GMO Labeling vs. Banning
A Letter to the Activists Who Have Given Up on Labeling and/or Turned On Our Labeling Cause
Read moreIt's NOT Just Vaccines!
The views expressed below are the views of Zen Honeycutt, not the entirety of Moms Across America supporters. Please note our motto is "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids" and this encompasses all areas of knowledge and health. We wish for all moms and people the freedom to make choices to have their families be healthy.
Read moreFull Account of Monsanto Shareholder Meeting Jan 30, 2015
Excerpt from the book “Unstoppable Love” by Zen Honeycutt to be released in 2015
Note: The following account and conversations are conveyed to my best recollection without having listened to the recording. Those who have listened to it and read my blog say my account is "very accurate". Please feel free to listen for yourself and help transcribe it. Email me at [email protected]. I speak once at 27:00 minutes on the proxy and three other times for Q&A, at 52:00 minutes, 1:14, and 1:27. Here is the link for the recording.
Scientific studies can be found at
This is from the rally before speaking inside the shareholder meeting.
Read more
Glyphosate Harm through Gut-Brain Connection
One of the most important interviews I have ever conducted for understanding the root cause of the health crisis in America was with Dr.Matt Buckley on Jan 12, 2015.
GMOs, genetically modified organisms were put in our food, unlabeled in 1996 and are now in 85% of America's food through corn, soy, sugar, cotton seed oil, canola oil, some squash and Hawaiin Papaya. Genetically modified foods are either genetically engineered to BE a pesticide and when the bug eats the crop, it's stomach explodes. BT GMO corn is registered with the EPA as a pesticide. OR GMOs are genetically engineered to WITHSTAND herbicides, so that the crops can be sprayed and all the weeds will die but our food will not. The problem is that the chemicals do not dry off, wash off or cook off as was once believed. We eat them.
The most widely used herbicide in the word is Roundup which contains glyphosate. Glyphosate is now considered a generic chemical and is used in over 1600 products world wide and hundreds of million of pounds are used in the USA. There was a 73% increase of the use of Roundup in 2013 alone. This is attributed to two things, 1) the crops have developed resistance and farmers are sparaying more chemicals earlier and more often to reduce the weeds. 2) Agriculture journals are recommending farmers spray Roundup ( glyphosate) as a drying agent at harvest, to speed up the harvesting process. They spray non GMO, non organic crops such as wheat, legumes, peas, beans, tea, sugar and more. Glyphosate is also sprayed pre harvest and many crops such as beries and potatoes absorb glyphosate. You can see the complete list of allowable levels of glyphosate on our food and feed crops at EPA List of Allowed Levels of Glyphosate on 160 Food Crops
For more information on glyphosate, which a a patented antibiotic (weakens immune system), chelator (vitamin and mineral deficiency) and endocrine disruptor (infertility, sterility, micarriages and birth defects), go to our Data page.
Watch the interview here:
A written synopisis is below.
Around 19:00 Dr. Buckley explains:
Recent studies showed that glyphosate destroys the beneficial gut bacteria and allows the pathogenic bacteria to thrive. Glyphosate in our food and gut equals and increase of bad bacteria, especially clostridium botulinum infections.
The pathogenic bacteria overgrowth...and die off..releases waste products (what makes you feel sick) and the lipopolysaccarides released by pathogenic bacteria is a known agent to break down intestines. When the lining of intestine is broken down this allows the lippopolysaccarides to enter the blood stream which alarms the immune system. The immune system then releases interlucken 1B a Cytocon. When this occurs on periperphary of body, that signal is transmitted through the vegus nerve from the gut to the brain.
This signals the immune cells of the brain, the microglia, to also secrete their own interleukin 1 B and glutamate in the brain and spinal cord. Glutamate is an excitotoxin and destroys neurons. This type of damage in the brain and immune system is being shown to be a major factor in all neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer's, Autism, anxiety, depression, Parkison's, MS; and if it happens in the spinal cord this appears to be a major factor in ALS. Read more in his blog here.
