WA MAAM Bothell Freedom Festival! - Grand Parade

MAAM WA Bothell Freedom Festival! - Grand Parade

The parade is happening your line up number is W-20. 

July 04, 2013 at 12:00pm - 3pm
Bothell, WA Freedom Festival! - Grand Parade (Main Street & Bothell Way)
Main Street and Bothell Way
Bothell, WA 98011
United States
Google map and directions
Tee Britton · · 206 497 9018
rolex copies patek philippe complicated 26050 Tn Britton Sue Powell Laurie Olson

Will you come?

Showing 14 reactions

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  • rolex copies patek philippe complicated 26050
    rsvped Liquid error: Internal error 2014-01-12 11:27:42 -0500
  • Tn Britton
    commented 2013-07-03 13:58:39 -0400
    Here is the map of the parade route. Please be at the staging area by 11:30am to line up for the parade. The START location is Main Street and 104th Avenue NE. Get EXCITED!!

  • Tee Britton
    canceled rsvp +2 2013-07-03 13:28:47 -0400
  • Tee Britton
    is hosting. 2013-07-03 13:27:53 -0400
  • Tn Britton
    commented 2013-07-03 13:06:47 -0400
    I’m Tee and I’ll be the Bothell leader, see you all there!!
  • Tn Britton
    rsvped 2013-07-03 08:05:33 -0400
  • Laurie Olson
    commented 2013-06-30 21:27:58 -0400
    Parade Paks are still available. It is $120 for a parade pak and worth every penny. MAAM is picking up 50% that is why the cost is so low. For $120 you get a banner, buttons, flyers and stickers to hand out to kids. Even if it was just the flyers it would be worth it. If you get 25 people and everyone chipped in $10 toward the parade pak you would have more than enough to pay for it and expidited shipping. In Port Orchard (small town) we had 5 adults and 5 kids show up and we had an awesome reception and got a lot of great conversations started. Many, many people didn’t know we will be voting on this in the fall.
  • Laurie Olson
    commented 2013-06-30 21:20:22 -0400
    We need to drum up more support for this parade. Please call your friends, the PCC, fellow church members, local sustainable gardening groups… think who would like to get involved in this parade.
  • Sue Powell
    rsvped 2013-06-17 22:59:51 -0400
  • Lauren Weinstein
    commented 2013-06-17 17:05:56 -0400
    We are getting ready to send out the Moms Across America t-shirts but we have no leader/address for your parade and we need to have that by today so do you have a leader in mind or an address that we can use so everyone can get their shirts on time? Thank you so much! If you have any questions, please let me know! Have an awesome rest of your day!! :)
  • Laurie Olson
    commented 2013-06-11 15:48:45 -0400
    I’ll get it changed asap. Working on a lot of fronts right now. If someone could be the leader here I’d appreciate it.
  • Lauren Weinstein
    commented 2013-06-09 22:09:26 -0400
    Hey there! After going through the list of parades, we have noticed that there are marchers, but no leader. We were wondering if there was any way someone could step up and become the leader so it is possible to march during the Fourth of July parade. Thank you so much for your time and I hope you have an amazing day!! :)
  • Tee Britton
    rsvped +2 2013-06-09 11:13:02 -0400
  • Laurie Olson
    rsvped 2013-05-03 08:03:03 -0400

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