Solutions Amidst Sadness
The information below is not medical advice, it is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for your health care.
To all those who have loved ones who are ill.
Read more
Pesticide Free Zones
Claremont Courier, February 13, 2015. No More Pesticides in Claremont, CA?
Guest Blog By Evaggelos Vallianatos author of "Poison Spring" and EPA Whistle blower
Evangellos will also be on our International Cofnerence Call to Action on May 2, 2015 at Moms Meetups at over 100 locations around the country.
Read moreFull Account of Monsanto Shareholder Meeting Jan 30, 2015
Excerpt from the book “Unstoppable Love” by Zen Honeycutt to be released in 2015
Note: The following account and conversations are conveyed to my best recollection without having listened to the recording. Those who have listened to it and read my blog say my account is "very accurate". Please feel free to listen for yourself and help transcribe it. Email me at [email protected]. I speak once at 27:00 minutes on the proxy and three other times for Q&A, at 52:00 minutes, 1:14, and 1:27. Here is the link for the recording.
Scientific studies can be found at
This is from the rally before speaking inside the shareholder meeting.
Read more
In the News
Moms Across America
Our most recent presence in media:
EMF News:
The People’s Testaments on CHD
School Lunch Testing News:
Glyphosate and Other Harmful Contaminants Found in School Lunches
Zen Honeycutt: School Lunch Testing for Glyphosate, Heavy Metals and More
FOX 8: National school lunch testing shows unsafe, toxic, low in nutrients
WAVY: National school lunch testing shows unsafe, toxic, low in nutrients
WSPA: National school lunch testing shows unsafe, toxic, low in nutrients
Podcast Interviews:
Zen Honeycutt on The Bryan McClain Show - 14 October 2022
Zen Honeycutt & Adam Leow on Deprogram with Michael Parker
Zen Honeycutt from Moms Across America on The Bryan McClain Show
How Medicine Fails to Protect Children’s Health from Chronic Disease
A powerful 2-hour podcast with Sky Dragon Slaying and Zen Honeycutt
Check out the article and podcast here!
Joe Rogan recently interviewed Aaron Rodgers (episode 1865) and, in the last 3 minutes of this incredible 3-hour podcast, mentions phthalates, Dr. Shanna Swan’s book Countdown, and Moms Across America. Check it out and share it here!
The People’s Truth with Tia Severino - Mothers on Mission with Zen Honeycutt
Homegrown Podcast: Glyphosate, GMOs, and motherhood with Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America
Sheman Nugent Interview with Zen Honeycutt
WISE TRADITIONS PODCAST EPISODE 376, Resilience: Get Growing with Zen Honeycutt
Moms Connect recorded videos available on our Rumble channel:
The United for Healthcare Summit 2022:
- Glyphosate and GMOs Presented By Zen Honeycutt - Part 1
- Glyphosate and GMOs Presented By Zen Honeycutt - Part 2
Empower Hour with Zen Honeycutt: All Episodes
Whole Foods Magazine: Heavy Metals in Food and the Questions We Need to be Asking
Regenerative organic farming, not GM, is the solution to the climate crisis
Move Over GMOs…Hello, Regenerative Organic Ag!
How Food Plays a Role in the Mental Wellness of America by Zen Honeycutt - Whole Foods Magazine
Good-Health Reads: Zen Honeycutt - Whole Foods Magazines, December 2020
Masters of Health - Issue 51/December 2020
Whole Foods Magazine: What Keeps Moms Awake At Night and Reconsidering Buying Big Brand Food
Masters of Health - Issue 50/November 2020
New Hope: The Importance of Labels - Do the Right Thing
100 Year Lifestyle: Moms Shocking Discovery
Money for Lunch: Zen Honeycutt, Moms, joins Bert Martinez
Vibe, Ep.186: Moms Across America Want To Shut Down 5G — Here’s How To Join Us with Zen Honeycutt
Children's Health Defense shared our petition!