Dr. Buckely recommends an organic Paleolithic diet,which is primarily vegetables,seeds, meat, fish, and small amounts of fruit, while excluding grains, dairy, starchy carbs or sugar, which feed the pathogenic bacteria. He agrees that adding raw organic sauerkraut (good bacteria) will offset the bad bacteria and help heal the gut, provided fungal overgrowth isn't excessive. My family eats 1-2 tablespoons of raw organic sauerkraut every day. Probiotic supplements also restore gut health but I reminded the audience in the video that many probiotic companies buy their probiotics from Dianesco which was bought out by Dupont (Dupont also makes the pesticides/herbicides sprayed on our crops, so they have a perfect profit circle). So make sure to ask before you buy.
By eliminating the toxin/antibiotic glyphosate from the food that goes into the gut (by eating organic) which destroys the good bacteria, adding in fermented vegetables and probiotics (good bacteria) and by starving the bad bacteria of sugar, we can restore our gut bacteria and therefore regain our health.
Doctors and health experts agree that the key to the health and survival of the human race is our gut flora. Without healthy gut flora we are all sure to get sick and likely die much sooner than is necessary. It is also key to our mental wellness...healthy decisions, relationships, and fulfilling on our potential in life and as a country. Moms Across America requests that everyone LOOK TO YOUR FOOD.
Are you eating as organic as possible? Good budgeting can result less expensive, more healthy meals by eating organic at home! (One source of support is a book called " 15 minute Healthy, Organic Meals for Less than $10 a Day")
Are you adding in good bacteria via feremented (cultured) foods with every meal? Raw organic saurkraut, organic yogurt or keifer, organic miso, organic kimchi or keifer water soda are the best sources of probiotics.
Are you diminishing the overgrowth of bad bacteria? Eliminating sugar and carbs upon which bad bacteria thrive restores your gut flora and improves your health.
If everyone takes responsibiliy for their own health and their children's in these ways, we can collectively reduce the impact on our families, communities and nation. We can turn this health crisis around and restore the future of America.
To be a leader for the health of YOUR community host an event with Moms Across America. Share this information and make a difference for generations to come! Some event ideas are:
1) Host a GMO Movie night or Cultured Food Party and empower your friends and neighbors.
2) Have a table/booth at your local Earth Day Festival in April and reach thousand.
3) Host a Moms Meetup May 2, 2015 and help cause a billion dollar shift to organic.
4) Be a leader for a group to join in 4th of July parades and reach tens of thousands in your town.
See our Events page for more info on all these events.
Make sure to POST your event on MAA with your address as the host so we can send you free materials if/when we get enough sponsorship support!
Thank you for spreading the word!
Zen Honeycutt
Moms Across America
Creating GMO Free Zones
Moms Across America asked the committed activists who passed GMO FREE Humbolt County CA to please give us their perspective on what makes a successful campaign. When you are wondering "What's Next? with our cause consider working on having a GMO free zone in your county. We are inspired by your commitment and tenacity! Thank you supporters of Measure P!
Read moreGlyphosate Found in Feeding Tube Liquid
Thanks to Moms Across America supporters; our sponsors and private citizens donating thousands of dollars in three days to pay for testing, glyphosate has been found in feeding tube liquid which is given to babies and children with cancer in hospitals.
Microbe Inotech lab detected 6 out of 20 (30%) of Pediasure samples from the same batch tested postive at levels above 75ppb at 800-1110 X higher than has been shown to destroy gut bacteria in chickens (.1ppb). Only 50ppT ( trillion) was shown to cause liver, kidney and sex hormone changes in rats. These samples were sent by a Moms Across America supporter.This is the exact brand used in the pediatric rehabilitation hospital where she worked and was fed patients needing tube feeding in critical care.
Moms Across America finds it appalling that our health care providers have been led to believe this feeding tube liquid is safe. Our children and loved ones who are depending on our health institutions to support their immune system and recovery. Instead they are being fed a liquid which scientists and knowledgeable care givers now believe is doing the exact opposite.
The Pediasure Enteral Nutritional Drink tested is loaded with GM corn syrup, soy, and sugar, which have been shown to cause inflammation, and are sprayed with gyphosate during the growing season and at harvest as a drying agent. See EPA allowable levels glyphosate on 160 of our food crops here.
