"Healthy" Hummus Contaminated with Monsanto's Roundup
Glyphosate in Hummus Test Results Report
Moms Across America
August 31, 2018
August 31, 2018 - Hummus is the go-to snack for most people who consider themselves healthy. Apparently, the brand of hummus has now become much more important. Today, Moms Across America released the test results of 10 hummus samples from 8 brands showing concerning levels of glyphosate residues. All but 1 of the samples tested positive for quantifiable levels. Glyphosate is found in Monsanto’s popular weed killer Roundup and is commonly sprayed on garbanzo beans as a drying agent prior to harvest. The chemical glyphosate has been making numerous headlines in the past two weeks due to the verdict in the Johnson v Monsanto trial. Johnson was a school pesticide applicator and was awarded 289.2 million dollars by the jury from the chemical giant Monsanto for “malice and oppression” or hiding the fact that they knew that their glyphosate herbicide could cause cancer. The hummus brands testing positive for glyphosate residue were Kirkland Signature, Sabra, Cedar’s, Simply Balanced, Trader Joe’s, Sadaf, and Hope. Lilly’s organic hummus was the only brand that had a non-quantifiable result for glyphosate.
Zen Honeycutt, Founding Executive Director of Moms Across America stated, “Glyphosate residues in hummus are not surprising, due to the farming practice of spraying garbanzo beans preharvest with glyphosate as a drying agent, but these results are terribly disturbing. The agriculture industry has known since 2015 that the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a probable carcinogen. They had ample time to discontinue the practice of spraying this herbicide on their crops. We hope now, with these results and the verdict of the Johnson v Monsanto lawsuit, that the EPA will revoke the license of glyphosate and farmers will stop using harmful chemicals.”
Lilly’s Hummus representative stated that they source their garbanzo beans from organic farmers in California. When asked about the absence of glyphosate in their products they stated, regarding their suppliers, “They perform random field pre-checks on crops, and recognize glyphosate as one of the worst herbicides. We’re very gratified to produce a nourishing product safe for individuals and families free of this substance.”
The Beginning of The END of the Chemical Era
Dewayne "Lee" Johnson, a school pesticide applicator with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, WINS his lawsuit against Monsanto! The jury (God Bless them) awarded Johnson 289.2 million dollars! 4000 other plaintiffs are waiting to sue Monsanto and 10,0000 are expected by the end of the year. Surely this decision has Bayer, who now owns Monsanto, reconsidering whether or not to continue to sell glyphosate-based products.
This is a huge win for humanity! Corporations around the world now get that they must take responsibility for the impact of their products!
Watch the verdict here:
US Court demands that the EPA must ban chlorpyrifos in 60 days! Chlorpyrifos, a chemical sprayed on food crops, is a known neurotoxin, especially to children, and was supposed to be banned last year. But the ban was revoked by the current administration. Coincidentally, the ban dismissal was enacted after Trump held a meeting with the CEO of Dow, the manufacturers of the chemical, who gave a 1.2 million dollar donation to his campaign. At Moms Across America, we believe that no matter who we vote for, what our political inclinations are, that every public figure has a responsibility to protect our children. This behavior is reprehensible, and we are glad that the courts have the power to reverse that decision and reinstate the ban. We simply cannot allow big business to harm our little kids.
Transcripts of the closing arguments here.
Johnson's lawyer's slides here.
Also, in the news is Monsanto on trial and Robert F. Kennedy Jr - one of the lawyers suing Monsanto for the link to Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Watch his stellar interview here.
We are so glad he addressed all the health issues we moms have been talking about for years now - and that the media is covering this issue!!!!
Read moreHuman Rights Violations Document Submitted to Monsanto
Data compiled by members of The Monsanto Tribunal Team, Navdanya, Moms Across America and concerned citizens of the USA.
We submit that Monsanto, first and foremost a chemical company, is mistaken in thinking it is its job to “Feed the World”. Monsanto’s job is to make sure the chemicals they sell are safe and effective. Or, to redirect it’s resources to business which does not include using toxic chemicals which can harm humans, wildlife, livestock, soil and the water supply. Monsanto has a responsibility to maintain its commitment to product safety and integrity by forming a committee to investigate if human rights violations have occurred due to their products and business practices.
Millions of people worldwide are working to reclaim their basic right of seed freedom, to protect human health and rights, and to promote poison-free organic farming and agroecology. We call upon Monsanto Company to ensure that their globally acknowledged human rights violations cease and desist.