New Hope Network: Ingredient substitution rule dangerous for public
Connecting with Consumers During Challenging Times
EPA’s Decision: A Corporate Takeover
What Makes a Mother Loyal to a Brand?
Zen interviewed on CBS Kcal9 about the Gold Standard
Zen interviewed on RT International about Monsanto Greenwashing
Zen interviewed by Vegan Danielle
Japanese Parliament Creates Food Safety League
The World is Heading to a Ban on Glyphosate
GMO Labeling Obligations as Understood by Japanese Consumers
The Highwire with Del Big Tree presents our new Gold Standard
Japan contributes to the world through food safety - Interview with Zen in Japan (in Japanese)
Whole Life Magazine: What is Going on with Our Food Supply?
Exploring The Landscape Of Our Current Food Supply with Zen Honeycutt
10/14/2019 - School of Holistic Living: The Truth About Glyphosate and GMO's
10/29/2019: Healing Quest: Interview with Zen Honeycutt
10/24/2019: One Radio Network: Interview with Zen Honeycutt
10/23/2019: The Lisa Wexler Show: Interview with Zen Honeycutt
10/17/2019: Outliers Podcast: Interview with Zen Honeycutt
10/7/2019 - Vox: Meatless meat is becoming mainstream — and it’s sparking a backlash
9/30/19 - Greetings from the Dark Side: Interview with Zen Honeycutt and the impact of the Impossible Burger findings on the black community (starts at 7:45)
9/26/19 - Vegan Danielle Podcast 190: Zen Honeycutt talks about Impossible Burger
American Medicine Today: Monsanto Emails
3 Families Whose Lives Changed Drastically After a Health Scare
9/28/19 - Monsanto Emails: Let’s ‘Beat the Sh*t Out of’ Mom’s Activist Group
Monsanto Emails Show Employees Wanted to “Beat the Sh*t” Out of Concerned Moms
Monsanto doctor wanted to ‘beat the sh*t out of’ group of mothers: Emails
9/5/19 - Monsanto Executive Wanted To “Beat The S**t Out Of” Mothers Concerned About Glyphosate
Japan and Korea are major countries with developmental disorders for children!
Mercola: How one ‘unstoppable’ mother transformed the health of her family and took on big industry
Moms Across America reveals Glyphosate in Impossible Burgers
Bayer-Monsanto lawsuits spell 'end of chemical era', NGO says
Popular Weed Killer Found Top Beer and Wine Brands
Retailers At Risk From New Glyphosate Liability Theories
12 Reasons Why Even Low Levels of Glyphosate are Unsafe
Bloomberg News: How Much Herbicide Can You Tolerate in Your Food, and for How Long?
General Mills Drops "100% Percent Natural" Claims on Nature Valley Bars After Lawsuit
More cities going Roundup free!
CBS This Morning: Weed-killing chemical linked to cancer found in some children's breakfast foods
CBS News coverage of the Monsanto Verdict
Consumers urge #HomeDepot and #Lowes to stop selling #Roundup due to improper labeling
From Sick and Stressed to Unstoppable - Interview with Zen
Popular Beer and Wine Brands Contaminated With Monsanto's Weedkiller, Tests Reveal
Judge Says Public Doesn't Need Cancer Warning Label - EcoWatch
Could Toxic Food and Medications Be Contributing to School Shootings?
Glyphosate - Destined to Die Soon
Moms Across America featured on Episode 9 of GMOs Revealed
Zen Honeycutt talks about glyphosate on "Highwire with Del Bigtree"
Autism One Interview with Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt
Naturally Healing Autism Interview with Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt
Speaker at the Autism Recovery Summit: The Impact of GMOs on your Child
Scientists Seek Ban On Monsanto’s RoundUp
More coverage:
Ein News Desk
Care 2
Today Eco
Other News
Have the 'Food Evolution' Filmmakers Mistreated Mom
California Is Risking Public Health by Improperly Assessing Safety of Monsanto Herbicide
America's Largest Pension Fund Has Dumped a Fortune Into Monsanto Stock
Weedkiller in Wine Report ABC7
Zen Honeycutt on Jefferson Public radio April 16, 2016:
April 9, 2016
April 5, 2016
April 1, 2016
March 28, 2016
March 27, 2016
March 25, 2016
March 24, 2016
March 9, 2016
Zen Honeycutt on the Michelle Esswein Show, February 7, 2016 (Zen's Interview starts at 14:10)
Regarding GMO Salmon approval November 18, 2015
January 31, 2016
And more...
