxic soup. Chemicals that mimic or disrupt the hormone estrogen abound. Exposure to and consumption of these excess estrogens, disruptors, and GMO foods play a role in many health problems, especially breast cancer. In the U.S. currently, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer. The American Cancer Society is projecting a future increase to perhaps 1 in 5.

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Everything you wish you didn't know about GMOs

As a mother, my first and foremost concern is the well being of my family. Many things can threaten the safety of my family, especially our children, who are more vulnerable due to the underdevelopment of their bodies. One of those things is Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs which have been in our food supply for twenty years, unlabeled.

The safety of GMOs has been highly contested. While proponents of GMOs say that they are safe, recent studies show that they have inherent risks. They say that GMOs happen in nature all the time—like a hybrid. However, GMOs are created only in a lab with a gene gun and by a process that scientists have patented to protect their technology. GMOs are not hybrids and cannot occur naturally in nature. Genetic engineering, for example, the altering of DNA with foreign species, or editing out DNA to remove a trait from a species permanently, or altering DNA or RNAi for a desired trait, does not happen naturally. It is not found in nature in any shape or form. The scientists and media that say GMOs are natural are misleading the public. Many of these scientists are not impartial, but are instead supported by advertising dollars or grants to universities from the GMO/chemical manufacturers and have incentives to make these claims. Regardless of their reasoning, they are certainly ignoring the “precautionary principle”— the principle that the introduction of a new product or process whose ultimate effects are disputed or unknown should be resisted. Any scientist worth his or her salt will admit that many aspects of GMOs are still unknown.

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The Teen Vaping Epidemic

If you have a teen, chances are about 1000% that your teen has seen others or has tried vaping. For my son, he is inundated by the sweet smelling vapors every time he goes to his high school bathroom. According to Congressman Pallone, the statistics are that 1/3 of 12th graders are e-cigarette users.

When parents think about the dangers their children face, they often first think about smoking...and educate their children on the dangers of tobacco. They typically discuss the health risks associated with smoking cigarettes and cigars or chewing tobacco. Statistics show that however, that traditional cigarette use has declined consistently for decades, nicotine use is still on the rise. This increase in nicotine consumption among teens and young adults can be linked to vaping. In 2017, 11% of high schoolers vaped, and in 2018, that number increased to 20.8% of all high school students in the United States.

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Global Climate Strike - Call to Action Week Sept 20-27

We hope you have heard by now that tomorrow is a Global Call to Action Day- Climate Strike! on September 20th. 

From our friends at MADE SAFE, "These climate strikes will launch a sustained mass public mobilization, necessary to pressure world governments to take action in line with climate science and justice. This is a worldwide marathon that every living thing on our planet desperately needs us to participate in. To find a climate strike near you, click here."

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