Join us in the Harrisburg 4th of July Parade! We will be walking the route in the parade, and handing out literature, singing and having fun! Details where to meet and what time will be sent via email as soon as we get the information from the Harrisburg Parks & Rec. Dept.
Will you join into a 4th of July Parade in the Carolina and march for Health and Freedom in America? Will you march Label GMOs and raise awareness about pesticides?
To SAVE the Bees? Whatever your fancy, it will be a fun, festive, family friendly and very fulfilling day!!!! The Chemical industry is not backing down, nor should we! It's our right to have health and freedom!
If you would like to be notified of events raising GMO awareness year round in the Carolinas please, join Do Not Alter. Please, volunteer as well if you would like to be involved in organizing GMO awareness outreach events.
THANK YOU! Let's ROCK the Carolinas to be GMO FREE!!!!

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