November 2015 "The Hill" reaching 24,000 politicians at the Capitol
Wall Street Journal
Behind the Scenes with CNN and Zen Honeycutt
Commonwealth Club CSPAN- Food Fight for the 21st Century
Dr. OZ show
We are sorry the above clip no longer works for Zen's appearance on the Dr. Oz show.
Truth Out
2014 Reuters
Mom Receives Glyphosate Task Force Studies on Glyphosate Submitted to the EPA
Six months ago today, June 1, a few days after our meeting with the EPA, I requested per my right as a US citizen, by way of the Freedom of Information Act, to receive copies of all of the documents submitted to the EPA regarding glyphosate. Never in my life did I imagine I would be asking for potentially thousands of pages of scientific studies about a toxic chemical. I loved science when I was in sixth grade, even imagined being one someday. But I did not think I was good at math, all the rote learning without understanding was more condescending than the looks my math teacher gave me, so I dismissed the possibility of being a scientist and headed down a more artistic path as a designer.
I have a creative background, but I could not make up what I am about to share with you.
It is incredible that any scientist or non scientist could look at this information think glyphosate safe.
I received 9 files, ranging from 67-293 pages. Most were the actual studies, two were assessments of other studies. I do not believe I received all of the studies submitted to the EPA, and will be asking for the full set of documents. What I did receive however, in my opinion, is reason enough not to re register glyphosate.
Watch a video version of this blog here and share it with friends.
The first study I open, is a 96 hour study on oysters..and it concludes that although in 4 days there were no oyster deaths, the majority of the oysters were "closed and not feeding". That is equivalent to a human in a coma! Are you kidding me? This is supposed to prove glyphosate is safe for sea life?
And what happened after 4 days? For how long did the oysters stay "closed and not feeding" and what happened to them then?
I am reading this, hollering to my husband about oysters and the dear man is putting up with me. He even admits that he is glad I am the kind of person that cares about this because someone has to.
The next study, a 96 hour study on Mysid shrimp, shows that after 4 days, the "level of no-morbidity was .51 ( 1.71 mg/L MON 2139 mg/L". The level of glyphosate in our corn, husk removed is 3.5 ppm. .51 mg/L and 1.71 mg/L is equal to .51 and 1.71 ppm. And it was the level just above this killed the shrimp after 4 days. 100% of the shrimp died at levels of 3.9ppm.
Granted we are not as small as a shrimp, but the amount of glyphosate must be equivalent and significant in comparison. Consider that 80% of GMOs which make up 90% of our food crops and in 85% of our food are sprayed with glyphosate. In addition, many non-organic crops are also sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent pre-harvest. Furthermore a burn down application of glyphosate is applied before planting, so the amount of glyphosate we potentially consume from the 160 foods withallowable glyphosate levels is from .2 - 400 ppm. This is very significant.
The average life span of a Mysid shrimp is 365 days. 4 days is 1% of it's life. How is this a study which is scientifically sound for weighing the safety of glyphosate? It's not! it's preposperous! This test duration is equivalent to a human who lives to 78 years old being exposed to glyphosate for 284 days...less than a year. The reality is glyphosate has been in our food supply for nearly 20 years....7300 days...already.
White shrimp in comparison to the size of a human fetus (Human fetus is about half the size)
Another 96 hour White shrimp study showed "the no-morbidity after 4 days was 5.2 mg/L ( 17 mg/L of MON 2139)". Higher than that and they died. The levels of glyphosate on dried sugar beet pulp, the main source of sugar in millons of American products, is 25ppm. The average American consumes 156 pounds of sugar per year. How much glyphosate is that? What is it doing to us? A white shrimp is larger than a 6 week old human fetus. What coudl glyphosate be doing to our fetuses? Why has our infertility and miscarriage rate skyrocketed to 30% just like the pigs in Denmark who ate feed sprayed with glyphosate and had their levels of miscarriage jump to 30%?