Read more
The Plot to Take Down IARC and Continue Poisoning Us Must Be Stopped
Did you know that ... despite the fact that 1 out of 2 males and 1 out of 3 females in America are expected to get cancer, a group of U.S. Congressmembers serving on the House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, have threatened to defund and dismantle the World Health Organization's Independent Science Body, the International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC)?
U.S. defunding might have the impact of dismantling this entire body which serves the whole world on cancer issues, as part of the World Health Organization.
Read moreMonsanto's Secrets Are Out
Miscarriage Coverup Revealed
On Tuesday attorneys from Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman, who are representing hundreds of plaintiffs accusing Monsanto of causing their Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, made Monsanto's secrets available to the public. Documents produced during the discovery of the lawsuit, including emails, manipulated studies, and texts are proving to be a treasure trove of evidence not only for their case but for hundreds of thousands who have long named Monsanto the most hated corporation in the world.
Mom Speaks at Monsanto
Press Release from Moms Across America
Monsanto Shareholder meeting presentation January 31, 2015 (UPDATED July 1, 2022)
Organic Consumer's Association, SumOfUs, and Moms Across America held a rally at the Monsanto Headquarters on Jan 30, 2015. Supporters came from St.Louis, CA, Arizona, Illinois, Washington DC, Chicago, and beyond.
Inside the meeting:
Zen Honeycutt represented John Harrington of Harrington Investments at yesterday’s meeting to ask for shareholder support for Item No. 5, Shareowner Proxy Access—an essential mechanism for accountability supported by institutional investors and the SEC.
As the founder of Moms Across America, she spoke on behalf of millions of mothers, a significant group of long-term stakeholders of Monsanto. Her presentation contained the following:
1 out of 2 children in America today has chronic illnesses such as asthma, allergies, autism, autoimmune disease, Crohn’s, diabetes, and obesity. (1) All of these conditions and more can be directly linked to GMOs and Glyphosate--to Monsanto’s products.
Zen said to Monsanto, on behalf of struggling parents, STOP POISONING our children! Glyphosate—a patented antibiotic—has been detected in the air, water, food, Fruit Loops (see GMOFreeUSA.com) , our children’s urine, our breast milk, (2) and in feeding tube liquid (3) fed to children with cancer, at levels thousands of times ABOVE what has been shown to destroy GUT BACTERIA—where 70% of the immune system lies. (4)
The Monsanto shareholders MUST know, she said that without proper gut bacteria the body cannot make Tryptophan, Melatonin, or Serotonin which regulates insulin—leading to numerous illnesses including diabetes, a disease which is on course to bankrupt US Healthcare in 13 years. (5)
When the gut bacteria are destroyed, food particles and pathogens escape through the intestines, causing allergies and auto-immune diseases. Allergy ER Visits have increased 265% since GMOs and glyphosate were introduced. (6)
Without healthy gut bacteria and the ability to make serotonin and melatonin, our bodies cannot prevent insomnia, depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. 57.7 million Americans have mental illness today. (7)
Glyphosate is a DNA mutagen and cell disintegrator, allowing toxins into the brain. (8)
Glyphosate is a chelator, causing vitamin and mineral deficiency. Without certain minerals, our bodies cannot fight cancer. (9)
Glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor, causing infertility, sterility, miscarriages, and birth defects. (10)
She stated that she was submitting hundreds of testimonials from mothers describing what Monsanto products are doing to their children and showing how their children get better when they avoid GMOs and eat organic.
Zen also submitted hundreds of pages of studies and papers today showing how glyphosate impacts the gut-brain connection (11), leading to birth defects (12), liver and kidney disease (13), Parkinson’s (14), Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (15), Alzheimer's, Celiac’s, Autism (15) and Cancer (16). According to the current rate of diagnosis we can expect, that in 20 years, 50% of our children born will get autism. (17)
Zen said that understands that no one wants to believe this is true, however, she asked, has anyone on the Board read the newest studies and research??
She asked :
"What if the very investments Monsanto’s shareholders are making to BUILD a foundation of security for our children and grandchildren are the same investments that are DESTROYING their future? What if instead of creating health and prosperity, they are causing ECONOMIC RUIN?
What if instead of feeding millions of people with GMOs, Monsanto is in fact hurting generations to come?
We mothers say, STOP IT. STOP IT NOW.
