After the Dark Act - Moms Across America

After the Dark Act


Photo from article on Natural News

Many of us are still steaming...not just from the massive heat wave hitting America, but from the insanity happening on the Hill.

GMOs are being hidden by our President behind QR codes, our own Organic Trade AssociationJust Label It, EWG- Environmental Working Group and Whole Foods worked to compromise our efforts, and the corruption of the election process has a huge portion of the population leaning towards just giving up and not voting or volunteering for our cause anymore.

I understand the sadness.

I understand the frustration.

Please keep in mind that frustration is the mother of invention. 

I always feel better when I allow myself to feel frustrated. There are times when I just need to ask someone to "hear me out" and have a good cry. From there, I can identify the problem...then ask myself, what can I do about it?

We have an opportunity now to be creative!

Here is what some other orgs are doing about it:

From the unstoppable Center for Food Safety CFS:

CFS will be filing a federal lawsuit in the next two weeks asking a court to declare the law unconstitutional on a number of grounds and to restore our democratically decided upon labeling laws.

We need your support to launch this lawsuit and protect our right to know. Be one of the first to pitch in now>>>

From Tara Cook Littman and the Citizens for GMO Labeling:

Senator Blumenthal has called for a repeal of the "DARK Act"!  He acknowledged that could be a hard road, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't t try!  I know he gives many of us hope.  The CT Mirror did a great article.…

Thank Senator Blumenthal on Facebook here:

The DARK Act wipes out GMO labeling nationally. The TPP (Trans Pacific Trade Agreement) could wipe out GMO labeling internationally. It would be considered a "trade barrier" within the 12 nations in the agreement to label GMOs, all which trade globally. We must not allow despair about the DARK Act stop us from putting an end to the TPP. See below:

From our friends at Food & Water Watch:

On Friday, the White House officially put Congress on notice that the TPP is coming, and we're seeing reports that the Administration is planning more than 30 high-profile events with cabinet members before the end of the month to strong-arm members of Congress to support the TPP.

But the public is against this toxic trade deal, and both presidential candidates oppose the TPP. Momentum is against the Administration — and it's up to us to keep it that way.

Tell your members of Congress to reject the TPP!

Thank you!

We hope you will take part in the efforts of our cause. Together we can accomplish so much more!


At Purple Sprout Cafe, Wheeling IL with Go Green Northbrook and MAA supporters

If you are in AR, OK, NM, AZ or CA and  would like to meet up with me, Zen Honeycutt and my family, please see our National Toxin Free Tour dates and times here:

We invite you to contact us with your ideas and volunteer to support our never ending cause. I say never ending because the love for our children, health and freedom will never end.

Labels or not. Your favorite candidate elected President or not, our commitment remains undauntable.

We remain unstoppable.

We continue to thank you for your support!


Zen Honeycutt and MAA Team



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