FISH SHARE 85% of the same DNA as Humans
The 96 hour minnow study showed the level of no-mortality at 2.1 a.e mg to 6.8 mg MON 2139/L. Higher than that and fish died in 4 days.We have 5 ppm allowed on our potatoes and 7 ppm of glyphosate allowed on tea, items that we eat/drink in large quantities.
The 2 month (dosing period) study of canaries showed mortality at 432mg/L and with birds dying within 2 hours of dosing at 3300 ppm. Our animal feed grains are allowed by the EPA to have levels of 400 ppm and are consistently fed this amount, it is not just a one or two time dose during 4 days of their life.
The mouse study was a mere 28 days... not even a month...and although they claimed no changes to them mice...this duration is supposed to be valid as a scientific study for the safety of a toxic chemical sprayed on our food to consume? If there they were longer studies done, they did not send them to me as they are required to by law.
So the next time a GMO scientist tells you they have "hundreds of studies" showing the safety of GMOs and Glyphosate, ask them, how long are those studies for? What were the results? If the animals did not DIE, did they exhibit other symptoms (like not eating) that would lead to their death shortly after the duration of the study?
These studies, even in their small scope and short duration show that glyphosate should not be re registered. It's not sound science to see these as showing safety by any scope of the imagination and in addition this mother, for one, would prefer to be better safe than sorry than to feed my kid a chemical that has most oysters "closed and not feeding" after 4 days. It's hard enough to feed my kids, Thank you very much. I chose organic.
Please tell the EPA what you think they should decide regarding the review of glyphosate NOW. They are reading and assessing these studies now and will make a decision by Christmas. Contact:
Neil Anderson
Chief, Risk Management and Implementation Branch I
Pesticide Re-evaluation Division
US EPA (Mail Code 7508P)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460
Phone: 703-308-8187
Zen Honeycutt
P.S. I have been informed that the studies are confidential and I cannot share the actual documents. You can request any kind of information you want through the Freedom of Information Act.
Big News from Across the Pond
Today's Global News Release from London
A $25 million international study on GMO and pesticide safety was announced today. The ‘Factor GMO’ study will investigate the health effects of a genetically modified (GMO) crop that has been in our food and animal feed supplies for many years. It will answer the question: Is this GMO food and associated pesticide (Glyphosate / Roundup) safe for human health?
- See more at:
New Open Letter from America to UK regarding "Living with GMOs" announced Today
About The Letter from America
The Letter from America is a unique open letter to the citizens, politicians, and regulators of the UK and the rest of the EU about the hazards of genetically modified crops.
This is relevant to all of us in the UK and the rest of Europe because our politicians and regulators are currently deciding whether or not to plant GMOs and, under pressure from biotech lobbyists and trade negotiations like the TAFTA/TTIP, whether to relax regulations around the import and sale of GMOs.
Europe has held out against GMOs for a very long time. If it gives in now, efforts in the US to successfully campaign against GMOs, to get GM foods labelled, and to try to get them out of the farming and food system are likely to collapse.
The letter is signed by thousands of notable citizens, health orgs, scientists and doctors.
Please sign!
Please also sign the NEW International Open Letter to China, the world's largest purchaser of GMO crops, largest producer and exporter of Glyphosate.
This thorough letter lays out eight points proposed to China to be the leader in restoring health and safety to our food supply and citizens. It is an amazing compilation of solutions by the world's leading GMO researchers, scientists, veteranariens and farmers.
Sign and Share!
As the International community rises up in unity, so do we locally in America.
Moms and supporters from all across America took their precious time to make a sign and post their "Protest to Poison on Our Food and Near our Schools!" to Stop Enlist! Gina McCarthy from the EPA will recieve a large envelope of American citizens demanding that they protect us. Thank you to everyone who took the time!
