Letter to Oregon and Colorado Voters - Moms Across America

Letter to Oregon and Colorado Voters

Dear Oregon and Colorado Voters,

This letter comes to you from a volunteer mom, representing thousands of Moms knowingly, and millions of moms unknowingly, with children who are sick with autism, allergies, auto immune, asthma, obesity, diabetes, Crohn's, IBS and cancer. 1 out of 2 of our children, in fact have some form of chronic illness in America today. (1) You may think this is an alarmist statistic, and you may want to set it aside, but it is the reality of our country, it is the daily struggle of millions. It is what doctors are seeing in their practices and what teachers and school nurses are seeing at schools. We have received thousands of personal experiences of the growing epidemic of childhood illness in the United States from moms.


What does this have to do with you? Especially if your child or grand child or nephews or nieces are not sick? Why should you care? Well, your child's or grand child's or niece's or nephew's future spouses are out there, in our American population, mostly likely eating GMOs, which are unlabeled foreign proteins untested to be safe on humans. In fact, there are thousands of studies now showing harm from GMOs to animals.  Moms Across America has over a thousand responses to our survey, most of which share that the mother believe GMOs are causing harm to our children. (2) They see this through trial and error of elimination of GMOs through diet.

We see our children get better from removing GMOs from our children's diets by eating organic. We see allergies, autism, asthma and auto immune issues that represent as rashes, disappear. What we don't see is whether or not their reproductive organs have been harmed from the exposure to GMOs that they have already unknowingly endured. This is of concern to us parents because we know that rats in Russia fed GMOs were sterile by the third generation. (3) We know that pigs in Denmark had a 30% miscarriage, infertility, sterility and loss of young rate when fed grains sprayed with Glyphosate. (4) 80% of GMOs are engineered to withstand Roundup (contains Glyphosate) and are therefore doused with this chemical which does not wash off. We know that the USA also has a 30% failure to conceive rate, the highest in recorded history and 85% of our processed food is GMO.(5) We believe GMOs and related chemicals are drastically impacting the health and future of America.

We want our children to be able to experience the profound love that it is to be able to create their own child someday and have their own healthy family. If you vote no on November 4th to GMO labeling, you may be voting for the demise of the American people and a future we cannot afford. This is not fear mongering, this is the scary reality that we must have the courage to face in order to transform it.

That which we cannot be with, we cannot transform. Let's be with this for a moment.

20 Years from now, it is predicted we will have 1 out of 2 of our children with autism, (6) also  linked to Glyphosate, which was introduced into our food with GMOs at the same time that doctors "were flooded with children with autism." 13 years from now we will have no money left in the US health care budget for anything other than diabetes if we continue at the current rate. (7) Cancer is the number one killer of our children in America today. (8) More children die of cancer every year than people died in 9/11. Our miscarriage, stillborn and loss of young rates deducted from the US Census, mean that 2 million babies are lost each year, 379 a day, 3.8 babies a minute. One can only wonder what our miscarriage and birth defect rate will be 20 years from now... could we be with that rate doubling or quadrupling as our autism, diabetes, colitis and Crohn's disease diagnosis have? If things continue to go as they are we will continue to have more of the same.

What will our society be like if we allow this? How will our families, educational system, military and economy function with 50% of our children severely compromised and even more chronically ill or sterile? We do not have to be a scientist to know this is not in our best interest. We know this is not what mothers and father and concerned citizens want. We know that citizens of Oregon and Colorado want health, integrity in our food, labeling and freedom from being controlled by chemical companies just as much as citizens in other states do. We know you want the truth and you want to protect your loved ones.

What we don't know is which foods are GMO when we pick up the package.

What many people still don't know is what a GMO is or to avoid them and that it is in fact engineered to either BE a pesticide, with the toxin inserted into the DNA of the plant with a virus or bacteria, infecting every cell of the plant, or it is engineered to resist herbicides, therefore allowing it to be repeatedly sprayed with chemicals. One of these chemicals, Glyphosate is described by Dr. Don Huber as  essentially giving the weeds AIDS, destroying their immune system. This chemical does not wash or cook off. We eat it. Our children eat it and our babies drink it in breast milk. We found Glyphosate levels over 1600 x higher than is allowed in the drinking water in Europe. (9) These levels are far above what has been shown to cause liver, kidney and sex hormone changes in rats and to destroy gut bacteria in chickens. Our gut bacteria is where 70% of our immune system lies. It is no wonder our children are getting sick!

One does not have to wait to "know" through years of scientific testing, which the GMO proponents have refused to do, that GMOs and related pesticides/herbicides are causing serious harm to our children's health. One only has to look at what they are and how these relatively "new" inventions (compared to thousands of successful years of farming without them) work and what is happening to our health in America. We must acknowledge that this science is based on twenty year old assumptions that are now out dated. We must acknowledge that there is a health crisis in America related to our food and a lack of knowledge in the consumers to prevent it. We must take precautionary action and be "Better safe than sorry."

We do not have to wait for more testing. We do not have to wait for a "better" labeling law. We do not have to fear higher costs of groceries (the reality is a penny per day) and we do not have to be confused by the LIES that out of state chemical companies are feeding you from the fruit of their greed...tens of millions of dollars made by selling Americans cheap, toxic food and by selling farmers toxic chemicals to spray on the food crops. They are protecting their profits.

We are asking you to protect your kids, our kids, and America's future by voting YES to label on November 4th.

With labels comes accountability. Why should billions pay the price of their health for the benefit of a few chemical company's profits?

We can do something NOW. You can vote YES on 105 and 92. We can cause truth in labeling and integrity in our food. We can empower parents and people who feed people to have the freedom to choose to buy food labeled with or without GMOs regardless if they can afford organic or not.

We are asking you to have faith in our farmers that they can and will farm as has been done for thousands of years, without toxic chemicals, by caring for the land and freely owning and planting their own seeds.(10)

We ask you to trust the mothers of our community and to vote YES. Have faith in our strength as Americans to turn the tide from greed and profit to the health of the people and prosperous future of America.

Thank you.

Mom of 3 boys who have gotten better from allergies and autism symptoms by removing GMOs and eating organic.

Zen Honeycutt

And MAAM Team


(1)54% of American kids have chronic health issues.
(2) see www.momsacrossamerica.com/action and click on survey
(3) See Irina Ermakova's Rat Study from Russia 2007*
(4) See Ib Pederson's and Monika Kruger's Paper 2014 or video on blog from Beijing, China GMO conference.*
(5) Sierra Club magazine issue July 2013 and US Health Report Steven Wolff 2013.
(6) Samsel and Seneff Glyphosate Paper I 2013 *
(8) The President's Council of Cancer 2013 and Robyn O'Brien www.robynobrien.com
(9) Glyphosate in American Mother's Breast Milk Report by Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse. 2014*
(10) See www.advancingecoag.com as an example of farming free of pests and weeds through nutrition.

*Please see www.momsacrossamerica.com/data page for scientific studies, papers and reports behind this letter.

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