At Moms Across America, we are committed to empowering mothers and others to create healthy communities. A foundational aspect of being healthy has the freedom to choose which medical procedures we receive. Not just from a fundamental human rights aspect, but from the undeniable reality that every human being has a unique genetic disposition. One may believe that drugs or vaccines are effective and can still acknowledge that no single medication will affect every person in the same way. Therefore, humans cannot be required by our government, employers, schools, or businesses to partake in a medical procedure or drug when there is the potential of considerable, irreversible health consequences for that individual.
Any risk, therefore, must be a personal decision to take or a parent’s decision for their minor child because we know our children’s medical history best. A Senator does not. Our ancestors’ racial and genetic heritages, our blood type, our great grandmother’s toxic chemical exposure (which we may have never known about), and more all affect our bodies today and could lead to grossly unpredictable outcomes when we take medications. Some families have the socioeconomic means to learn about and pay for genetic testing. They can determine if their child has specific mutations of genes, such as the MTHFR mutation, and if their child will be at a higher risk of damage from certain medications or ingredients in vaccines. Under our current for-profit medical establish, some parents are not as privileged. Moreover, there are many unknowns in the more recent vaccines which do not have long-term safety studies.
Most parents find out about these risks the hard way. Frequently, a day or two after ingesting a drug or after injection, their child can no longer look them in the eye or communicate. Too often, they become violent, suicidal, or homicidal from drug reactions that were deemed safe for them regardless of their age, racial heritage, or body type. Sometimes, within a few days or weeks, they die. Countless stories flood our social networks with this tragic news. There is no monetary compensation that can ease the pain of the loss of one’s child. It is astounding that our Moms Across America supporters who have experienced this loss have not given up and retreated from society forever. Instead, they demonstrate unstoppable determination and generosity by speaking up, showing up, and demanding safety for others.
Still, it is an awful reality that many parents who have had their children damaged by the ingredients in drugs or vaccines cannot afford to leave work and homeschool their children to avoid mandates and policies that require these medical treatments. Perhaps they are a single parent and do not have the option to move out of state to avoid chemotherapy treatments that are the legally required mode of treatment for children in many states. Parents who have seen severe reactions in their children feel forced to subject their babies to further drug treatments or vaccinations because they feel they have no choice. This is not healthy. This is not freedom.
Even if families can afford to move, feeling forced to flee your home for somewhere safer for your family is not freedom. America’s founders, like so many other peoples throughout world history and today, did this and continue to do so around the world. But today, in America, we expect that the people who have sacrificed their lives did so for a reason. We hope that our current leaders would honor their sacrifice and support personal freedoms.
Two bills in Congress affect our health freedoms.
The first is HR 6666: COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act. While it was introduced in May of 2020 and has not been passed, it was listed as one of the “most viewed” bills this week from the Library of Congress. We suspect increased interest around this bill is being raised on The Hill due to the media attention on the Delta variant of COVID-19.
This bill authorizes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to award grants for testing, contact tracing, monitoring, and other activities to address COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus 2019). Entities such as federally qualified health centers, nonprofit organizations, and certain hospitals and schools are eligible to receive such grants. In awarding the grants, the CDC shall prioritize applicants that (1) operate in hot spots and medically underserved communities and (2) agree to hire individuals from the communities where grant activities occur.
This bill has 72 co-sponsors who are in favor of allocating 100 BILLION dollars to hospitals, higher education centers, clinics, high schools, or “any other type of entity that is determined by the Secretary to be an eligible entity for purposes of this section.”
Schools tracking our families and friends?
The eligibility of high schools, and potentially elementary schools if the Secretary deems it necessary to be a part of this program, is deeply disturbing to our team. Encouraging our school system to be a part of tracing and tracking family members and neighbors is not the America we know and love. Even more worrisome is the 100 billion dollar carrot dangling in front of our school boards, who are in dire straits in many areas due to lack of funding despite all the stimulus spending. Many school systems report that they are experiencing up to a 20% drop in attendance. Some blame charter schools and have enacted an all-out smear campaign against them to prevent further funding from being drained from their coffers. Each child unenrolled from a public school can be a loss of approximately $9,000 in revenue for that school. The result of this is teachers’ wages are being cut or their roles eliminated. Programs and services diminish, and principals struggle to maintain a good quality of education.
In our experience, charter schools are not the problem. In a poll of over 550 supporters, the number one reason why a parent withdraws their child from a public school is that that child has learning and behavioral issues that the school is ill-equipped to handle. Therefore they homeschool their child. One out of six children has a learning disorder today.
Why do so many children have learning and behavioral disorders?
The number one factor of learning disorders is environmental toxins. That means the toxins in our food, air, water, and, yes, vaccines.
The ironic and sickening vicious cycle is evident. The government does not fully regulate products to reduce the polluting of our environment. Exposure to toxins is making our children sick and incapable of learning to their fullest potential. So they drop out. The schools lose money. Then, the government wants to offer gobs of money to our schools to track our family members and “keep our community safe” with vaccines that contain toxins. Accepting the funds will have the schools accountable to the government regulations around tracking our community members, testing them, and most likely strongly encouraging them to get vaccinated. This vicious cycle then continues--further polluting our children’s bodies with toxins.
What can we do about this? First, we can make sure our government does not buy our schools. Talk to your board members. Express your concerns. Call your Representatives and be THE ONE to educate them on the merits of personal health freedoms, one of the founding principles of this country.
New Bill Protects and Honors Armed Forces
Not all Representatives are for the mandating, tracking, and diminishment of health freedoms, however. Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky introduced Bill HR 3860 on June 14, 2021, To prohibit any requirement that a member of the Armed Forces receive vaccination against COVID-19. This is welcome news and a step in the right direction. The preliminary text of the bill is available here, and we feel this is a great time to call and thank Rep. Massie, make suggestions as to what exactly you would want to see in that bill, such as no back door or extenuating emergency circumstances.
Our armed forces deserve to be treated with respect and honor. Taking away their freedom while they fight for ours, determining what happens to their body goes against everything they have in the past and continue to fight for. Like our children, service members deserve choice.
Please take action NOW. Contact your representatives and tell them to say NO to HR 6666 and YES to HR 3860 to protect and provide health freedom to the American people.
Thank you!
Note: Due to censorship and the removal of pages when sharing information regarding vaccination, we encourage you to share this campaign through email.
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