You have an opportunity to make a difference for your families and our country. We ask shareholders to support the Shareholder Access Proxy and vote a pediatrician onto this board. We ask Monsanto to have the courage to create a new future for Monsanto and America.
Thank you."
The proxy passed by 53%.
Honeycutt was thankful to Harrington Investments who gave her the opportunity to speak on behalf of mothers everywhere. She said, “I hope the shareholders were able to understand that I represent, not just angry moms, but moms who are informed, citizens. We have the experiences with our children and the science to back us up.” She promises that “Moms will not stop. We will not give up, because the love for our children will never end.”
Moms Across America plans a Moms MeetUp on May 2, 2015, where Moms will meet in their communities and cause a billion-dollar shift to organic food. Go to www.momsacrossamerica.com for more information.
Contact regarding proxy
Tracy Geraghty Research Analyst Harrington Investments, Inc T 800.788.0154 F 707.257.7923
Zen Honeycutt Moms Across America (949) 307-6695 [email protected]
(1) http://www.mariarickerthong.com, http://www.kidshealth.org
(2) Honeycutt, Z., Rowlands, H. Glyphosate Testing Report: Findings in American Mothers’ Breast Milk, Urine and Water. Conducted by Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse, April 7, 2014
(3) Glyphosate Found in Feeding Tube Liquid Report and details at http://www.momsacrossamerica.com/glyphosate_found_in_feeding_tube_liquid
(4) Curr Microbiol DOI 10.1007/s00284-012-0277-2 The Effect of Glyphosate on Potential Pathogens and Beneficial Members of Poultry Microbiota In Vitro Awad A. Shehata • Wieland Schro ̈dl •Alaa. A. Aldin • Hafez M. Hafez • Monika Kru ̈ger
(5) “The Secrets of Sugar” The Fifth Estate Canadian Broadcasting Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDaYa0AB8TQ
(6) Robert Wood “ Food Allergies for Dummies” http://drrobertwood/food-allergy-epidemic.shtml and Robyn O’Brien, author “The UnHealthy Truth”
(7) National Alliance on Mental Illness http://www.nami.org/ - for more help with mental health check out this resource.
(8) Entropy, April 2013, Samsel A, Seneff S, Glyphosate's suppression of cytochrome P450 enzymes and amino acid biosynthesis by the gut microbiome: Pathways to modern diseases
(9) Glyphosate The Destructor of Human Health Rosemary Mason http://www.gmoevidence.com/dr-mason-glyphosate-is-destructor-of-human-health-and-biodiversity/
(10)Roundup and Birth Defects; Is the public being kept in the dark? Earth Open Source June 2011, Antoniou, Habib, Howard, Jennings, Leifery, Nodari, Robinson, Fagan
And Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines. Toxicology 262 (2009) 184–191; Carla L. Barberis , Cecilia S. Carranza , Stella M. Chiacchiera & Carina E. Magnoli (2013)
(11)Time and Dose-Dependent Effects of Roundup on Human Embryonic and Placental Cells; Benchour, Sipahutar, Moslemi, Gasnier, Travert, Seralini. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
(12) Roundup disrupts male reproductive functions by triggering calcium-mediated cell death in rat testis and Sertoli cells. Vera Lúcia de Liz Oliveira Cavallia et al. Elsevier Journal
(13) International Journal of Environmental Research and ISSN 1660-4601 www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph Glyphosate, Hard Water and Nephrotoxic Metals: Are They the
Culprits Behind the Epidemic of Chronic Kidney Disease of Liver?
(14) Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Occupational Exposure to Agricultural Pesticide Chemical Groups and Active Ingredients: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisSource: http://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/11/4/4449/htm Leah Schinasi and Maria E. Leon http://www.gmoevidence.com/dr-schinasi-glyphosate-herbicides-linked-to-non-hodgkins-lymphoma/
(15) Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intoleranceAnthony SAMSEL and Stephanie SENEFF Versita.com
(16) Journal of Food & Chemical Toxicology, June 2013, Thongprakaisang S, Thiantanawat A, Rangkadilok N, Surivo T, Satavavivad J, Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors, (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23756170);
(17) Entropy, April 2013, Samsel A, Seneff S, Glyphosate's suppression of cytochrome P450 enzymes and amino acid biosynthesis by the gut microbiome: Pathways to modern diseases
Mom's Letter to GMO World Food Prize Winner
Regarding an recent article on Dr. Marc Van Montagu's winning of the World food Day Prize and his comment that people who oppose GMOs "can only be due to “irrational fear” and not sound science.