Glyphosate is scientifically accepted to function as a chelator; which draws out the vital nutrients of any living thing it touches.
It is a patented antibiotic; destroying gut bacteria, where 70% of the immune system lies, and the body's ability to create Tryptophan/Serotonin, and Melatonin, which regulate insulin/diabetes and protect from sleeplessness, depression, bipolar and violent behavior.
It is a proven endocrine disruptor; which impacts, deforms or halts the development of a fetus, leading to miscarriage, birth defects, infertilityand sterility.
It is also a cell disintegrator; breaking down the blood brain barrier and allowing toxins into the brain, (correlating the rise of autism with the increased use of gyphosate as close as 99%.)
The rise of autism is 99% correlated with the increased use of glyphosate. New studies find glyphosate also feeds antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Pediasure Enteral Nutritional Drink samples for Glyphosate detection by ELISA assay. Detectable level 75 ppb. Lab report here.
A description of how glyphosate impacts the body from MIT PhD. scientist Stephanie Seneff:
1) Glyphosate is an antimicrobial agent (antibiotic) and it perferentially kills the good bacteria, which causes an overgrowth of pathogens in the gut. This leads to leaky gut syndrome and inflammatory issues.
2) Glyphosate chelates rare minerals like manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, iron, sulfur, selenium, etc., and this disrupts the management of these very important nutrients throughout the body. The minerals end up piling up in the wrong places, causing both toxicity and deficiency at the same time.
3) Glyphosate disrupts cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver, which are important for many things, two of which are activating vitamin D and detoxifying multiple toxic chemicals and drugs. Acetaminophen (tylenol), for example, becomes toxic when these enzymes aren't working.
4) Glyphosate works synergistically with the aluminum, mercury, and glutamate in vaccines to cause much greater harm than would be the case if there were no glyphosate present in the blood when the vaccine was administered.
5) Glyphosate interferes with the shikimate pathway, which is used by both microbes and plants to produce the essential aromatic amino acids. Our own cells don't have this pathway, and they depend upon food sources and synthesis by gut microbes to supply these nutrients. They are precursors to many biologically important molecules such as the neurotransmitters serotonin, melatonin, and norepinephrine as well asmelanin, vitamin E, vitamin K, etc.
In my view, the core pathology in autism is insufficient sulfate in the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. This causes severe impairment in neurogenesis and an inability to "clear the trash." It's indirectly caused by sulfur deficiency, melatonin deficiency, impaired sulfate synthesis, impaired sulfate transport, and excess flushing of sulfate through the kidneys - all induced by glyphosate. There's also neuroexcitotoxicity from glutamate and glyphosate and aluminum working synergistically.
Stephanie Seneff, Co-Author Glyphosate papers
Senior Research Scientist
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Further comments on the findings:
This report is absolutely ground breaking for parents everywhere. We need to keep our children safe from these toxic chemicals. Our regulatory agencies have failed us and have let Roundup be carelessly used for too long. The worse part? The American public doesn't have the right to know which food doesn't have it. This must stop and is reason enough to avoid the use of any GMO technology that is tied to this chemical.- Vani Hari, Food Babe

Dark Act Rally DC Dec 10, 2014
Once upon a time, just one generation ago, all food was organic. When a mother bought corn on the cob or apples for her family she had no doubt that she was buying healthy food. When she picked up a box of cereal she didn't bother to read the label because she trusted that it has passed the food regulations set forth by our FDA and USDA and that anything sold in the grocery stores was perfectly fine to eat. Sometimes she read the label because she was avoiding too much sugar or salt, but besides that, the long looking words she couldn't pronounce she didn't think twice about. They must be fine.
She never even considered that there could be something in the food that was not labeled. She never imagined that the food manufacturers would be allowed to do such a thing. It never occured to her.
Over the past twenty years, it has become apparent that there is something in the food that is not disclosed: genetically modified proteins, put in our food since 1994, which are engineered to withstand toxic chemicals. GMOs have been hidden from us.
