Six Months Ago we released the information to the EPA that Glyphosate has been found in our breast milk at shockingly high levels.
What have they done about this? What will they do?
This chemcal is a chelator (vitamin and mineral deficiency), an antibiotic (destroys gut bacteria and can weaken immune system) and is an endocrine disruptor (birth defects and miscarriage). It is also recorded by the EPA to cause liver and kidney damage. It has been link to non Hodgkins Lymphoma and to an increase of cancer by reputable doctors and scientists.
See article that describes higher levels of cancer, birth defects and miscarriage around fields sprayed with glyphosate in Cordoba, Argentina.
And the EPA has still not acted to protect our children and citizens.
When I met with the EPA on May 27th, Rachel Carson's birthday (author of historic boook "Silent Spring"),
Neil Andersen shared, "My job is to approve chemicals and to asses the potential risk to human and environmental harm."
No Neil, your job is not first to approve chemicals. It is to PROTECT the environment and the people FIRST. Not provide a service to the chemical companies so that they can make a profit. You work for US.
The problem is, the EPA only hears from chemical companies all day, influencing the EPA to work for them. We need you to take two actions today.
1. Call them today and say,
"It has been SIX MONTHS since you found out there is glyphosate in breast milk,WHAT are YOU doing about this? How are you protecting us?"
We want them to make statement that pregnant or breast feeding mothers should avoid glyphosate and eat organic. AND we want them to revoke the liscense of glyphosate and Recall Roundup Immediately.
Neil Anderson
Phone: 703-308-8187
[email protected]
Chief, Risk Management and Implementation Branch I
Pesticide Re-evaluation Division
US EPA (Mail Code 7508P)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460
We have an URGENT need to take action and stop this chemical. The EPA is on the verge of approving glyphosate for another 15 years and a toxic combination of glyphosate and 2,4-D (Half of Agent Orange) as the "next wave" of stronger chemicals.
For the first time ever, Dr.OZ created a Petition to the President to do exactly what we want, STOP THE TOXINS! STOP Enlist Duo from being approved! With 100K signatures by Oct 22 the rule is that the President has to respond.
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