Charleston Celebrates World Food Day Label GMOs

Charleston Celebrates World Food Day Label GMOs


Charleston SC--

Rally for Food Safety!!

Celebrate World Food Day with us as we rally, march, and raise awareness-- Let Our elected Officials know that the Low Country DEMANDS labeling- We support the right to know!

Meet up-- gather-- visit info tent-- sign petition-- speakers
1pm-- March with signs down

About the March--- We will March as a group at 1pm on 10/12/13 in Celebration of World Food Day 2013-- Label our Food-- Freedom from GMOs; from Cannon Park down Calhoun to meeting, cross over Calhoun, around Marion Sq, up King St, and back down Calhoun. Obeying all traffic indicators, single file when possible, and not impeding pedestrian traffic.
Friendly smiles and family friendly signs--
We want to start a conversation for the right reasons-- :) End the March back at Cannon Park and Rally street side with our signs and chanting.

We have press releases prepared and will send them out.
(May's press release had many errors and the press was late and missed our March and Rally-- Let us handle the media inquiries so we are all on the same page with accurate and up to date information)

Invested or interested in the GMO Awareness Campaign?
Want to know what is going on with GMOs and the fight to label them?
Follow us on GMO Free Low Country --

Charleston Natural:

Find the event on Facebook:

October 12, 2013 at 12:00pm - 3pm
Cannon Park
131 Rutledge Ave
Charleston, SC 29401
United States
Google map and directions
Beth Dalton ·
Beth Dalton

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