Many resist this idea. They don't want to know. It would unAmerican to not trust the system. Plus, it would be inconvenient. Suddenly, if we want to avoid these genetically modified organisms we would have to scrutinize our food, change food brands that have become family traditions, budget and spend more to buy NON GMO Project verified and Organic and be suspected as a left wing hippy conspiracy theorist.
This is the reality that brave Americans are willing to face. It is not a reality that our representatives and committee members of the Energy and Commerce Hearing faced in the hearing for HR 4432 which would make GMO labeling voluntary on a federal level, wipe out state labeling laws, and allow a "100% Natural" label to contain GMOs.
Busloads of people at the Rayburn House Alexis of OCA,Rally organizer
Attendees for the Energy and Commerce Hearing regarding HR 4432 or the DARK Act,
Denying American's Right to Know, came from across the country, lined the halls of the Rayburn house in Washington DC at 7 am. The Organic Consumer's Association, funded the buses to the rally and along with many other grassroots and non profit groups, rallied their supporters for weeks to rearrange their schedules, take two days off work, ride on a bus for hours to days to be at the hearing and rally to stop HR 4432. We came because we care about having integrity on our food labels, knowing what we eat and having our state rights protected. We came because we want GMOs labeled and then elminated from our food supply along with the related toxic chemicals. We came because we have seen an increase in health issues in our loved ones, and we see them get better when they avoid GMOs and eat organic. We came because we love.
Mom and girls from Michigan!
I arrived at 8 am and was told with 90 seats available I was likely to get in. The crowd gathered. I handed out our MAA flyers to people in line and was told I could not because of terrorism like Anthrax. I asked, "You mean I can't hand out pertinent
information to the hearing, as a US citizen on federal property?" "Not if you don't want to be escorted off the property right now. I am sure you don't want that."
He had no idea what I wanted.
It took everything I had not to continue to hand out the flyers.
As I returned to my place in line -- fuming, I noticed a very distinctive difference between the local law students and paid sitters and the activist who traveled from more than 20 states to attend the hearing. There were at least 80 individuals in the front of the line in suits, dresses and crisp striped shirts... bored, blase and talking aimlessly... and hundreds more activist citizens in sweat shirts, hats and black and red bandanas... excited, focused and passionately intense about just getting in the doors of the hearing. They were eager to be a part of our government process.
We were sorely dissapointed. Only 52 got in because the other seats were reserved. Nicole from GreenAmerica got in. A few others on the pro GMO labeling side got in. I was there from California (Thanks to Benny Olvera my sponsor) two hours early and we were positioned 3 people away from the allotted seats but did not get in.
Groups of activists walked to the front of the line and challenged the fairness of being denied entrance.We later learned that many students were paid 40 dollars a head to be there and did not even know why.... they had no idea that they were being used by the corporations just as a shell of a body. Their presence was blocking the inclusion of dedicated Americans who wanted with every fiber of their being to just be in the room.
After the heart break of not getting in to the hearing after a day of travel, as I am sure hundreds felt, my friends and I decided to wait in case some people left the hearing, as we would then be able to take their place. My friend was told if she wanted to get in she had to change her shirt that said "I love my life" because it was a message. Apparently you can't love your life in a federal building hearing. She changed her shirt in case we could get in.
We waited. I watched the first panel, (Watch the hearing here) the pro GMO side speak on live stream for nearly 1 hour and 20 minutes on my cell phone. As I sat on the cold stone floor, my heart sank further with every minute. I was later told I could not sit, that it was "an act of protest" so I stood again and watched the hearing with shooting pain in my feet.
I saw the entire council panel speak favorably of GMOs and deny concern over health safety. I saw our representatives completly sold out on GMOs. I saw the Tennesse Senator (in red) say she "is interested in food looking good because we eat with our eyes... and I am interested in yield." She later left during first panel. I tried to talk to her as she passed by me. She was immediately angered. I asked her to look up the studies on our and told her our kids were sick and she walked away faster. I was again so disappointed.
My battery ran too low for me to continue watching. I was distraught that we had come all that way and were missing it. We were told the first panel had left and the second panel had started but no one had left the hearing. It was most likely none would.
