2020 sure did hit us with more than a few curve balls! At Moms Across America, we got clear this year that what is more important than ever is our health and supporting each other as a community. Standing up, linking arms with other moms, and being at the front lines to protect our families is what needs to happen for our communities to thrive in the face of adversity.
EPA Releases Evaluation of Glyphosate Herbicide Impact on Endangered Species....and It's Not Good
The day before Thanksgiving the EPA released their Biological Evaluation (BE) assessment of potential risks for registered uses of glyphosate to endangered or threatened species or their critical habitat. This federal action is a part of the Registration Review for the license of glyphosate, which has been ongoing for more than ten years, for re approval or denial.
Moms Across America was incredibly disappointed by the actions of the EPA and their refusal to acknowledge the evidence that glyphosate can cause cancer in humans and does cause cancer in animals, as identified by world renowned scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2015. One can only surmise that corporate pressure, due to billions of dollars on the line in lawsuits, produced that response. Findings from the EPA on glyphosate herbicide’s environmental impact to endangered species were our only hope for a pathway to restrictions on this dangerous herbicide that is virtually poisoning the entire planet.
There are two important take-aways from the assessment:
Although the EPA insists glyphosate alone is not toxic to endangered species and their habitats, it does admit that formulated glyphosate is moderately to highly toxic to fish, highly to very highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates, moderately toxic to mammals, and slightly toxic to birds on an acute exposure basis. This is an important distinction because glyphosate is never used alone. It is, however, approved and licensed alone, and therefore that policy loophole may lead to the demise of thousands of endangered species if the EPA chooses to only consider the evidence on glyphosate alone.
- The EPA assessment found glyphosate herbicides caused Likely Adverse Affects (LAA) for 93% of species and 97% of critical habitats- 1,676 species and 759 critical habitats. This means that continuing to allow the use of glyphosate in waterways, forestry, and landscaping will lead to the destruction of these endangered species. We certainly hope glyphosate herbicide use will be banned from these uses immediately.
2020 Impact Report
This has been a year like no other. When my team began the draft of the 2020 report, I assumed that it would be shorter this year, considering COVID, shutdowns, and the BLM protests, but no, they said, we actually did more. I was surprised. How could this be? As I looked back over our activities during these tumultuous times, it became obvious. In challenging times, we mothers and supporters of Moms Across America don’t retreat and hide, we rise up. We find solutions, we support each other. Rather than adding to the collective rage, we generate collective compassion. We celebrate the acts of kindness and get to the source of our skyrocketing health issues - long before COVID - and that is eating a healthy, toxin free diet and restoring our immune system naturally. We did not rest when the USDA lowered their food supply standards due to the shutdown. We mothers rose up and spoke up to hold our government accountable.
Waste Free Christmas Season
Did you know that half of the paper used in the U.S. is used for wrapping and decorating products? Unfortunately this is just one aspect of what can be a very wasteful time of year. While the holidays bring joy to everyone, along with that joy often comes an awfully large amount of waste. In order to reduce that and try some new tactics this year, check out the 100 Year Lifestyle’s guide to doing so.
We Love Good Olive Oil!
The holidays are here!
If you're thinking about baking, doing some indulgent cooking, or making your gift-giving list...don't forget about one of our favorite non-guilty pleasures...olive oil.
Read moreChinese Tech Executives Admit 5G "Smart" Cities Have Big Costs, Small Benefits
In a stunning report from Chinese news outlet The New Lens, Chinese 5G Not Living Up to the Hype author John Xie exposes the disappointing reality of 5G "Smart" City networks. In short, the technology is not living up to expectations; the costs are enormous, and the benefits are few. The problems with high density 5G networks include, in summary:
- Electricity costs were 10X higher than the profits in China in 2019
- Uses 3X as much energy as 4G
- Small coverage area = high density cell towers = close proximity to residents and office workers
- 73% of customers say 5G is not needed
- Widespread complaints about speed
- More interference
GMO Salmon Ruled Unlawful by Federal Courts
Great News! We are so thrilled to share this wonderful court ruling.
From our Friends at the Center for Food Safety:
During these turbulent times, we are thrilled to let you know a piece of good news! Yesterday, a federal court ruled in favor of Center for Food Safety’s lawsuit that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) violated core federal laws when it approved the first-ever genetically engineered (GE) animal: a GE salmon! This decision is a huge victory for wild salmon, the environment, and our fishing communities.
This work was only possible with your support – thank you!
Read moreThe Vaccine Book Review
The 3rd edition of The Vaccine Book, by Dr. Bob Sears is available!
Vaccines are becoming an increasingly controversial topic as we are seeing more and more people question their safety. The problem is, where can we turn for reliable information in a clear and concise way? The Vaccine Book delivers a unique approach to true informed consent for the American public. It teaches you what your pediatrician won’t or doesn’t have time to explain.
Read moreNational Recycling Month
Our planet's health and well-being are currently being attacked. No, we aren't talking about aliens or some other life form. Unfortunately, humans are the ones causing the most damage to our beautiful Mother Earth. A recent study found that even though humans only make up 0.01 percent of all living things, since our civilization began, we have managed to destroy 83 percent of wild mammals. We are our own worst enemies - but that stops here. November is World Recycling Month, and it's one of the most crucial time periods for us.
No Matter Who Wins...
A message from our Founding Executive Director
As we wait for the results of the election many are experiencing high levels of anxiety right now. In general, this anxiety is based on fear and projections of actions that could be taken by one candidate or another (or both) that could harm our families.
I am writing this morning to remind you of your power, your love, and your commitment to your families.
No matter who wins, you are still the parent of your children. You are still the decision maker for your body. You are thinking, intelligent, rational human being. Even if the laws change in your state (which are based mostly on the Governor, not the President) you can still create a life that includes safety, learning, adventures and happiness. In the end, it is YOU who makes the daily decisions for your family.
A friend messaged me on social media yesterday, sharing yet another dramatic video with an "expert" talking about how the global elite are controlling our lives. I get that the global elite are influencing our government. But I don't see Bill Gates in my kitchen in the morning telling my family what to eat or making us breakfast. I do that.
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