Dear Bayer Board of Directors: Warner Baumann, Chairman; Liam Condon, Crop Science; Hartmut Klusik, Human Resources, Technology & Sustainability; Kemal Malik, Innovation; Wolfgang Nickl, Finance; Stefan Oelrich, Pharmaceuticals; and Heiko Schipper, Consumer Health
The independent science is clear.

Glyphosate-based herbicides have been shown to cause or increase many forms of cancer including Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, aggressive breast cancer, neurotoxicity, liver and kidney disease, reproductive harm, and birth defects.
Glyphosate has been found to contaminate our children's urine, tap water, wine, beer, thousands of food samples, tampons, sanitary pads, hospital gauze, vaccines and breast milk. Glyphosate has been found to contaminate irrigation water and rain.
We mothers, women, and supporters of life across the planet ask that you respect life, the reproductive systems, our babies and future generations by being responsible and removing glyphosate based herbicides such as Roundup from your offerings.
Will you restore the integrity of your company by discontinuing your sales of Roundup and glyphosate-based herbicides?
Will you respect your shareholders and focus your resources on products which improve, rather than destroy health?
Will you give future generations a chance to thrive and be healthy?
We thank you in advance for taking action to protect the planet.
Moms Across America and Citizens of the World
Resources of all health impacts can be found on