It was 12:30.We had been there for 4.5 hours. We reluctantly decided to leave, eat lunch and meet with our fellow activists at the nearby church gathering. There I reconnected with wonderful people from all over the country.
I had an opportunity to address the crowd (see speech here) and request that they take action in their own counties. The response was resoundingly positive. We were not going to give up. I was enlivened and thrilled to meet leaders from all across the country. Their excitement touched my soul and their dedication left me inspired.
Later, after dinner, I watched the second half of the hearing and my expectations of being represented in the hearing were destroyed. The second panel, I was hoping would be on our side, but it wasn't. It was devastatingly dissapointing. Speaker after speaker just defended GMOs and proclaimed their safety. Even the Vermont co sponsor for the GMO labeling bill and the EWG ( Environmental Working Group) representative clearly proclaimed that they did not have concerns about the safety of GMOs.It was infuriating. I did not hear them speak up to protect our health or state rights. It was a travesty of justice. The hundreds of people who traveled thousands of miles to be there were not fairly represented.
The hearing was set up to be one big propaganda discussion of GMOs.
It was an opportunity for the opposition to scold the EWG.
It was a failure of the US government to protect the people. It is my opinion that the committee members out right lied. I am sure every single one of them is aware of at least one, if not all, of the studies showing harm from GMOs. Every single one of them has heard of the soy comparison study documenting the significant difference between GMO soy and non GMO soy. Every single person in that room was aware of GMO material difference and safety concerns regarding increased pesticides. (Click for link to studies) It was an appalling example of how corporationshave flat our bought our government.
But this does not mean it was not worth it for every person who came all that way. Our gathering was powerful for us. It was an important act of commitment, generosity and freedom. It galvanized our strength and deepened our appreciation and connection we have for each other. Together, we will be successful. It is time for us to step it up.
It is time for us to stop waiting for other organization heads to speak for us. It is time to stop hoping and start being THE ONE.
I may be disgusted with the system but I will never give up. I don't regret a second of going to DC and I would do it again, earlier, louder and with more supporters. Our efforts in DC are never a waste. Don't use the mess our government currently is in as an excuse not to clean it up. This is OUR COUNTRY!
How can you BE THE ONE in your town? Ban GMOs? Ban Pesticides? Get your school, church or neighbors to switch to organic? Visit with your representatives and congress members and bring them the studies showing harm from GMOs that apparently they never heard of? What ever you do, do something. Because this is our country, our children and our future.
The chemical companies only have power because they have money. And they get their money, essentially from us.
If we don't buy their toxic food, they can't sell it!
It's up to us.
It is the actions of all of us, one at a time, that make the many of us strong and undauntable. Together we can do this.
Thank you for your dedication!!!
Zen Honeycutt and MAAM Team
Special Thanks to OCA for organizing this wonderful gathering of committed people and to supporter Benny Olvera for sponsoring my trip there.
Mom Receives Glyphosate Task Force Studies on Glyphosate Submitted to the EPA
Six months ago today, June 1, a few days after we met with the EPA, I requested per my right as a US citizen, by way of the Freedom of Information Act, to receive copies of all of the documents submitted to the EPA regarding glyphosate. Never in my life did I imagine I would be asking for potentially thousands of pages of scientific studies about a toxic chemical. I loved science when I was in sixth grade, and even imagined being one someday. However I did not think I was good at math, all the rote learning without understanding was more condescending than the looks my math teacher gave me, so I dismissed the possibility of being a scientist and headed down a more artistic path as a designer.
Read moreBig News from Across the Pond
Today's Global News Release from London
A $25 million international study on GMO and pesticide safety was announced today. The ‘Factor GMO’ study will investigate the health effects of a genetically modified (GMO) crop that has been in our food and animal feed supplies for many years. It will answer the question: Is this GMO food and associated pesticide (Glyphosate / Roundup) safe for human health?
- See more at:
New Open Letter from America to UK regarding "Living with GMOs" announced Today
About The Letter from America
The Letter from America is a unique open letter to the citizens, politicians, and regulators of the UK and the rest of the EU about the hazards of genetically modified crops.
