After a 9 hour drive from Southern OC to Santa Rosa, MAA volunteers Stephanie, Natalie, Gretchen, Christine and myself were THRILLED to set up our booth and then go to Amy's Kitchen for a late night dinner. It was just before 10 pm and there was a line wrapping around the parking lot to go through the drive thru. So we opted for the ambiance of the restaurant and we were delighted. The staff were attentive, happy and even showed off their Fits Bit watches and their 22,000 + steps.
The non GMO, organic and vegan food was DELICIOUS and surpassed any fast food restaurant I have ever been too. The fries were amazing, crispy, salty and fresh. The vegan burger and gluten free bun was soft, toasty and tasty. The ketchup was organic and the drinks were 79-99% organic. I felt like we were in heaven. I wanted everyone I knew to be there. Being at Amy's Kitchen gave us all hope that the future will be filled with healthy, delicious Non GMO and organic food. It gave us love and light in our hearts. THANK YOU AMY's!
The first day of the Heirloom Expo I had the honor and privilege of speaking with Birke Behr and Rachel Parent 16 year old dynamos who speak around the world about GMOs. Our topic was organic food and activism. Birke and Rachel are inspiring, amazing and truly making a huge difference in the world.
In the afternoon Carol Grieve's panel with Dr.Don Huber, myself and Dr. Robert Kramer. These two brilliant scientists spoke of the dangers of GMOs and Glyphosate extensively and held the audience captive on their every word. I brought the science into our daily lives by describing how they affect our children and loved ones. It was an honor to speak with such esteemed men and very affirming to all the moms who see the daily harm from GMOs but are told that GMOs are safe. They are not, and we have the science to back up what we are seeing everyday. Thank you to Carol for bringing together such great speakers.
The next few days were filled with amazing speakers, awesome food and super fun workshops on the children's day.
The non profit org "Past Times" had several tables of wonderful crafts that taught children skills of the days of yore...leather tooling, candle making, felted wool, herb sachets, seed balls, and many more entertained hundreds of children all morning on Wednesday. Video about the children's day:
Felted wool crafts and leather tooling challenged the children to learn new skills
Candle making and murals with seeds or chalk made the expo fun and festive.
Making seed bombs, herb sachets and being creative with nature was fascinating for young people.
Digging for root vegetables and sack races had the kids smiling from ear to ear.
At the booth supporters from all across the country stopped by. Joel gave us his first sign he made for the March Against Monsanto. We appreciate the artwork, crafty message and generosity! We were able to have a breakfast meeting with activists and share our upcoming events. It was so inspiring to hear the many different angles dedicated volunteers are covering and we look forward to sharing their events on our Facebook page and website.
The expo had many vendors selling amazing books and displaying 4000 varieties of food, tomatoes, squash and more.
The Eco Womb Tour Family was happy to share their games and knowledge about living Eco Friendly, GMO free and naturally. In 110 degree heat they still played with hundreds of kids and passed out great information.
To escape the heat we could retreat to an air conditioned building which hosted hundreds of varieties of Dahlias. Beautiful.
Color, diversity and abundance delighted the attendees.
The evening closed with Vandana Shiva each night. She honored us with her presence because our CA seed law SB 2470 actually removes our rights to share seeds ore than 3 miles away. She asks us to share seeds further than 2 miles away on Oct 2, Ghandi's birthday, and stop the injustice.
Back at the booth I was thrilled to meet so many smart and compassionate people. One of them was Sandy from Beyond Pesticides who will help us with pesticide policy, ingredients, alternatives and more. Very exciting.
The importance of this gathering is indescribable. The connecting of activists to non profit orgs, the supporters giving us new direction, learning from everyone we meet and enjoying the camaraderie, beauty, art, diversity and joy of the world's largest pure food fair is just heaven. It's like God parted the clouds and beams down 20,000 happy organic people. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this fantastic event!
Thank you to the entire Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds organizing crew and all the sponsors of the Heirloom Expo!
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