Dr. Marc Van Montagu,
Perhaps you are unaware that we Moms have seen our children's health issues, allergies, autism, auto immune disorders and asthma, plus obesity and diabetes, get BETTER when they avoid GMOs and eat only organic food.
We do not have fears about GMOs because we are alarmists or are irrational. We have fears about GMOs because we are realists. What we SEE right before us are many health conditions, my own son included, like life threatening allergies being reduced to simply a mild allergy before our eyes by avoiding GMOs. This means reduced long term chances of stomach cancer as well.
We fear GMOs because we LOVE our children and we want to protect them. The fact is that your ideas may be good IDEAS, but they do not work. They are hurting people, especially children, and we have hundreds of testimonials telling us so. That is quantitative data last I checked.
As a mother I ask you and your fellow scientists to STOP promoting ANYTHING that has any possibility of harm to our children immediately and START testing the connection between GMO foreign proteins, Glyphosate sprayed on GMOs (which breaks down the blood brain barrier, impairs the liver's ability to detox, and destroys the beneficial gut bacteria which comprises 70% of our children's immune system*) in conjunction with the environmental toxins our children are now exposed to. Glyphosate breaks down the blood brain barrier and lets toxins like pesticides, herbicides, vaccine toxins, pollution etc. into our children's brain and bodies.
1out of 2 children are projected to get Autism in the next 20 years if the current trend continues. Do you want to go down in history as being partially responsible for this? Our will you take responsibility, take precaution, and stop and test? If you did , THAT would be worthy of a prize.
Mother of Three,
Zen Honeycutt
Moms Across America
Some of our Mom's testimonials:
Studies proving harm:
*Glyphosate and Modern Diseases:
Dr. Judy Carman: Evidence of GMO Harm in Pig Study: http://gmoevidence.com/dr-judy-carman-evidence-of-gmo-harm-in-pig-study/ |
Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Hoppe: Glyphosate Found in Human Urine Across Europe: |
http://gmoevidence.com/dr-hans-wolfgang-hoppe-glyphosate-found-in-human-urine-across-europe/ |
Dr. Thongprakaisang: Glyphosate Induces Growth in Human Breast Cancer Cells; http://gmoevidence.com/dr-thongprakaisang-glyphosate-induces-growth-in-human-breast-cancer-cells/ |
Open Letter to Monsanto, from Moms
An Open Letter to Hugh Grant, Monsanto Board Members, and Staff
Moms Across America are writing you because we have seen the health of our children improve when we remove genetically modified, or GM foods, from their diets. We know what scientists SAY, but we ask you to consider what Moms are SEEING.
• We see that our children fare worse health-wise than children from other countries. The difference is that 80% of our food contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs). (1)
• Today, 1 out of 3 American children are overweight or obese since GMOs have been introduced. (2)
• 1 out of 3 American children now have Allergies, Autism/ADHD, Asthma or Auto Immune Disorders. (3).
• We Moms see firsthand that when we take our children off GMOs, and feed them organic food, their symptoms either disappear or dramatically improve. (4)
Do you or a staff member have a child with Autism? Do you know how difficult life is for that family? Do you see that the future and potential of an entire generation of children is being stolen from them because of the impact to their health from GMOs? Have you seen a child with a rash? Did you know that a rash on the outside of the body means inflammation in the stomach, which can lead to stomach cancer?
We know your intentions were to feed the world. But countries around the world have rejected GM food.
We know your intention in putting insecticides INTO the food we eat was to reduce the quantity of insecticides sprayed ON the food we eat. We ask you to acknowledge that, despite this intention, pesticide use has in fact INCREASED and so have the health problems of our children and our country.
We know you want to help the world. We ask you to have the courage to acknowledge that GM practices and Roundup® are hurting our world. We have seen the recent and new scientific studies on the impact of GMOs and Glyphosate (5a) with links to autism, Alzheimers, food allergies, liver cancer, IBS, breast cancer in humans (6) and possibly mental illness (5b) and we have witnessed the results firsthand in our kids. (7)
We have seen the scientific study showing birth defects, miscarriages in pigs who ate GMO feed(8). And we personally have experienced far too many miscarriages and rise in struggles with infertility. We love our children, and want them to be healthy and to be able to have their own kids some day. Please stop and consider our plea.
