Every year on New Year's Day, my family sits at the dinner table with a round white pot that my husband bought on one of his work travels, that contains a tiny pot and scroll of paper inside it. We call it the Wishing Pot.
We take a moment to reflect upon all the things we did that year, places we went, adversities we overcame, deaths, sickness, and celebrations. Then we open up the scroll and look to see what we wrote last year...what did we wish for? What were our goals, and who did we say we were going to be about them?
For instance, my son Ben might write, “Get A’s and B’s, improve my Personal Record for a mile by 1 minute, be healthy, and give a public health talk.” But these things are not just going to magically happen to him, right? So he would also declare and write down that who he was being in 2020 was, for instance, “Responsible and Courageous.” This was a way of being that we all understand to be..no matter what happens, we will still be that way. Each New Year's Day we would read his last year’s commitments out loud and ask him...and the family... if he had achieved those things. His brothers would chime in with examples of the many ways in which he was courageous, my husband and I would add in how responsible he has been. A smile of recognition of his accomplishments would expand across his face as he also shared his memories.
Even if he did not achieve all of his goals, we would remind him of how had been responsible and courageous in attempting to do so and did not give up. No matter what happens each year, this ritual reminds us that we have control only over who we are being, who we choose to be, about what we want to create in our lives. We cannot control what happens in the world, but we can control our perspective and behavior.
2021 may not bring us all the things we hope for...and even so...rather than reacting in fear, anger, resentment (which is so human and easy to do) - what are you, we, creating no matter what? Who are you, we, going to be about whatever happens in our lives this coming year?
At Moms Across America, we are committed to creating health and freedom...no matter what. That’s our goal, for everyone, no matter what socio-economic background, race, religion, or political party a person belongs to, and regardless of who is in the White House.
New laws may challenge our health and freedom in 2021. Our commitment, who we choose to be no matter what (it does not change) ... is to be courageous, compassionate, and to make a contribution to others. You can count on us to continue to be your partner in creating health and freedom.
May you and yours be empowered with the choices and opportunities you create in 2021!
With Joy and Gratitude,
Zen Honeycutt
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