Posted by Zen Honeycutt · June 21, 2018 1:52 PM
Wonderful, fantastic, delightful news!
Farmers are acknowledging that the marketplace is shifting away from glyphosate!
A Canadian grain farming association "Keep it Clean!" campaign advises farmers to stop using glyphosate as a drying agent!
“If farmers are using it as a dry-down, then farmers should be changing their practices,” said Dahl. “That’s not what it is registered to be used for. There is more scrutiny on all products, but glyphosate does seem to attract particular attention from the activist community.”
More great news below...
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Posted by Zen Honeycutt · June 16, 2018 11:46 PM
C’mon Dad, we need you!
By Mike Gioscia of
Mike and his family are featured in the new movie Secret Ingredients.
I was going down a familiar road and I didn’t even know it. When my son was diagnosed on the autism spectrum (PDD-NOS) years ago, I stated this to my wife: ‘We don’t have to tell people. We don’t have to say autism. We don’t have to brand him. We can say he has… some difficulties.
Yup. I said it. Denial? Is that what it is dad? A feeling of failure? My kid can’t have anything wrong with him! What would that say about me?!
Well, I snapped out of my selfish funk pretty quick, and I implore you, dad, to do the same. We need you out here. Your kid needs you, more than anything else you’ve got going on. Forget the office. The boat. The golf. The trips. Whatever it is that’s pulling you away from dealing. Deal! C’mon dad, we need you!
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Posted by Zen Honeycutt · May 18, 2018 12:33 PM
CONTACT Debbie Luican, (949) 484-3365
[email protected]
Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and a Celebration of Community
By Zen Honeycutt
Founding Executive Director of Moms Across America

Foreword by Jill C. Carnahan, MD, ABFM, ABHM, IFMCP
Functional Medical Practitioner, Conventional Farmer’s Daughter, Breast Cancer and Crohn’s Disease Survivor
“As a parent, it’s easy to feel threatened by the toxins that have infiltrated our food and environment. In UNSTOPPABLE, Zen empowers you with knowledge to bravely embrace these challenges and move your loved ones towards greater health.”
---Vani Hari, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Food Babe Way
“UNSTOPPABLE is arguably the best book available today on the topic of toxic foods and their effects on human health.”
---Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Buy it on Amazon now.
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Posted by Todd Honeycutt · May 17, 2018 9:00 AM

A greater number of us are becoming concerned about our health and the food we eat than ever before. While the driving factors that influence how and why we choose between different food options are complex, there are two questions that we should always be asking ourselves when shopping for food:
1. Where was this food produced?
2. How was this food produced?
An awful lot takes place ‘behind the scenes’ of food production, and there are some intensive farming practices that could be seriously harming the make-up of your gut bacteria – and your health in general.
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Posted by Zen Honeycutt · May 16, 2018 1:16 PM
This is our last chance for GMO Labeling.
Do you want GMOs to be labeled with happy, sunny, smiley faces?
This is what the USDA, due to pressure from big GMO companies no doubt, are proposing.

Do they remind you of something? Perhaps the organic symbols? If you have ever traveled to Europe, you will see these logos below in almost every shop--"BIO" in Europe stand for Organic. And yet the GMO industry wants to label GMOs with BE that stands for "BIO-Engineered Food." The GMO industry is trying to Co-Opt the organic industry!

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Posted by Zen Honeycutt · May 07, 2018 3:39 PM
Have you heard about the proposed GMO labeling symbols?

It's bad enough that food companies using GMO ingredients won't have to have the words "Produced with Genetic Engineering"- now GMO companies are influencing the USDA to allow a symbol that co-opts the Bio-Dynamic and Organic industry by using "BE" for Bio-Engineering instead of GE for genetic engineering. Absolutely unacceptable! Read Center for Food Safety's article on Eco Watch here.
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Posted by Todd Honeycutt · April 16, 2018 9:53 PM
Spraying fungicides on tobacco in a greenhouse in Jalapa, Nicaragua. Photo: courtesy Peter Essick. |
By guest blogger Evaggelos Vallianatos, author of several books, including Poison Spring
Pesticides cause a multitude of adverse effects on humans. However, they are especially harmful to children. They may have something to do with the mass-shootings in schools all over America because some of them are neurotoxins. This means they affect and damage the central nervous system and the brain of all animals, including humans.
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Posted by Zen Honeycutt · April 13, 2018 2:00 PM