The auto industry issues a recall when their product is suspected of causing harm. We ask you to recall Roundup® and cease GMO seed production until the consumption and long-term use of such products are proven safe.
It takes a big person to make a global company. It takes an even BIGGER person to admit things aren’t working they way you intended and change course.
We Moms know your Mom would be proud of you if you put the health of the nation first and stopped selling GMO seeds and spraying Glyphosate (Roundup®) and other harsher pesticides.
Moms Across America
Further information about Moms Across America and numerous studies can be found on our website at www.momsacrossamerica.com/blog.
Further information about Moms Across America and numerous studies can be found on our website atwww.momsacrossamerica.com/blog.
(1) NonGMOProject.org, Robyn O’Brien: www.robynobrien.com/the_unhealthy_truth
and Jeffrey M. Smith, “Genetic Roulette”: http://geneticroulettemovie.com/
(5a) Samsell and Seneff “Glyphosate and Modern Diseases” http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/glyphosate/glyphosate.html
(5b) Jeffrey M. Smith interview with MIT Dr. Stephanie Seneff on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_AHLDXF5aw
(6) Breast cancer – Dr. Thongprakaisang: Glyphosate Induces Growth in Human Breast Cancer Cells: http://gmoevidence.com/dr-thongprakaisang-glyphosate-induces-growth-in-human-breast-cancer-cells/
(7) Moms, GMOs and Kids health: http://www.momsacrossamerica.com/moms_speak_out_about_gmos_and_family_health
(8) Dr. Judy Carman: Evidence of GMO Harm in Pig Study: http://gmoevidence.com/dr-judy-carman-evidence-of-gmo-harm-in-pig-study/
Moms Across America: June 28, 2013
Moms Across America unite in raising GMO awareness with a range of events planned throughout the
United States on July 4th, 2013.
Visit their website to find an event near your location at www.momsacrossamerica.com.
Press Contact Specified:Zen Honeycutt [email protected]
Protect Our Children! Not Monsanto!
Moms Across America are OUTRAGED at the callousness of our government to pass the Monsanto Protection Act with no thought for our children and citizens of America. This is a sad time for many Moms who supported Obama. It is unfathomable to us that Michelle, who has spoken up about organic gardening and children's health would also tolerate her husband's choice. Our President, Congress and Senate have given immunity from law to a company from being held accountable for any harm that comes to people or the planet from their toxic chemicals. What happened to integrity in America?
They also gave Monsanto the ability to plant any kind of GMO seeds they want to. And no court, the exact wording is "nothing shall override" them. We know now that Monsanto was part of drafting this new rider and that our government is really not for the people and by the people but is, officially, a Corporatocracy. I did not want to admit this for a long time and I try to stay out of politics because I want Moms of all parties to feel welcome to join our united cause. But this is political too and I need to voice for Moms every where, that we have lost faith in our government this week. We have lost faith in the future if left in the hands of those who control Big Pharmaceutical, Bayer, Astra Seneca and Phizer Pharmaceutical -parent company of Monsanto, who make the pesticides and herbicides AND the drugs to make us feel better, and Big Agriculture (the same companies + DuPont). We have lost faith in a system that we put into place a couple hundred years ago and really see no way out of in the near future.
So what do we do? Hide and cry? No. When a Mom senses her child is at risk, which they are...their health issues like allergies, autism and auto immune diseases have been skyrocketing, we research more and we take action. A new article on bi polar disorders in our children shows a 456% increase since GMOs were introduced. The same symptoms, unrest, discontent, sudden outburts of aggression and inability to focus, have all be shown in pigs who eat GMO feed as well. As Moms with common sense we are OUTRAGED that food is hurting our kids and the one thing we see we can do to take action is put the largest distributor of GMO food on NOTICE that we will not be buying anything from their store until they label GMOs and have GMO free options- WALMART.
We must take action with the greatest tool we have which is money and the greatest power we have which is our love. If you share this notice with 10 people and they share it with 5 and they share with 5 and those people share with 5 you will be responsible for 1270 people promising not to shop at Walmart. At $200 dollars a week X 52 weeks a year, that equals
$13 MILLION 208 THOUSAND dollars that you personally will cause NOT to go to the biggest distributor of GMO Foods.
Can you do that?
Here are the comments below from the moms who have signed the notice.
Read more