2017 Year in Review - Moms Across America

2017 Year in Review

What a year! We wish to thank you for your support, and hope you had a very Happy Holiday and have Fantastic New Year!!!

We truly believe, because of people like you, the best is yet to come!

2017 was filled with successes and setbacks...nothing that will deter us...but many things that show us we are on the right path and are making a difference!

Here are some our accomplishments in 2017, thanks to people like you!

Expansive Educational Outreach:



  • We are thrilled to have debuted our Communities Rising documentary this year, reaching thousands with the truth about GMOs, toxins and the wonderful actions people across the country are doing to protect their families and communities.

  • MAA wrote and supported our moms with letters about glyphosate and GMOs to Trump, doctors regarding liver disease, water district departments regarding spraying glyphosate around reservoirs, CalPERS regarding investing in Monsanto, the CDC and FDA regarding glyphosate in vaccines, our city councils, Vector control, Senators and Governors to ban or discontinue the use of glyphosate.

  • Thanks to our sponsors and support from people like you, through our Health Solutions Store, we were able to print and distribute tens of thousands of new "Why Eat Organic? flyers and posters, and BAN Glyphosate bumper stickers this year. These flyers have the potential of supporting over a billion-dollar shift to organic, supporting organic farmers, regenerative agriculture, reduce climate change and restore health to generations.


  • We expanded our reach by connecting with citizens in Japan on a 10 day speaking tour, up and down the West Coast on the Toxin Free Tour, and at expos and conferences like the Mid America Organic Conference, Cali Summitt, Earth Day, Revolution for Truth in D.C., Climate Change marches, Children's March for Humanity, Stop Monsanto Rally in Arizona, and the Heirloom Expo.


  • MAA moms spoke at hearings for policy to protect our children at the EPA, FDA, National Organic Standards Board ( NOSB) and spoke at many council meetings and public gatherings.

  • We were delighted to give our first Moms Across America Healthy Communities Awards to Dr. Vandana Shiva, Robert F. Kennedy, Pamm Larry, Jere Gettle and Bob McFarland.


  • We are thrilled that the CA EPA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment placed glyphosate on the Prop 65 carcinogen list and we continue to call for a zero "safe" exposure level of glyphosate exposure.

  • We also shared webinars and docu-series such as the Functional Formularies series, Vaccines Revealed, The Truth About Vaccines, Autism Recovery Summitt, HGMOs, and many others. We are so grateful for the dedication of so many talented people who have brought challenging information to the public this year!


  • We wish the thank all the wonderful supporters who posted petitions, wrote letters and are requesting meetings with their Governors as part of the 50 States Ask Governors to Ban Glyphosate campaign.


  • Thank you to NYR Organic, George Klabin, Green Coop Japan, Dr.Bronners, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Kamut International, Functional Formularies, Frey's Vineyard, Naturepedic, Mercola, Functional Formularies, a Better Life Foundation and more. 

In the coming year, we have a very big development we are chomping at the bit to share with you. As soon as all of the details are in place, we will make a big announcement. We know that we have experienced some breakdowns this year, but with every breakdown, there is an opportunity for a breakthrough. We plan on expanding those breakthroughs in 2018, and with your continued support, we will.

Thank you for being caring, compassionate, and courageous in 2018.

We stand with you in partnership for health and freedom!


Zen Honeycutt and MAA Team

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