This is relevant to all of us in the UK and the rest of Europe because our politicians and regulators are currently deciding whether or not to plant GMOs and, under pressure from biotech lobbyists and trade negotiations like the TAFTA/TTIP, whether to relax regulations around the import and sale of GMOs.
Europe has held out against GMOs for a very long time. If it gives in now, efforts in the US to successfully campaign against GMOs, to get GM foods labelled, and to try to get them out of the farming and food system are likely to collapse.
The letter is signed by thousands of notable citizens, health orgs, scientists and doctors.
Please sign!
Please also sign the NEW International Open Letter to China, the world's largest purchaser of GMO crops, largest producer and exporter of Glyphosate.
This thorough letter lays out eight points proposed to China to be the leader in restoring health and safety to our food supply and citizens. It is an amazing compilation of solutions by the world's leading GMO researchers, scientists, veteranariens and farmers.
Sign and Share!
As the International community rises up in unity, so do we locally in America.
Moms and supporters from all across America took their precious time to make a sign and post their "Protest to Poison on Our Food and Near our Schools!" to Stop Enlist! Gina McCarthy from the EPA will recieve a large envelope of American citizens demanding that they protect us. Thank you to everyone who took the time!
Pictures can still be posted at
to be included in a video. Thank you!
If you want to get more involved, please join us on our new Moms Across America Chat every Monday at 12:30 pm. To join us, sign up for our newsletter or volunteer and request an invite from [email protected].
MAA Leaders can also sign up for "Empowered Leadership" Speaker Panel training and recieve the 30 minute power point to enable you to speak to doctors, moms clubs, city council members and more in your town.
Become a MAA leader by hosting an event and joining our MAAM Leaders Facebook page. Contact [email protected] for the training invite link on Nov 18th.
BE A PART of Creating the World You Want!
Be a speaker and be a leader for health and freedom!
Thank you for your support!
Zen and the MAA Team
Letter to Oregon and Colorado Voters
Dear Oregon and Colorado Voters,
This letter comes to you from a volunteer mom, representing thousands of Moms knowingly, and millions of moms unknowingly, with children who are sick with autism, allergies, auto immune, asthma, obesity, diabetes, Crohn's, IBS and cancer. 1 out of 2 of our children, in fact have some form of chronic illness in America today. (1) You may think this is an alarmist statistic, and you may want to set it aside, but it is the reality of our country, it is the daily struggle of millions. It is what doctors are seeing in their practices and what teachers and school nurses are seeing at schools. We have received thousands of personal experiences of the growing epidemic of childhood illness in the United States from moms.
What does this have to do with you? Especially if your child or grand child or nephews or nieces are not sick? Why should you care? Well, your child's or grand child's or niece's or nephew's future spouses are out there, in our American population, mostly likely eating GMOs, which are unlabeled foreign proteins untested to be safe on humans. In fact, there are thousands of studies now showing harm from GMOs to animals. Moms Across America has over a thousand responses to our survey, most of which share that the mother believe GMOs are causing harm to our children. (2) They see this through trial and error of elimination of GMOs through diet.
We see our children get better from removing GMOs from our children's diets by eating organic. We see allergies, autism, asthma and auto immune issues that represent as rashes, disappear. What we don't see is whether or not their reproductive organs have been harmed from the exposure to GMOs that they have already unknowingly endured. This is of concern to us parents because we know that rats in Russia fed GMOs were sterile by the third generation. (3) We know that pigs in Denmark had a 30% miscarriage, infertility, sterility and loss of young rate when fed grains sprayed with Glyphosate. (4) 80% of GMOs are engineered to withstand Roundup (contains Glyphosate) and are therefore doused with this chemical which does not wash off. We know that the USA also has a 30% failure to conceive rate, the highest in recorded history and 85% of our processed food is GMO.(5) We believe GMOs and related chemicals are drastically impacting the health and future of America.
We want our children to be able to experience the profound love that it is to be able to create their own child someday and have their own healthy family. If you vote no on November 4th to GMO labeling, you may be voting for the demise of the American people and a future we cannot afford. This is not fear mongering, this is the scary reality that we must have the courage to face in order to transform it.
