You might be feeling connected, healthier, and happier now that you are starting to find some community and support online and perhaps within your groups.
We are so glad.
Start to think about how you can expand your reach. What types of people or groups are you NOT normally in contact with?
You may have neighbors right on your street that you have never met, yes?
A great way to spread awareness and create a healthy community is to walk your dog or take a walk with your family and pass out our Roundup alternative flyer under their doors along with a Why Eat Organic? flyer and you could change their life!
Leave a bunch of flyers at your library, senior center, community center, school or church.
You can reach thousands just by taking the time to ask, "May I leave some flyers by the door about healthy eating? They are by a non-profit called Moms Across America."
I have done this all across the country and I have never had an establishment say no.
Why is passing out flyers so important? Can't you reach a lot of people with a Facebook post or Tweet?
Yes, but you are reaching the SAME people that way.
There are still a lot of people who do not know about GMOs.
Leaving a stack of flyers at a gas station, in the travel brochure section, can make a difference for someone you will never come in contact with.
If you, for instance, post an event on our website and get a free box of our materials, you have at least 1000 flyers.
If you have a movie night and 10 people come, and each person leaves a bunch of 100 flyers at a different place- school, churches, libraries, grocery stores, farmers markets etc...and each flyer inspires a new family to spend $100 a week on organic food..then in one week you and your friends have created a 5 million dollar shift to organic per year for your neighborhood. If each one of those people who got a flyer then convinces 5 of their friends to buy $100 a week of organic, then you have created a $26 million dollar shift per year in your community!
Don't you think that would make a difference for your local organic farmers and your community's health? We do!
You Can Do This! We can create healthy communities together now!
Create an Event on our site and get a code to order free materials*
Click here to learn more!
*not including shipping which varies by your location
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