Pictures can still be posted at
to be included in a video. Thank you!
If you want to get more involved, please join us on our new Moms Across America Chat every Monday at 12:30 pm. To join us, sign up for our newsletter or volunteer and request an invite from [email protected].
MAA Leaders can also sign up for "Empowered Leadership" Speaker Panel training and recieve the 30 minute power point to enable you to speak to doctors, moms clubs, city council members and more in your town.
Become a MAA leader by hosting an event and joining our MAAM Leaders Facebook page. Contact [email protected] for the training invite link on Nov 18th.
BE A PART of Creating the World You Want!
Be a speaker and be a leader for health and freedom!
Thank you for your support!
Zen and the MAA Team
Minnesota Schools Go GMO Free
Amazing News!
Thanks to the heads up by Nancy Brown we received this wonderful news that many Minnesota schools are switching to Non GMO food! YES!
GMO Awareness Day will be paired with efforts to transition to non-GMO foods
November 3, 2014—(Minneapolis, MN) Five Minnesota school districts plan to raise awareness about genetically modified foods and take steps to reduce GMO content in school meals.
Schools in Hopkins, Minneapolis, Orono, Shakopee, and Westonka will celebrate GMO Awareness Day on November 5 by offering non-GMO menu options and communicating to students and families about GMOs.
Director-level staff at the five districts began meeting to discuss GMOs in April, 2014, and decided to hold a collective awareness-raising event to help engage their communities.
“We want to start conversations about the foods we serve and how our decision-making works,” says Laura Metzger, Director of Food and Nutrition Services at Westonka Public Schools.
“Our students will grow up to make their own decisions about the foods they eat, so this is an opportunity for education.”
GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals produced using a technology that merges DNA from different species to create new combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.
Now that most corn, soy, canola, cotton, and sugar beet crops grown in the United States are genetically modified, it is estimated that up to 80 percent of processed foods in U.S. supermarkets contain GMOs.
Though there’s been little research on the human health impacts of GMO consumption, animal feeding studies have linked GMOs to cancer, allergies, infertility, and more.
Three U.S. states—Connecticut, Maine, and Vermont—have recently joined more than 60 countries worldwide requiring disclosure of GMO content on food packaging.
Bertrand Weber, Director of Culinary and Nutrition Services at the Minneapolis Public Schools, says he’s seen increasing interest in the GMO issue among school nutrition directors.
“Many of us are already working to reduce food dyes and additives and bring in produce from local farms,” Weber says.
“Reducing GMOs is another way we can support kids’ long-term health.”
To implement reductions in GMO content, nutrition directors are communicating non-GMO preferences to vendors and distributors, switching to non-GMO cooking oils, and working to eliminate other risk ingredients.
“It’s been great to collaborate with other districts on this effort,” Metzger says.
“It’s allowed us to share ideas and make sure we’re not reinventing the wheel.”
The five districts serve a total of about 56,700 meals per day."
31 million GMO Meals are served each day to our children in public schools. Their health issues such as autism, asthma, allergies, obesity, diabetes, auto immune issues and mental health issues are skyrocketing. Moms are reporting that their children GET BETTER when they get off GMOs and related pesticides, so we see school eliminating GMOs as responsible, proactive step in the right direction.
THANK YOU to the courageous and committed mothers. parents, teachers, food service directors and principals who are leading the way. Thank you for disappearing the myth that schools must serve their children GMO food provided by the government or else lose out on support for under privileged children. It can be done and it is better for the, children, teachers, community and local farmers.
If anyone is interested in the connection between school performance, attendance and behavior and the food they eat, please check out Life Time Acheivement ward winner, Dr.Barbara M. Stitt's book " Food and Behavior: The Natural Connection"
Also click here to view part I of Anthony Samsel's interviews about Glyphosate (sprayed on GMOs in Roundup) and the connection to the impairment of the bodies ability to make Melatonin and Seratonin, which regulate depression, focus, mental illness and behavior.
