Revoke Roundup
Have you heard about Glyphosate/Roundup in our water, urine, breast milk, honey, sanitary products, food, beer and WINE?
Even organic wine?
Enough is enough!
The widespread contamination of glyphosate MUST STOP.
Please join us with a strong message to the EPA that they must revoke the license of glyphosate!
Sign petition on now!
Please share!
Thank you!
Zen and MAA Team
The Worst News a Mother Could Hear
Dear Friends
The last week or two were weeks of what looked like insurmountably bad news. Daunting. Unbelievable and disheartening.
1) The EPA RAISED the glyphosate levels to unbelievable amounts. We know now that breast cancer cells proliferated upon the introduction of only parts per TRILLION of glyphosate ( see our blog "Proof of GMO Harm"). We know that the chemicals in Agent Orange caused hundreds of thousands of birth defects and deaths. And yet the EPA has granted Monsanto's and Syngenta's requests to raised the levels of these and other chemicals by double, triple, quadruple and higher amounts in the part per million. For example: 2-4 D and other chemicals have been increased in the feed crops that the animals we eat , eat: barley hay from 1.4 to 30 ppm and aspirated grains from 30 to 108 ppm.
Glyphosate levels were increasd in Sunflower seeds to 85 ppm, Tea 5 ppm, Beans 5 ppm, Quinoa 5 ppm, Bananas .2 ppm, Sugar Beets 25 ppm, Dry Peas 8ppm, Pork 5 ppm etc.
Image from Occupy EPA
2) Moms Across America Zen Honeycutt was able to interview Anthony Samsel and found out that 160 of our foods are contaminated with glyphosate. See the full list here.
3) Birth defects in babies are a reported 4-8 X higher down stream from three orchard areas in Washington State that use heavy glyphosate sprays. See article here.
4) TPP: Many of us found out that an international trade agreement called TPP ( Trans Pacific Partnership) that could threaten everything we are working for by fast tracking ( and keeping secret) trade agreements between nations that could eliminate GMO labeling, allow corporation to sue countries for blocking sales of GMOs and force more sales of GMOs. Go to to find out more and support the cause by hosting a Meet the Congress! event on MAA website.
We believe that some of the worst news a mother could hear is that the food we eat is causing harm to our family and the toxins in our environment that have been deemed safe by our own EPA are causing birth defects. On top of it our own government appointed officials may take away our rights to be able to choose our food and protect our families from these toxins. This is unacceptable.
But there MUST be Good news right?
Of course there is! Moms and our fantastic supporters are an undauntable bunch!
1) The biggest good news is that we are now creating PARTNERSHIPS between organizations that will expand and support all of our intentions nationally and around the globe. Moms Across Africa, Moms Across Canada and Moms Across Ireland have Facebook pages and we are working on developing an international coalition! We are connecting with several other orgs and will announce partnerships soon!
2) Moms Across America's Kathleen Hallal spoke at the Justice Begins with Seeds Conference in Washington State last weekend and I spoke in my CT home town in front of 62 people, 20 teens from FRESH, a gardening program, who are out to transform the food industry! We are continuing the global movement for Moms, who buy 85% of the food, and supporters to be the ones to make a change in our health and freedom.
3) 14 year old Rachel Parent from Canada went on national TV and stood her ground debating Kevin O'Leary. Click here for the link. Inspiring! If she can speak up, we all can too!!
4) Kauai Hawaii and NY made giant steps forward in labeling GMOs and eliminating toxins from our environment and bodies.
5) Moms Across America is just getting started! Our next endeavors are:
GMO Free Shopping Day! Sept 7, 2013 GMO Free Moms and YOU Moms Across America supporters are the perfect candidates to host a GMO Free Shopping coaching session at your local grocery store! More info on Please post any and all of your events on so your local supporters can find you!
World Food Day Oct 16, 2013 Moms Across America GMO FREE SCHOOLS Educational Outreach. Gather a group of Moms to hand out flyers at drop off or pick up and educate your entire school about how they can make GMO free lunches! Flyers coming soon. Post your event soon!
RECALL ROUND UP: Date: ASAP- Glyphosate information door hangers to distribute in neighborhoods.
GMO Free DINING : Date: ASAP- Flyers to give to restaurants to encourage them to go GMO Free. Chef Patrick Stark supporting us with great tips!
We are disturbed by the bad news...but the good news is you.
Moms Across America is an international coalition of unstoppable moms and we have tremendous reach and power because we buy 85% of the food. It's up to us Mommas and our tremendous supporters.
The Good news are our Dads. The good news is our Teens. The good news is our kids, doctors, nurses and politicians who supports this effort. The good news is that we are not alone and we are growing!
We are continually and deeply inspired by the people like you who know this situation is daunting and huge and yet KEEP GOING ANYWAY.
Thank you for being unstoppable!
Zen Honeycutt
Kathleen Hallal and the MAAM Team
P.S. We need your help. We need professionals..a non profit developer, social media gurus, graphic designers, writers, researchers and media support. Please also donate and encourage your favorite organizations to donate and support the Moms who buy 85% of the food to go GMO free and Organic and eliminate toxins from our food supply. Every dollar helps!
Part 2 of the Samsel Interviews on the Effects of Glyphosate
Anthony Samsel on the Effects of Glyphosate ( RoundUp) on the immune system, allergies, autism, ADHD, bipolar disorders, behavioral problems, aggression, obesity, liver cirhosis, depression and numerous diseases.
If you have seen Part 1 of the Samsel Interviews or "Samsel on Unsafe Meat and Potatoes" you want to get straight to Part 2. I will be brief, but I do want to presence WHY this information is so urgent for us.
This information leaves us hungry for more, not because it is "good news" but because it makes so much sense. It reveals the connection between so many diseases and illnesses that are affecting our loved ones...our children that we would die for, out fathers that we admire and respect, our mothers that we cherish and our friends that make us laugh so hard we cry. This information gives us access to caring for them.
This information gives us a way to say.."Hey you can get better!" You can tell them we know why now...and we can do something about it.
So, although this can be overwhelming, I ask you to just be present to the love you have for you family members when you watch this and come from that love when you share this information. When you have "bad" news to give someone, it is much easier to digest if it is served with love. And when you are present to that love, you get that YOU are the good news, THEY are the good news, your LOVE is the good news. And together your partnership in eating organic and having new adventures in growing your own food, cooking from scratch, discovering local farmer's markets, connecting with local CSA's or Co-Ops, those connections and the strengthening of our communities and our country is the good news.
Thank you to the brilliant, generous and caring Anthony Samsel for sharing his time and research with us. Thank you to the talented and committed Ryan Wirick for the amazing editing job in finding all the images to assist us in understanding this challenging information. We are forever grateful for your immense contributions to our movement.
Thank you for sharing this with the media, your congress people and with everyone in the world. It is up to us.
With gratitude for your partnership in creating health and freedom,
Zen Honeycutt