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From Kiss the Ground filmmakers Rebecca and Josh Tickell, Common Ground, narrated by Laura Dern, presents an urgent message about the poisonous practices within American food systems. At the forefront of this plight are the farmers and families who have lived through tragedy and illness at the hands of government policies that favor Big Ag and big profits. In acknowledging how racism has forged today’s farming industry, regenerative farmers are returning to pre-colonial practices pioneered by indigenous and Black farmers to restore soil, keep Americans alive, and leave a legacy for generations to follow.
Read moreFood Testing Proves GMO Labeling is No Longer Enough
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Toxic GMOs have infiltrated the food system significantly, according to research conducted by The Detox Project. And this is why it matters:
A 2001 study found that men exposed to glyphosate at work were between 20% and 26% more likely to develop non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In fact, workers who came into contact with Roundup for 2 or more days every year were 212% more likely to get lymphoma than people with fewer than 2 days of exposure.
Moms Across America applauds the work of this stellar research team, as we continue to conduct our own testing and tirelessly spread the results of others: The results of the most comprehensive glyphosate testing of food products ever conducted in the U.S. were released by The Detox Project detailed report that shows the true levels of weedkiller contamination in essential foods sold by some of the top grocery stores in the country. The world’s most used weedkiller, glyphosate, was discovered in a wide range of essential food products including bread, pulses, and grains from top grocery stores such as Hy-Vee, Whole Foods Market, Amazon, Walmart, and Target.
Read moreGene-Edited GMOs: The Answer to Superweeds Or A Covert Tactic To Avoid Regulation?
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been a serious threat to human health for decades. Aside from creating nutrient-deficient food and contributing to illness in general, the environmental perils of genetically modified agriculture have centered around the chemicals used alongside GMOs, like Roundup. This is because these chemicals cause the development of superweeds and superbugs—pests that are impossible to fully control because they have developed resistance. But are gene-edited varieties the answer?
‘One Health’ — The Global Takeover of Everything?
Article by Joseph Mercola
Under the One Health agenda, the World Health Organization would have power to make decisions relating to diet, agriculture and livestock farming, environmental pollution, movement of populations and much more. Taxpayers would fund the scheme — corporations would profit.
Read moreBig Food Whistleblower: The System is Rigged to “Poison” Our Children
Calley Means, a former Coca-Cola lobbyist turned whistleblower, sheds light on some of the tactics that food companies use to protect their profits at the expense of public health.
In an interview with activist, Russell Brand, Means explained a page from the food industry playbook: Coca-Cola had been actively and strategically promoting the idea that sugary drinks like Coke could be part of a healthy diet, despite enormous evidence to the contrary. Means revealed that Coca-Cola had been working directly with healthcare providers to downplay the link between sugary drinks and diabetes and sponsoring thousands of studies to confuse the link between dietary sugar and obesity.
Read moreRIP Ronnie Cummins: Leading Figure in Global Organic and Regenerative Movement Passes Away
From our friends at Sustainable Pulse
Ronnie Cummins (1946-2023), a leading figure in the organic and regenerative movement globally, has passed away from complications related to recently diagnosed bone and lymph cancer.
Ronnie Cummins was the co-founder and International Director of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) and its international affiliates Via Organica (Mexico) and Regeneration International.
Read more"Apeel” Fruit and Vegetable Protective Coating Is Not So Appealing When You Break It Down
Written by Jennifer Wolff-Gillispie; Edited by Nicki Steinberger, Ph.D. - A Voice for Choice Advocacy
New fruit and veggie sticker alert—“Apeel”—“protective coating.” What exactly is this product protecting? And if it’s not your health, what price are you willing to pay to foster the longevity of your apples and lemons? This might seem like a stretch, but in a culture that demonizes aging, and celebrates turning back time, compartmentalizing aspects of your body and face, and insisting you look “great,” i.e. “young” forever—it’s no wonder your fruits and veggies must follow suit. When it comes to food, however, you know the old adage—if there are a plethora of ingredients, or too many (even one) you can’t pronounce—be suspicious of what’s inside. Apparently, shopping the periphery of your grocery store isn’t enough. Once you’ve learned the ABCs of Apeel, you can make a well-informed, health-conscious decision to say yea or nay.
Read moreGM Fruit Fly Protein for Dinner?
Article by Rebecca Stevens
Throughout human history, insects have been part of the human diet in some cultures. Insects can provide protein, vitamins, and can be prepared like mammal meats. In some cultures this is tradition, in some scenarios this is survival. If you enjoy fried crickets or roasted ants, we are not judging you. However, what if the genes of an insect were tampered with in order to produce mammalian growth factors? That's right, an insect with mammalian transgenes. This may sound like science fiction, but a Canadian biotech company is determined to put this on the market and make this a reality.
Read moreGene Therapy in Our Food Supply? A Fight Begins in the "Show Me" State
by Sandra Knauf
I wish the tweet posted on April 1st by attorney-activist Tom Renz was an April Fool's Day joke. Like so much else going on these days, it wasn't.
It read: "BREAKING NEWS: the lobbyists for the cattleman and pork associations in several states have CONFIRMED they WILL be using mRNA vaccines in pigs and cows THIS MONTH. WE MUST SUPPORT #Missouri #HB1169. It is LITERALLY the ONLY chance we have to prevent this..."
The mRNA "vaccines" are, as we know, not vaccines at all but "gene therapy," a euphemism created and defined by the FDA as "a technique that modifies a person's genes to treat or cure disease."
Read moreGMO Wheat: A Concerning Addition to our Food Supply
Article by Rivka Seeman
While commodity crops like corn and soybeans are now typically grown using genetically engineered (also called bio-engineered) seeds, the wheat industry in the US has so far been cautious about introducing genetically modified wheat to the market. That is since Monsanto abandoned plans to do exactly that, back in 2004 due to concerns raised by American farmers about the ability of the US to export GM wheat abroad. Despite USDA claims that bio-engineered wheat is safe, consumers have reservations (“Monsanto's Genetically Engineered Wheat Scandal Is No Surprise, by Paul Klein, Forbes magazine”). While genetically modified corn and soybeans are primarily grown as animal feed or for use in processed foods, wheat is a crop grown to be consumed directly. That makes it a harder sell (“Explainer: Biotech corn and soy widely used, consumers still wary of GM wheat,” Reuters, March 3, 2023, Julie Ingwersen).
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