Below is Part II
How glyphosate weakens the immune system according to Anthony Samsel Part II is based on research with MIT Dr.Stephanie Seneff.
Unfortunately the agriculture industry is being convinced by the chemical industry that buying their products is more important than the heath of our children. Click here for article on how glyphosate use is expected to rise with the rise of GMO crops.
Moms Across the World and the International community are speaking up and we are saying NO to GMOs and Glyphosate with a letter to China, the world's largest purchaser of GMOs and largest producer and exporter of glyphosate.
Please join us and sign this letter:
Thank you for sharing this page and looking at if you will be the one to have YOUR SCHOOL go GMO Free! We can do it!
Happy GMO Free Halloween!
For small to medium sized Trick or Treating areas, why not give out books instead of candy?
You can pass out gently used books that you may no longer want or can be obtained from good will or yard sales for 4 for $1.00.
Check out this great idea:
If you are going to hand out candy, why not make it a GMO Free and Organic Halloween?
Thanks to Food Babe for this inspiration!
For large trick or treating areas, plenty of GMO Free and Organic treats are now available:
Abe's Market has fun selections too:
You can always pass out flyers with the candy too: Get these on our website under "Products".
When you sign up and host an event you get a code to get free materials. Just pay for shipping.
Consider hosting a GMO Free and Organic Halloween party and being THE ONE to share about GMOs in your neighborhood!
Now available for download in Spanish!
Proposed Collateral Damage of Glyphosate
Moms Across America Meeting with the EPA to Recall Roundup and STOP Toxic Chemical Cocktails on our Food
Presented to the EPA May 27th, 2014 on Rachel Carson's Birthday, author of "Silent Spring"
When a chemical does not do what the manufacturer's says it will do, for instance, it is discovered it kills birds, the EPA will, instead of recalling it, assess whether the "benefit outweighs the cost." And they "often finds that it does." Meaning, there is an acceptable level of harm and death. We wonder what is the acceptable level of harm and death of our children in correlation with the use of Glyphosate?
How much Collateral Damage must we Mother's be expected to withstand?
Do the corporations profits outweigh the cost?
Collateral Damage: Statistics of the Proposed Impact of Pesticides on Our Food by Moms Across America
Studies show glyphosate destroys gut bacteria. Illnesses today associated with the gut bacteria being damaged:
- 150 children die each year from peanut/food allergies =3000.Food allergies have increased 400% =6.7 million since GMOs and pesticides have been allowed on our food. Intolerances=24.7 million. Study from the Journal of Pediatrics shows colitis has tripled in just 10 years.
- Hospital records show a 79% increase in diagnosis of children with Crohn’s disease in the past 10 years since the majority of pesticides have been introduced.- Stephanie Seneff MIT scientist
- Damaged gut means inability to produce tryptophan which equals and inability to produce serotonin, which regulates insulin. Diabetes =25.8 million people in 2011 alone.
- It also means without seratonin and melatonin, insomnia, depression, mental illness and acts of violence ensue. America now has a school shooting every other day, hurting hundreds and traumatizing millions.
Studies show glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor .
5.The United States is #1 for infant death on day one in the industrialized world. 50% more children die in America on their fist day of life than all of the industrialized world combined. – Seneff. This correlates with Pig Farmer's finding of miscarriages, birth defects and infant loss in their GMO/Glyphosate fed sows who had a 30% loss.
6.The USA has a 30% failure to conceive rate in young couples, the highest in recorded history. – The Sierra Club
= 2 million babies lost each year
Studies show a gut brain connection. Studies also show that glyphosate breaks down the blood brain barrier, allowing toxins into the brain. This may very well account for why doctors did not see a “flood of children with autism,” despite mercury being in vaccines since 1929, until the late 1990’s when GMOs and glyphosate were allowed into our food.
