Letter - Open Letter to US Senators

Open Letter to US Senators

To The Elected Officials, Senators of the United States of America,

We, the Moms Across America non-profit organization, write to you to ask you to support the appointment of Robert F Kennedy Jr. as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Whether you are Democrat or Republican, we hope you will acknowledge that health is not a partisan issue. Kennedy is highly credentialed as outlined in many letters from physicians and scientists. We are sending you a letter based on our experience working with RFK Jr over the past decade. We ask you to confirm Kennedy for the following reasons:

  1. RFK Jr. has sued corporations and the government over 500 times to hold them accountable for and remove toxins from our environment. His dedication and courage are what our children need in a champion at the head of the HHS.

  2. RFK Jr. tirelessly traveled, spoke at thousands of locations, met thousands more, listened, supported, and endlessly acknowledged the contributions of our actions in our communities. He empowers Americans to take on leadership and personal responsibility for health.

  3. RFK Jr. has a heart of compassion. His sole motivation is to protect our children. He cares not about the risks he takes that could jeopardize his life. He continues for the sake of our children.

  4. RFK Jr. has the legal and scientific knowledge to navigate the corruption that has plagued our regulatory agencies. He knows their shady tactics better than almost anyone and can redirect them to solutions supporting health and integrity.

  5. RFK Jr. holds the trust of the majority of the American people because, although admittedly not perfect, he is strongly committed to and has demonstrated integrity and responsibility. When he speaks on science and law, he is impeccable.

  6. RFK Jr. has repeatedly stated that he is not anti-vaccine; he is for safety. He risks his life asserting that mega-powerful pharmaceutical companies should be responsible for the safety of their products. The ire of the corporations impacted by his views is seen in the twisted portrayal of Kennedy in the mainstream media, which is a tool of the pharmaceutical companies due to their stronghold on advertising dollars. He is a stand for vaccines to be safe and effective. This is a great thing for all people in this country, Democrat or Republican if they choose to take vaccines. Vaccines, however, are in dire need of inspection. A new study by Mawson and Jacob shows children who got vaccines had a much higher outcome of neurological development delays.

  7. RFK Jr. is a strong proponent of regenerative and organic farming which reduces and eliminates the need for toxic agrochemicals that poison the American people. Many traditional and new technologies are used to grow food profitably, regenerate the soil, sequester more carbon, absorb more water, and decrease the presence of pests and weeds. Kennedy supports safe, non-toxic, regenerative, and organic farming, enabling farmers to leave a legacy of healthy Americans and healthy soil for their children and grandchildren. We need this shift to happen to end the physical, mental, and reproductive health crisis we have that threatens the future of our country.

The time is now. It is time to set aside political party differences. Poison is not partisan. Every single Democrat and Republican must vote yes for Kennedy for the Secretary of HHS if they value their health, the health of our children and grandchildren, and want the trust of the American people.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Zen Honeycutt
Founding Executive Director,
And the Board of Moms Across America


Please contact your Senators today.


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  • Smsrt Sane
    commented 2025-02-04 11:46:09 -0500
    Here is my reaction: Zen Honeycutt is an idiot for believing that vaccines cause autism. There is no evidence that supports it. It’s one thing to want more involvement and studies about health issues. It’s another thing to stick your head in the sand and deny facts. It makes Honeycutt completely unreliable in anything she says. Maybe the treatment Trump MAGAs give others is something that she should experience.

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