That which we cannot be with, we cannot transform. Let's be with this for a moment.
20 Years from now, it is predicted we will have 1 out of 2 of our children with autism, (6) also linked to Glyphosate, which was introduced into our food with GMOs at the same time that doctors "were flooded with children with autism." 13 years from now we will have no money left in the US health care budget for anything other than diabetes if we continue at the current rate. (7) Cancer is the number one killer of our children in America today. (8) More children die of cancer every year than people died in 9/11. Our miscarriage, stillborn and loss of young rates deducted from the US Census, mean that 2 million babies are lost each year, 379 a day, 3.8 babies a minute. One can only wonder what our miscarriage and birth defect rate will be 20 years from now... could we be with that rate doubling or quadrupling as our autism, diabetes, colitis and Crohn's disease diagnosis have? If things continue to go as they are we will continue to have more of the same.
What will our society be like if we allow this? How will our families, educational system, military and economy function with 50% of our children severely compromised and even more chronically ill or sterile? We do not have to be a scientist to know this is not in our best interest. We know this is not what mothers and father and concerned citizens want. We know that citizens of Oregon and Colorado want health, integrity in our food, labeling and freedom from being controlled by chemical companies just as much as citizens in other states do. We know you want the truth and you want to protect your loved ones.
What we don't know is which foods are GMO when we pick up the package.
What many people still don't know is what a GMO is or to avoid them and that it is in fact engineered to either BE a pesticide, with the toxin inserted into the DNA of the plant with a virus or bacteria, infecting every cell of the plant, or it is engineered to resist herbicides, therefore allowing it to be repeatedly sprayed with chemicals. One of these chemicals, Glyphosate is described by Dr. Don Huber as essentially giving the weeds AIDS, destroying their immune system. This chemical does not wash or cook off. We eat it. Our children eat it and our babies drink it in breast milk. We found Glyphosate levels over 1600 x higher than is allowed in the drinking water in Europe. (9) These levels are far above what has been shown to cause liver, kidney and sex hormone changes in rats and to destroy gut bacteria in chickens. Our gut bacteria is where 70% of our immune system lies. It is no wonder our children are getting sick!
One does not have to wait to "know" through years of scientific testing, which the GMO proponents have refused to do, that GMOs and related pesticides/herbicides are causing serious harm to our children's health. One only has to look at what they are and how these relatively "new" inventions (compared to thousands of successful years of farming without them) work and what is happening to our health in America. We must acknowledge that this science is based on twenty year old assumptions that are now out dated. We must acknowledge that there is a health crisis in America related to our food and a lack of knowledge in the consumers to prevent it. We must take precautionary action and be "Better safe than sorry."
We do not have to wait for more testing. We do not have to wait for a "better" labeling law. We do not have to fear higher costs of groceries (the reality is a penny per day) and we do not have to be confused by the LIES that out of state chemical companies are feeding you from the fruit of their greed...tens of millions of dollars made by selling Americans cheap, toxic food and by selling farmers toxic chemicals to spray on the food crops. They are protecting their profits.
We are asking you to protect your kids, our kids, and America's future by voting YES to label on November 4th.
With labels comes accountability. Why should billions pay the price of their health for the benefit of a few chemical company's profits?
We can do something NOW. You can vote YES on 105 and 92. We can cause truth in labeling and integrity in our food. We can empower parents and people who feed people to have the freedom to choose to buy food labeled with or without GMOs regardless if they can afford organic or not.
We are asking you to have faith in our farmers that they can and will farm as has been done for thousands of years, without toxic chemicals, by caring for the land and freely owning and planting their own seeds.(10)
We ask you to trust the mothers of our community and to vote YES. Have faith in our strength as Americans to turn the tide from greed and profit to the health of the people and prosperous future of America.
Thank you.
Mom of 3 boys who have gotten better from allergies and autism symptoms by removing GMOs and eating organic.
Zen Honeycutt
And MAAM Team
*Please see page for scientific studies, papers and reports behind this letter.