7. Twenty years from now, 1 out of 2 of our children will be diagnosed with Autism if we continue at the current rate.- Seneff = 27.1 million ( cost today =avg 60K p/family/yr = 1.6 trillion dollars)
Regarding children with autism: using US Population stats:
73.7 million children 2012 = 837,500 children with autism ( 1 out of 88 2 years ago)
74. 3 millon USA children 2014 =1,092,647 children with autism ( 1 out of 68 today)
=increase of 255,146, in two years, = 127,573 children per year = 349 children diagnosed per day = 43 children per doctor’s office hour =every 1.2 minutes a child is diagnosed with Autism in America (during doctor's business hours.)
349 children per day = $20 million,940 thousand in additional cost to the American families PER DAY. This equals a 764.3 million per year in cost to American families financially.
This does not include the devastation on the fabric of our society, the cost to public schools ( 50% of federal budget is spent on Special Ed), the impact on divorce due to stress, and the increased loss of IQ and talent which could be contributing to the success of America.
8.Since GMOs/Glyphosate was put in our food our collective IQ has dropped 7 points resulting in, instead of 6 million mentally damaged, we now have 9 million. And million fewer gifted and talented.
We would say the matter is urgent. These are the cost for autism alone.
Each day is critical for the future of America.
9.Alzheimer’s increase- 5 million currently, every 67 seconds someone dies of Alzheimer’s
Studies show glyphosate is a chelator, which deprives any living thing it comes in contact with, of its vital nutrients, vitamins and mineral. Vitamin deficiency is a consistent occurrence in all patients with cancer:
10.Cancer is the number one killer of children in America today.- The President's Council on Cancer = 8750.
More children die every year of cancer than died in 9/11.
11. One out of two males (69.5 million) and one out of three females (47.8 million) are expected to get cancer in America today. -Robyn O’Brien. =117.8 million adults with cancer
12. One out of two of our children have some form of chronic Illness in America today. – Beth Lambert “The Compromised Generation” =37 million children
= Nearly 200 million of chronically sick children and adults with cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s alone.
We assert that the cost of the use of glyphosate does not outweigh the benefit.
Glyphosate Test Results In and Why Everyone Should Care
The Glyphosate Test Results are in and the results, considering that most of the moms and supporters tested are well aware of GMOs and glyphosate and have been avoiding them for several months or years, are alarming.
THANK YOU to all the moms and supporters who generously spent the time and money to send your urine and water samples in. Thank you to Sustainable Pulse for funding the tests for the breast milk samples and to the moms who paid to ship their samples over night.
Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist, MIT
"It is certainly disheartening to know that glyphosate is present in breast milk, but lest you think this means you should not nurse your baby, please be aware that soy-based formula probably also contains glyphosate, possibly in even higher concentrations. The US government has conducted very few studies measuring the amount of glyphosate residue in food, but a report issued by the Department of Agriculture in 2011 showed that over 90% of 300 samples of soy contained glyphosate, and nearly 96% contained AMPA, a derivative of glyphosate. Today, 90% of the soy crop in the US is "Roundup Ready," which means you can spray Roundup on it and it won't die. Contrary to what was claimed, this growth in Roundup Ready crops has led to a tremendous increase in the amount of Roundup applied to our core crops over the past decade.
I had been intensely researching possible connections between autism and a variety of different toxic chemicals in the environment for many years before I thought to take a look at glyphosate as a possible contributor to autism. This delay was of course a consequence of the widely disseminated message that glyphosate is nearly nontoxic to humans. However, once I started looking, I was astonished to find that all of the many comorbidities associated with autism could be explained by glyphosate's known mode of action on biological systems. Anthony Samsel and I have teamed up to write two papers detailing our findings on the diverse ways in which glyphosate disrupts human physiology, and linking glyphosate to a number of diseases and conditions that are currently on the rise in the US - a partial list includes autism, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and various gut disorders like Celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease. We are still researching this topic, and nearly every day we are discovering new ways in which glyphosate can negatively impact health. The problem is that the effects are insidious -- glyphosate erodes your health slowly over time, so that it's hard for people to realize what's happening to them until it's too late."