The CA EPA operates separately from the federal EPA and has long been a leader in somewhat safer environmental policies. On Sept 9, 2021, they are holding a hearing at the Office of Environmental Health Hazards Assessment regarding what the exact wording should be on the label of glyphosate herbicides aka Roundup, Ranger Pro, and 750 other generic brands when used in California. What happens in California affects trade and policy around the world.
Please see below and consider participating. EVERY VOICE MATTERS and you do not have to be an expert. You can simply be someone who suspects glyphosate herbicides affected your health, your family's health, your pet, bees, or marine life near you. The OEHHA office needs to know we citizens are serious about protecting life on the planet and creating healthy communities. Please speak up with us.
We have included our perspective in this article but urge you to use other studies from our data page to touch upon the many other ways glyphosate harms life and therefore should be accurately labeled as such.
Thank you
To the Staff of the Office for Environmental Health Hazards,
We are writing regarding the public comment for glyphosate herbicides labeling.
We must first state that there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to support a ban on the use of glyphosate herbicides in California and that is my foremost request. Due to its water-soluble nature, highly harmful effects on bees and endangered species, and human health effects, to continue to allow glyphosate use in our communities for landscaping and especially for use on food and feed crops, is simply harmful and irresponsible. The overuse of glyphosate has resulted in tragic losses and we ask OEHHA to be a part of stopping those losses and supporting a healthy California.
If you are going to continue to allow its use ( which we adamantly oppose and see as an assault on Californians and life on earth), we ask that all labeling, including for agriculture use includes the following:
- This product has been shown to contain chemicals that may cause birth defects, miscarriage, and reproductive effects, as well as cancer, neurotoxicity, liver and kidney disease in humans and, is therefore not allowed for use around humans.
This product has been shown to be carcinogenic and to cause reproductive damage to animals, so it is not allowed for use where pets and wildlife may be present. -
This product has been shown to be a reproductive effector, neurotoxin, and to be harmful to the gut microbiome, which is especially damaging to developing children and pollinators, therefore, it is not allowed for use in residential, schools, gardens, parks, or areas where children and pollinators congregate. -
This product is highly toxic to marine life and is not allowed for use where there is any possibility of runoff into waterways. -
The chemicals in this product have been shown to cause damage to the microbes and soil life, therefore it is not allowed for use on soil. -
The chemicals in this product have been shown to drift and collect in rainfall, contaminating waterways and soil there it is not allowed for outdoor use. -
To use this product, the sprayer is advised to wear a full protective body covering including a full face mask, protective eye covering, and head covering which restricts inhalation or any skin contact with this product. -
Link to studies and resources for the above findings can be found here:
Thank you,
Moms Across America
Submit written comment before October 7, 2021, here.
We will update how to participate in the online hearing on Sept 9 here as soon as we have the information available from their website.
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