We need folks to walk and hand out flyers, or ride in car, or on bikes, skates, etc for this year's Carmichael Elks Fourth of July Parade and Open House, ending with fireworks at night.
A full day of fun: pancake breakfast 7-11 am, parade at 10:30, at the corner of Marconi and Fair Oaks Blvd; Open house and bands in Elk's Lodge, Fireworks Show at night. A true community event.
Call Jessica 916 715-2731 for information and to find our Moms Across America parade unit when you arrive. Help pass out flyers for the 2 mile walk down Fair Oaks Blvd, ending at Elk's Club at 5631 Cypress Avenue. You can park beforehand at Bel Air and shuttle back to join us and march, so you have your car at the end.
http://carmichaelpark.com/calendar-upcoming-events/?mc_id=1086 info on full day of fun.
July 04, 2017 at 6:00pm - 8pm
Family Fitness parking lot and adjacent streets for lining up for parade units
6314 Fair Oaks Blvd
Carmichael, CA 95608
United States
Google map and directions
6314 Fair Oaks Blvd
Carmichael, CA 95608
United States
Google map and directions
Jessica Denning
· 916715-2731

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