We are uniting on June 17, 2017 to ignite desire in the hearts of the masses to yearn for more information on topics such as glyphosate, GMOs, vaccines, and various chemicals. Through inquiry grounded in love, respect, and empathy, our goal is to tear down the defensive walls which: divide, hinder sparked curiosity, and discourage the masses from seeking the truth. The main march will take place in Washington DC with satellite marches in select cities, NATIONWIDE. During the actual event, our goals include the following:
1. Showcase the Children to Create Urgency
American children are sicker than ever before with examples including 50% chronically ill, 1 in 6 with a neurological disorder, and the highest infant mortality rate in any industrialized nation. For being the most powerful nation with the most resources, the numbers of healthy children and adults are rapidly declining. It is imperative we protect the upcoming generations to secure a prosperous future with a healthy society filled with various professions, such as teachers, doctors, and police officers (we ask children to dress up as a professional of choice).
2. To stand together for the constitutional right to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is our sovereign right to exercise educated medical choice to control the substances injected into our bodies and the bodies of our children, without harassment, mandates, or consequences.
State governments and private sectors are
systematically suffocating the sovereign rights of our citizens' control over substances being injected into our bodies by resulting to the following measures for noncompliance:
** Rejecting students for school attendance
** Termination of employment over various industries, such as medical professions, daycare professions, and more...
** Dropping families from pediatric practices or coercing them to sign threatening release forms.
** Inciting heart-wrenching fear into the hearts of parents towards those choosing not to adhere to the CDC schedule in what can only be assumed as a nationwide effort to further promote propaganda and to manipulate by dividing the masses for compliance purposes.
3. Inspire inquiry and offer informational opportunities for the masses.
Lastly, we are marching to offer the masses opportunities to engage in respectful conversations in which ideas, beliefs, and information are empathetically exchanged through pamphlets and speakers on GMOs, vaccines, chemicals, and glyphosate. By igniting hungry desire to research for the masses to find their truth, we will be able to work in numbers to outright refuse vaccinations and therefore force the hands of the government and pharmaceutical companies to acknowledge our sovereign rights, take responsibility for their deception, and expose the truth.
We are an all-inclusive march and by ridding divisive lines, our goal is to solidify a platform of mutual respect, empathy, and loving exchanges.
During the speakers, we are featuring a performance for the children, "Innocenzo" by Piti Theatre Company. Innocenzo is a comedic, poetic, musical touring performance for all ages about a clown trying to live in the 21st century. Our title character moves to a city in Switzerland only to fall sick.
After visiting many doctors and healers unable to explain his bewildering symptoms, he finally understands his illness is being caused by electromagnetic pollution and begins to heal . . . The story is inspired by the real life experience of its’ co-creator Godeliève Richard. You can read Godeliève’s story, originally published in the Swiss magazine Femina by clicking here. Innocenzo’s music was written with award-winning singer-songwriter Carrie Ferguson, who also tours with the performance. Our collaboration with Carrie was honored by a grant from Club Passim’s Iguana Fund.
9:30 am: Gather at Lincoln Park
10:00 am: March to Capitol Building Grounds - Grassy area in front of steps
11:00 am: Speakers & Raffle
- Kids Korner -
10:30am snacks/activities
11:00am "Innocenzo" Musical Children's Performance
12:00 pm Picnic Lunch (Bring your own or pre-order online before June 1st)
12:30 pm Zootopia yoga & More Kid Activities
Kierre Bjorn (Musician)
Britney Valas (Organizer)
Dr. Stephanie Reid (Nutrition)
William Wagner (Parental Rights)
Dr. Stephen Frantz (Pathobiologist/Environmental Consultant; Glyphosate)
Dr. Debra Gambrell (Pediatric Anasthesiologist)
Michelle Rowton (Neonatal NP)
Jonathan Mirin (Electricity and Health)
Alan Philips, J.D. (Attorney at Law)
Mark Blaxil (Age of Autism)
Christina Hildebrand (A Voice for Choice)
Dr. Shannon Kroner (Educational Therapist)
Cindy Walsh (Breaking the Autism Code)
Joshua Coleman (VAXXED tour field producer)
Del Bigtree (Producer of VAXXED)
For more information, to register your free attendance, volunteer, donate or take advantage of our multiple fundraising opportunites, please visit visit:
To join us for our Meet the Speakers Dinner please visit:
We are holding a raffle for $5 per ticket for the "Meet the Speakers Dinner". Please visit the above link to purchase your raffle ticket or dinner ticket TODAY! Space is limited
What can I bring into the event?
Bring signs, banners, sunscreen, and a blanket for a picnic lunch. We are encouraging kids to arrive dressed up as professions of choice to be showcased as our future society.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Yes! Please email Britney Valas at [email protected]
East Capitol and 11th Street
Washington, DC, DC 20003
United States
Google map and directions
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