Have you ever seen workers on the side of the road with a metal sprayer, dousing the landscaping with some unknown liquid? Or a truck with a tank of liquid driving slowly along the sidewalk spraying a jet stream of liquid all over the roadside or sidewalk? Or how about a farmer in a field on a tractor spraying the crops? Ever wonder what they are spraying?
It's not water. And it's not harmless. They are most likely spraying a glyphosate-based herbicide, such as Roundup or Rodeo. You may even have a bottle of these herbicides in your garage to spray in your own backyard. Glyphosate-based herbicides are the most popular, and insidiously harmful, herbicides and desiccants (drying agents) in the world. Over 9.4 million tons of these herbicides are recorded to have been sprayed globally. 80% of GMOs---genetically modified crops---are engineered to withstand glyphosate-based herbicides.
California is the only state that has a Department of Pesticide* Regulation that tracks the use of glyphosate and other pesticides/herbicides. That map was recently shared with me by a supporter for glyphosate-free grape growing. Click here for one of the most disturbing maps you will ever see, especially if you live in California. The California wine regions are recorded to have between 79,000-189,000 pounds of glyphosate sprayed in their communities every year.
*The term pesticide is accepted by the industry to include pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and rodenticides.
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Posted by Zen Honeycutt · March 16, 2018 6:35 PM
Right now, the EPA is accepting comments from the public on the issue of whether or not to re-register glyphosate for another 15 years. This is one of the most hotly contested issues of our generation, and we need EVERYONE to comment.
Please click on this link, click Comment Now on the upper right, and write a short (or long) comment to the EPA.
We simply ask that you be professional, add links to studies to back up your assertions (see resources below), and share personal reasons why as well.
If you suspect harm to your family or loved ones from glyphosate herbicide Roundup, now is the time to tell them.
You may use parts of our comments below, but please do personalize your comment or else it will be deleted.
Feel free to comment more than once. The last time I checked the majority of the comments were in favor of glyphosate being doubt the chemical companies are paying people to leave comments. Regardless, we need to bring clear independent science and honest pleas.
Please know that there are some inside the EPA that want to do the right thing, and have asked us to communicate with them. They need our support to make changes. Please leave a comment today.
Thank you for your partnership in creating health and freedom!
Zen and MAA team
Comments to the EPA on the health impacts and safety of glyphosate
by Zen Honeycutt- Executive Director, Moms Across America with support from MAA Team
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Posted by Zen Honeycutt · March 15, 2018 10:17 AM
New Test Results Show What Popular Beer and Wine Brands Have in Common:
Monsanto’s Roundup
March 15, 2018 , Mission Viejo Ca- It has been a rough few years for the alcohol industry, but change is a-brewing. In 2015, Los Angeles CBS news broke the announcement of a lawsuit against 31 brands of wines for high levels of inorganic arsenic. In 2016, 12 California wines tested were all found to be positive for glyphosate herbicide. In 2016, beer testing in Germany also revealed residues of glyphosate in every single sample tested, even independent beers. Vinters and brewers alike began noticing the growing demand for organic. Just this week, Anheuser-Busch announced that their brand Michelob has launched a new beer Ultra Pure Gold made with organic wheat. What do these events all have in common?
Monsanto’s Roundup. 
How are they connected? If you remember, French scientist Seralini et al released shocking findings in January of 2018 that all the brands of the glyphosate-based Roundup they tested, over a dozen, had high levels of arsenic, over 5x the allowable limit. Roundup used in vineyards and sprayed on grains used in beer as a drying agent is appearing to be one of the major contributing factors of arsenic (and of course, glyphosate) residues in our wine and beer.
Today Moms Across America is releasing new findings of glyphosate in all of the most popular brands of wines in the world, most of which are from the US, and in batch test results in American beer. The findings were at first, confusing. But one thing that was clear was that the beer and wine industries must and in many cases are, moving away from Monsanto’s Roundup in order to avoid contamination by this chemical herbicide, a known neurotoxin, carcinogen, and endocrine disruptor, which causes liver disease. Despite Monsanto’s impassioned appeal of “irreparable harm”, CA federal Judge Shubb allowed glyphosate to remain on the CA Prop 65 carcinogen list in a ruling out just two weeks ago.
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