August - A Month to Dream - Moms Across America

August - A Month to Dream

August is generally regarded as the last month of summer. It is hot, and often lazy, and for many of us it is the time when we make the transition from summer fun to back-to-school. However, August is also the month when Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired millions with his “I Have a Dream” speech. On August 28, 1963, Dr. King stood in front of a sea of people of all colors, ages, and backgrounds and shared his vision for freedom for all. It is a speech that is as referenced and revered today as it was the day he delivered it - and has, no doubt, inspired millions around the world to have their own dream.

"You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one"

-- John Lennon

Here at Moms Across America we also have a dream - of health. In our dreams we as a country come together to create the highest standards of health for people and the planet. In our dream the government, food industry, pharmaceutical industry, actually all companies, and families and communities come together to work together toward this shared vision for the future. In our dreams we all share our experiences, encourage education, and assume responsibility for our own actions. In our dream health for people and the planet are not linked to one’s resources nor are they dictated by greed. In our dream we share information and celebrate our successes. In our dream, together we create health. In our dream, we transform the future.

So, this month Moms Across America asks everyone to dream. Sit in the sun and envision the future you desire. Dream big. Then come September help us to make our shared dream a reality. Come September help us to create change. Come September find the best way(s) for you to become involved. Do what you know is yours to do. Take responsibility. Join us.

Calling all dreamers:

  Dream of helping us by sharing your time? Click here.

  Dream of changing the food supply? Click here.

  Dream of having your resources create a real impact? Click here.

Have another dream? Let us know about it.
Click here.

Sweet dreams!

Zen and the MAA Team

“Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
― Oscar Wilde, The Critic as Artist

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  • Isabelle Menozzi
    commented 2019-08-08 19:57:25 -0400
    I share your dreams Zen and I am practicing seeing it it clearly in my mind. I KNOW it will happen and I KNOW we will get it done! I love you and thank you for being such and unstoppable inspiring Mama! xoxo

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