For Immediate Release: October 13, 2016
Contact: Blair Fitzgibbon, 202-503-6141
Mothers Across the World Launches Global Toxic Free Zone Map
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Los Angeles - Ahead of the Monsanto Tribunal in The Hague, Mothers Across the World is launching their Global Toxic Free Zone Map, showing the successes of citizens around the world who have had their communities eliminate the use of toxic chemicals.
"The rise of reports of harm to our children from pesticides around the world have motivated us to encourage moms and supporters to ask their home owner's associations, schools, churches, parks and recreation departments, towns and counties, to discontinue the use of Roundup and toxic chemicals and to use alternatives." stated Zen Honeycutt, Co-Creator of Mothers Across the World. “This collaborative map shows the locations that we know of currently. We invite everyone who knows of a pesticide free zone to add their information and get on the map.”
The map shows the approximate location of the town and the details of the pesticide free zone. Some examples are descriptions like "Total ban of pesticides and rodenticides" or "No Roundup or Glyphosate and 2,4-D.” The information has been gathered from various resources primarily from Michelle Schumacher of Non Toxic San Clemente, CA who is also a Mothers Across the World supporter.
If you know of an area that is pesticide free and not on our map, please email us the city, state/province, country, zip/post code, and a brief description of how that area is pesticide free. We will add it as a zone to this map. Please email us at [email protected] with the word 'map' in the subject line. Meanwhile, please share this important map with everyone you know!
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