URGENT ALERT! Support Small Farmers Impacted by CoVid 19 Cancellations!
Moms Across America is committed to creating healthy communities. A healthy community includes access to locally grown organic food and thriving small farmers. The current shutdown has caused cancellations of school and restaurant orders and closure of farmers markets across the country. Many small farmers have had all or nearly all of their income disappear. In addition, many of their workers or volunteers cannot come to their farm and harvest their crops, so crops are rotting in the fields. This situation is dire for small farmers that we depend on for healthy food and healthy communities. We must support them in this time of need!
Three Ways Our Government is Harming Us During the Pandemic
At Moms Across America we are careful to focus on the issues and not personalities or politicians, no matter what the party. Recent discoveries of policy changes have us compelled to discuss both. When any politician, regulatory agency, or manufacturer takes action that impacts the health of our families and communities, we must speak up and hold them accountable.
Trump was clear from the beginning that he would “drain the swamp.” Many Americans thought that meant eliminating the politicians that drive the corruption and heavy-handed government restrictions on their everyday lives. They hoped they would regain many personal freedoms that they felt were being restricted.
These times bring a new understanding. We have received documentation that the USDA program inspectors have been instructed to no longer regulate genetically modified foods, including meat, poultry, and egg products. The order reads, “IPP (Inspection Program Personnel at the USDA) are not to verify whether establishments meet labeling requirements related to the NBFDS (National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standards).” The order stands for a full year and states that January 1, 2022, the Agricultural Marketing Service, instead of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS,) will enforce compliance with NBFDS.
Until then, FSIS not regulating meat and eggs for genetically modified foods in any way. The document states that the FSIS will issue instructions of labels “in the future, if necessary.” Additionally the FDA has ceased food inspections which includes all other genetically modified foods.
What We Can Do To Keep America Strong
We are getting plenty of advice from news stations to keep washing our hands and practice social distancing. These two actions will help to prevent the spread of CoVid 19, however, they will not directly prevent the side effect of the pandemic, which is the crashing of our economy. The impact we could be facing in the next few months from the loss of jobs, stock sell-off, and closed businesses, if we are not responsible, could lead to more deaths and homelessness than we can imagine.
Trump Overturns GMO Regulation During Pandemic
Press Release
Contact Debbie Luican
[email protected]
Mission Viejo, CA, March 28, 2020 - Moms Across America has received documentation from a supporter showing that the USDA program inspectors have been instructed to no longer regulate genetically modified organisms (GMO) in foods, including meat and egg products. The order reads, “IPP (inspection program personnel at the USDA) are not to verify whether establishments meet labeling requirements related to the NBFDS (National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standards).” The order states that January 1, 2022, the Agricultural Marketing Service will enforce compliance with NBFDS.
Guaranteed GOOD MOOD Booster
Fearful? Stressed? Anxious?
Listen to Mom.
- Put down your phone.
- Take a moment to read some GOOD NEWS about GOOD DEEDS and...
- Breathe....
All across the country and around the world people are stepping up during this time of stress and fear and are blowing our minds with kindness. Last week we featured the creative generosity of people mostly in Europe - in Italy and Spain. This week we gathered together stories from right here in the Good ol’ US of A.
Read moreCall to Action! Protect our Children in Schools!
Governor Newsom: Please Do Not Deploy 5G / Wireless Installations in Our Schools During Quarantine!
Dear Californians and Friends of Californians,
On Thursday, March 19th, Governor Newsom announced his intention to expand the deployment of wireless infrastructure in schools during the COVID-19 quarantine. We understand this is during a time when there will be the least resistance to this harmful technology. While we all appreciate Governor Newsom’s leadership regarding COVID-19, deploying further wireless infrastructure in our schools and neighborhoods, especially at this time, is taking the wrong path.
Children’s Health Defense, together with Moms Across America and 5G Free California, is launching a campaign to have Governor Newsom reconsider his decision and to encourage him to take leadership in protecting the health of our children from the proven harms of wireless radiation and to lead the way with safer and faster-wired technology.
“With schools closed across the state and teachers struggling to implement online and alternative learning programs, the governor also asked for an expansion of technology investments for schools, an increase in Title I funding for schools with a high concentration of poverty, broadband internet upgrades, grants for teachers to adapt to digital-age instruction…”
Newsom's full letter to the President here.
Read more
The Power of US
In the worst of times, we have the opportunity to be the best of humanity.
What’s happening in the world right now is frightening. The health and economic impact of CoVid 19 is changing our everyday life in dramatic ways. In each moment things can change...as the stock market plummets, funding for nonprofits like ours is cut, month to month contracts with consultants are halted, catering gigs are cancelled leaving food manufacturers with thousands of servings of food. Suddenly families need to sort out homeschooling as children are sent home for weeks or even a month or more. Life is in upheaval. We can react to it. Or with each moment choose to breath and create.
Read moreTake a Rational Approach to the Recent Coronavirus
Reprinted with permission by Restoration Healthcare.
Worried about the coronavirus? You are not alone. It is hard not to be worried about it if you follow the news or posts on social media. But one statistic alone should be enough to alleviate any fears and panic — 81 percent of people infected with the recent coronavirus, which as of today is 164 people in 19 states, have mild symptoms.
Healing Chronic Migraines: Using Nutrition as a Prescription for Health
By Josette Herdell, MS, CN
Functional Nutritionist & Executive Director of the Herdell Migraine Institute
Therapeutic Nutrition
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” -Thomas Edison
Nutrition is a powerful therapeutic healing tool which gives the body the building blocks to regenerate and heal itself. Food can be used to support the body’s innate healing mechanisms by providing vitamins, minerals, macro and micronutrients, as well as phytochemicals and antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation, detoxify and regenerate cells. The role of nutrition in preventing migraines is well-established, with diet being a primary migraine trigger and the elimination of specific foods a fundamental aspect of migraine treatment. Modern industrialized society has flooded us with pre-packaged, artificially flavored and preserved food-like substances that barely resemble the whole foods our bodies are designed to recognize and utilize for maintaining health.
Read more10 Reasons You Should Vote Every Chance You Get
If you look up the etymology of the word “democracy,” you will find out that it translates from the ancient Greek meaning “people rule” or “people power.” Despite our power, not so many of us choose to exercise it. In the midterm elections of 2018, according to NPR, over 100 million of us voted - hitting a new record. NPR called the turnout “massive” with a 47+% turnout. That means that approximately 53% of us who were eligible to vote didn’t. WOW! We can do better. More people - everyone who can vote - should vote. At Moms Across America we believe that it is important for everyone to participate in the future of our towns, country, and planet. We want you to vote. If you need some motivation, here are 10 reasons. We’re sure you can think of even more.